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Created October 5, 2023 18:08
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a non-shadow FACE which works
// This is a pretty basic text input component using `ElementInternals` which
// is minimalist to the point of being essentially useless (it doesn't offer
// any functionality beyond what you get from just `<input type="text">`
// and in fact it merely wraps such an input!)
// However, it's useful as a simple example which is documented with a bunch of
// comments to explain how it all works.
// The component has:
// 1. Attributes for common things allowing you to easily inspect it's state in
// the browser.
// 2. Boilerplate for echoing the value of its `<input>` element out to the
// form it resides within.
// 3. Validation (where it's valid when filled out and invalid otherwise). Since
// this is using the `ElementInternals` validation APIs it should prevent
// submission of the form as long as it's invalid.
class CustomTextInput extends HTMLElement {
// we have to set this to true! See
static formAssociated = true;
constructor() {
// we also need to call this method and store the return value
this.internals_ = this.attachInternals();
this.__value = false;
inputEl() {
return this.querySelector("input");
spanEl() {
return this.querySelector("span");
// This setter handles echoing the updated value out to the associated form
// instance via the `setFormValue` method, updating our little `<span>` tag
// to show the current value of the input, and also ensuring that the
// validation state is up-to-date.
// Note that we don't need to pass a name or anything to `setFormValue`.
// Instead, the browser will look at the `name` attr on the instance of our
// CE to figure out what name to insert in the formdata.
// This is perhaps a bit more 'manual' than I thought this would be, but
// there's a lot of flexibility here with this type of imperative interface
// to the underlying form.
set value(v) {
this.__value = v;
this.internals_.setFormValue(v + "__test");
// we 'reactively' by which I mean 'imperatively and synchronously' set
// the `textContent` of our little span so that we can see the current
// value
this.spanEl().textContent = `Current value: ${v}`;
get value() {
return this.__value;
// a bunch of getters for various things (mostly for convenience)
get form() {
return this.internals_.form;
get name() {
return this.getAttribute("name");
get type() {
return this.localName;
get validity() {
return this.internals_.validity;
get validationMessage() {
return this.internals_.validationMessage;
get willValidate() {
return this.internals_.willValidate;
// check whether or not the input is valid without trigger a report
// (i.e. a user-visible "this isn't valid" popup)
checkValidity() {
return this.internals_.checkValidity();
// report to the user on the validity. is a UI no-op if it's valid, else
// shows a browser-native validation popup with the currently-set validation
// message
reportValidity() {
return this.internals_.reportValidity();
// this function reads the current value and then sets the validity state
// based on that. This is a really simple one where we're just checking that
// the user has made _some_ input (we don't care what it is)
manageValidity() {
if (this.value === "" || !this.value) {
// the first argument is an object with various flags we can set. See
// here:
{ valueMissing: true },
// then our custom validation message
"Hey, you've got to fill this in!",
// then (optionally) an anchor for where the validation message popup
// should show up
} else {
connectedCallback() {
// Create a shadow root which we'll used to hold the HTML elements for our
// simple element.
// this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
const input = document.createElement("input");
input.setAttribute("type", "text");
// This `onchange` handler which we attach to the `<input>` el inside of
// our CE's shadow DOM will take care of echoing its value out to the
// form. This can just use the setter we created above for `this.value`.
input.oninput = (ev) => {
const value =;
this.value = value;
// we'll do a little hacky 'reactive' thing with a span to show the
// current value
const span = document.createElement("span");
// Create some CSS to apply to the shadow DOM
const style = document.createElement("style");
style.textContent = `:host {
margin: 10px 0 ;
display: block;
:host span {
margin-left: 5px;
// set this so that the input always has a presence within it's associated
// form. this will also initialize the validation state correctly.
this.value = "";
window.customElements.define("custom-text-input", CustomTextInput);
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