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Last active August 31, 2023 09:28
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Cumulative excess mortality after COVID vs Life Expectancy in 2019
#### Libraries ----
#### Data preparation ----
# Data from:
df_le <- read_csv("Downloads/life-expectancy.csv")
df_co <- read_csv("/Downloads/owid-covid-data.csv")
## Cleaning
df_co <- df_co %>% filter(continent == "Europe")
df_co_compact <- df_co %>%
filter(date == "2023-03-26") %>%
select(iso_code, excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million)
# `by the end of 2021` definition as per
df_vac <- df_co %>% select(people_vaccinated_per_hundred, iso_code, date) %>%
filter(date > "2021-12-01" & date < "2022-01-01") %>%
na.omit() %>%
group_by(iso_code) %>%
arrange(desc(date)) %>%
top_n(1) %>%
df_le_compact <- df_le %>%
filter(Year == 2019) %>%
select(Code, `Life expectancy at birth (historical)`)
df_le_compact <- df_le_compact %>%
rename(iso_code = Code) %>%
rename(life_expec = `Life expectancy at birth (historical)`)
df <- df_le_compact %>% inner_join(., df_co_compact, by = "iso_code")
df <- df %>% left_join(., df_vac, by = "iso_code")
PIGS <- c("ITA", "PRT", "ESP", "GRC")
df <- df %>% mutate(pigs_dummy = ifelse(iso_code %in% PIGS, 1, 0))
df <- df %>% mutate(swe_dummy = ifelse(iso_code == "SWE", 1, 0))
#### Analysis ----
# R^2 = 0.641
summary(lm(excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million ~ life_expec, data=df))
# R^2 = 0.6195 with vaccination rate at the end of 2021 added
summary(lm(excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million ~ life_expec + people_vaccinated_per_hundred, data=df))
# R^2 = 0.6052 with SWE dummy added
summary(lm(excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million ~ life_expec + people_vaccinated_per_hundred + swe_dummy, data=df))
# R^2 = 0.7069 with PIGS dummy added
summary(lm(excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million ~ life_expec + people_vaccinated_per_hundred + pigs_dummy + swe_dummy, data=df))
# Plot
df %>%
ggplot(., aes(y = excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million, x = life_expec)) +
geom_point() +
#theme_minimal() +
geom_text_repel(aes(label = iso_code), size = 3) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) +
labs(subtitle = "R^2 = 0.641",
title = "Cumulative excess mortality after COVID vs Life Expectancy in 2019",
x = "Life Expectancy in 2019",
y = "Cumulative Excess Mortality (per million)")
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