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Created March 7, 2024 04:17
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wp upload file to media library
class Upload_File {
function upload_file( $file_url ) {
$path_info = pathinfo($file_url);
$file_name = $path_info['filename'];
$attachment_id = $this->get_attachment_id_by_filename($file_name);
if( !$attachment_id ) {
// does not exist yet, upload
$attachment_id = $this->upload_file_from_url($file_url);
return $attachment_id;
function upload_file_from_url( $file_url ) {
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' );
// download to temp dir
$temp_file = download_url( $file_url );
if( is_wp_error( $temp_file ) ) return false;
// move the temp file into the uploads directory
$file = [
'name' => basename( $file_url ),
'type' => mime_content_type( $temp_file ),
'tmp_name' => $temp_file,
'size' => filesize( $temp_file ),
$sideload = wp_handle_sideload($file, ['test_form' => false]);
if( ! empty( $sideload[ 'error' ] ) ) return false;
// add to media library
$attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment(
'guid' => $sideload[ 'url' ],
'post_mime_type' => $sideload[ 'type' ],
'post_title' => basename( $sideload[ 'file' ] ),
'post_content' => '',
'post_status' => 'inherit',
$sideload[ 'file' ]
if( is_wp_error( $attachment_id ) || ! $attachment_id ) {
return false;
// update medatata, regenerate image sizes
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php' );
wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $sideload[ 'file' ] )
return $attachment_id;
function get_attachment_id_by_filename($file_name){
global $wpdb;
$result = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE guid LIKE '%s' LIMIT 1;", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like($file_name) . '%' ));
if( $result ) {
return $result[0];
return false;
$uploader = new Upload_File();
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