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Last active June 3, 2019 07:40
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A simple way to handle Exceptions thrown by tasks
Task T1 = new Task(() => { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException() { Source = "T1"}; });
Task T2 = new Task(() => { throw new NullReferenceException(); });
Task T3 = new Task(() => { Console.WriteLine("Artificial Cancellation"); throw new OperationCanceledException(); });
T1.Start(); T2.Start(); T3.Start();
Task.WaitAll(T1, T2, T3);
catch (AggregateException ex){
//1 Simple Example of Handling Exception
foreach (Exception inner in ex.InnerExceptions)
Console.WriteLine("Exception {0} : from {1}", inner.GetType(), inner.Source);
//2 Using Iterative Event Handler
ex.Handle((inner) =>{
if (inner is OperationCanceledException){
return true; //Handled Exception
} else {
return false; //Unhandled Exception
//Useful properties in Task instance
Console.WriteLine("Task1 Completed:{0} Faulted:{1} IsCancelled:{2} Exception:{3}", T1.IsCompleted, T1.IsFaulted, T1.IsCanceled, T1.Exception);
Console.WriteLine("Task2 Completed:{0} Faulted:{1} IsCancelled:{2} Exception:{3}", T2.IsCompleted, T2.IsFaulted, T2.IsCanceled, T1.Exception);
Console.WriteLine("Task3 Completed:{0} Faulted:{1} IsCancelled:{2} Exception:{3}", T3.IsCompleted, T3.IsFaulted, T3.IsCanceled, T1.Exception);
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