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sudo scutil --set ComputerName "COMPUTERNAME"
sudo scutil --set HostName "COMPUTERNAME"
sudo scutil --set LocalHostName "COMPUTERNAME"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ NetBIOSName -string "COMPUTERNAME"
defaults -currentHost write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSUseAnimatedFocusRing -bool false
defaults write NSGlobalDomain PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool true
defaults write NSGlobalDomain PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint2 -bool true
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode -bool true
# the first 100, anyways
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $(curl -s --json '{"identifier": "", "password": "letmein"}' | jq -j ".accessJwt")" "" | jq -r '.mutes | .[] | .did' | xargs -I{} -P10 curl -s '{}' | jq -r '.alsoKnownAs[0]' | sed -e 's#at://#@#' | sort
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $(curl -s --json '{"identifier": "", "password": "letmein"}' | jq -j ".accessJwt")" "" | jq -r '.codes[].uses[].usedBy' | xargs -I{} -P10 curl -s '{}' | jq -r '.alsoKnownAs[0]' | sed -e 's#at://#@#'