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Created November 16, 2011 09:55
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-- 1.
set serveroutput on;
cursor c_dept is
select department_name, avg(salary) sal
from departments join employees using(department_id)
group by department_name;
for i in c_dept loop
dbms_output.put_line('In departamentul "' || i.department_name || '" media salariilor este ' || i.sal || '.');
end loop;
-- 2.
set serveroutput on;
cursor c_ang is
select last_name, first_name
from employees
order by last_name;
type nume is record
v_nume employees.last_name%type,
v_prenume employees.first_name%type
v_ang nume;
open c_ang;
for i in 1..5 loop
fetch c_ang into v_ang;
if c_ang%FOUND then
dbms_output.put_line(i || ' ' || v_ang.v_nume || ' ' || v_ang.v_prenume);
end if;
end loop;
close c_ang;
-- 3.
set serveroutput on;
type tip_sal is table of employees.salary%type;
v_salarii tip_sal;
v_idx number(3) := &salariul;
type t_result is record
ln employees.last_name%type,
fn employees.first_name%type,
sal employees.salary%type
type t_results is table of t_result;
v_rez t_results;
select distinct salary bulk collect into v_salarii
from employees
order by 1 desc;
select last_name, first_name, salary bulk collect into v_rez
from employees
where salary >= v_salarii(v_idx)
order by 3 desc;
for i in 1..v_rez.last loop
dbms_output.put_line(v_rez(i).fn || ' ' || v_rez(i).ln || ' ' || v_rez(i).sal);
end loop;
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