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Last active January 23, 2019 14:59
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Off to Taiwan

ALICE HSIAO - Product Plan

  1. Personal Learning Goals:

    • Building a React Native front end
    • Creating wireframes and learning about design for a seamless UI experience
    • Using Express and Node.js on the backend to build an API (Taiwan Gov Data) and talk to External API (Google)
    • Working in the cloud (database and deployment)
    • Anything and everything Javascript
  2. Problem Statement:

    • For non-native speakers, gathering information about traveling in Taiwan is cumbersome. Having to navigate through various blogs, government websites, etc. it would be useful to have all that information in one place, with ability to save personal preferences and other information.
  3. Market Research:

    • Competition
      • Guides by Lonely Planet
        • Only three guides exist: Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Tainan. Taiwan is more than just these three cities.
      • Tour Taiwan
        • Built by the government
        • Wrapper of existing website
        • Loading information is slow and not smooth
      • Blogs and Websites
        • Information exists in many different places
        • Having a native experience is more efficient than pulling up a web browser on a mobile phone with multiple tabs
    • Differentiation
      • My product is not that much different than what is already out there. I want to highlight other cities in Taiwan, build a smoother UI experience, and let users save their personal preferences
  4. User Personas:

    • Target User Group: English Speaking Tourists
      • Key Characteristics:
        • Interest in traveling around Taiwan without paying for a tour guide
        • Interest in learning about the culture, trying out new foods, participating in outdoor activities and/or festivals
      • The application will aim to centralize the information a tourist might need when touring Taiwan
  5. Trello Board:

  6. Technology selections:

    • React Native
    • Node.js with Express
    • Data (JSON/CSV) from Taiwan Government Open Data
    • External API: Google API Suite
    • Database: MongoDB, Firebase
    • Deployment: AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  7. Wireframes:

    • Built in Balsamiq
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