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aliask / unifi_inform.lua
Created October 7, 2024 21:38
Unifi inform protocol Wireshark dissector
local inform_proto = Proto("inform", "Ubiquiti Unifi Inform Protocol")
local flag_values = {
[0x01] = "Encrypted",
[0x02] = "ZLibCompressed",
[0x04] = "SnappyCompressed",
[0x08] = "EncryptedGCM"

Migrate Rocket Pool minipools to "serverless" SSV

This guide is designed to migrate existing Rocket Pool minipools to a "serverless" SSV setup. It assumes that one or more Rocket Pool minipools has already been created in the standard way (with keys dervied from your node wallet) and is in "Staking" status using the Rocket Pool smartnode. This guide is intended for more advanced users, as there are risks associated with this approach. In addition to operator non-performance, the major risks are associated with (1) incorrectly disabling (or re-enabling) your Rocket Pool validator service and double-attesting (a slashing event), (2) selecting an operator with a non-whitelisted MEV relay and/or (3) failing to correctly set your fee recipient. Any of these mistakes can result in significant penalties to your stake.

Enable Doppleganger Protection in the Smartnode

As a safety measure, make sure that your smartnode has doppleganger protection enabled. This should not be needed, but if you make a mistake

aliask /
Last active November 27, 2023 17:44
Swapping a SATA to NVMe using Clonezilla - Optiplex 7040

Swapping a SATA to NVMe using Clonezilla - Optiplex 7040

I wanted to replace my existing SATA SSD with an NVMe drive, but not have to reformat and install from scratch.

This is the process I used


TL;DR - because:

  • I run an Ethereum node
aliask / XPWindowDocking.ahk
Created February 11, 2016 04:20
Windows 7 style window docking for XP
SysGet, monHeight, 62
SysGet, monWidth, 61
setWidth := monWidth/2
SysGet, monHeight, 62
SysGet, monWidth, 61