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Created December 16, 2013 16:17
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Save aliaspooryorik/7989693 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Code Coverage Analyzer
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true" requesttimeout="500">
<!--- path to folder where your application is --->
<cfset applicationroot = expandpath("../../../../../../")>
<!--- path to folder where your tests are --->
<cfset testsfolder = expandpath("../../")>
<!--- folders to exclude --->
<cfset exclude = "dev">
<!--- let's search the application first to see what methods are being called --->
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#applicationroot#" filter="*.cfm|*.cfc" recurse="true" name="scripts" type="file">
<cfset methodcalls = {}>
<cfloop query="scripts">
<cfif refindnocase("(\\|/)(#listchangedelims(exclude, "|")#)(\\|/)?", EQ 0>
<cfset methodcalls = findCalledFunctions( & '/' &, methodcalls)>
<!--- now let's see what we have tests for... --->
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#testsfolder#" filter="*Test.cfc" recurse="true" name="tests" type="file">
<cfset testedmethods = {}>
<cfloop query="tests">
<cfset testedmethods = findTestedFunctions( & '/' &, testedmethods)>
<cfset green = 0>
<cfset red = 0>
<!--- finally report on called functions with functions we have tests for --->
* {font-family:Courier; font-size:11px;}
</style><p>#scripts.recordcount# files found in folder '#applicationroot#'.</p>
<p>#tests.recordcount# Test cases found in folder '#testsfolder#'.</p>
<cfloop collection="#methodcalls#" item="methodname">
<cfif structkeyexists(testedmethods, methodname)>
<span style="color:green">#methodname#</span><br>
<cfset green++>
<span style="color:red">#methodname#<br>
<cfloop array="#methodcalls[methodname]#" index="usage">
<cfset red++>
<p>Found #structcount(methodcalls)# methods called of which it appears that there are #green# with tests and #red# without tests.</p>
<p>Estimated code coverage is #round((green/(green+red))*100)#%.</p>
function findCalledFunctions(required filepath, result={}){
local.filecontent = fileread(arguments.filepath);
// strip out JavaScript
local.filecontent = rereplacenocase(local.filecontent, "<script.+</script>", "", "all");
// strip out cfml comments
local.filecontent = rereplacenocase(local.filecontent, "<!---.+--->", "", "all");
// strip out cfml comments
local.filecontent = rereplacenocase(local.filecontent, "//.+(\n|\r)", "", "all");
local.matches = rematchnocase("\S+\.\w+\([^\)]+\)", local.filecontent);
for (local.match in local.matches){
local.methodname = rereplace(rematchnocase("\.\w+\(", local.match)[1], "\W+", "", "all");
if (!structkeyexists(arguments.result, local.methodname)){
arguments.result[local.methodname] = [{caller=local.match, script=arguments.filepath}];
arrayappend(arguments.result[local.methodname], {caller=local.match, script=arguments.filepath});
return arguments.result;
function findTestedFunctions(required filepath, result={}){
local.filecontent = fileread(arguments.filepath);
local.matches = rematchnocase("\.\w+\([^\)]+\)", local.filecontent);
for (local.match in local.matches){
local.methodname = rereplace(rematchnocase("\.\w+\(", local.match)[1], "\W+", "", "all");
if (!structkeyexists(arguments.result, local.methodname)){
arguments.result[local.methodname] = [local.match];
arrayappend(arguments.result[local.methodname], local.match);
return arguments.result;
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