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Last active April 1, 2024 07:52
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{:benchee, "~> 1.0"}
defmodule Benchmark do
def reduce(items, y) do
{items, _} = Enum.reduce(items, {[], y},
fn %{height: h} = item, {converted_items, y} -> {converted_items ++ [%{item | y: y}], y + h} end)
def reduce_with_reverse(items, y) do
{items, _} = Enum.reduce(items, {[], y},
fn %{height: h} = item, {converted_items, y} -> {[%{item | y: y} | converted_items], y + h} end)
def map_reduce(items, y) do
{items, _} = Enum.map_reduce(items, y, fn item, acc -> {Map.put(item, :y, acc), acc + item.height} end)
def recursion([], _), do: []
def recursion([%{height: h} = item | t], y), do: [%{item | y: y} | recursion(t, h + y)]
def tail_recursion(items, y, converted_items \\ [])
def tail_recursion([], _y, converted_items), do: converted_items
def tail_recursion([h | t], y, converted_items), do:
tail_recursion(t, y + h.height, converted_items ++ [%{y: y, height: h.height}])
def tail_recursion_with_reverse(items, y, converted_items \\ [])
def tail_recursion_with_reverse([], _y, converted_items), do: Enum.reverse(converted_items)
def tail_recursion_with_reverse([h | t], y, converted_items), do:
tail_recursion_with_reverse(t, y + h.height, [%{y: y, height: h.height} | converted_items])
"tail_recursion" => fn(items) -> Benchmark.tail_recursion(items, 1) end,
"tail_recursion_with_reverse" => fn(items) -> Benchmark.tail_recursion_with_reverse(items, 1) end,
"recursion" => fn(items) -> Benchmark.recursion(items, 1) end,
"reduce" => fn(items) -> Benchmark.reduce(items, 1) end,
"reduce_with_reverse" => fn(items) -> Benchmark.reduce_with_reverse(items, 1) end,
"map_reduce" => fn(items) -> Benchmark.map_reduce(items, 1) end
inputs: %{
"'list with 10 items'" => 0..10 |> _ -> %{height: 1, y: 0} end),
"'list with 1_000 items" => 0..1_000 |> _ -> %{height: 1, y: 0} end),
"'list with 100_000 items'" => 0..100_000 |> _ -> %{height: 1, y: 0} end)
Operating System: Linux
CPU Information: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz
Number of Available Cores: 8
Available memory: 3.53 GB
Elixir 1.13.2
Erlang 24.3.2
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 5 s
memory time: 0 ns
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: 'list with 10 items', 'list with 100_000 items', 'list with 1_000 items
Estimated total run time: 2.10 min
Benchmarking map_reduce with input 'list with 10 items' ...
Benchmarking map_reduce with input 'list with 100_000 items' ...
Benchmarking map_reduce with input 'list with 1_000 items ...
Benchmarking recursion with input 'list with 10 items' ...
Benchmarking recursion with input 'list with 100_000 items' ...
Benchmarking recursion with input 'list with 1_000 items ...
Benchmarking reduce with input 'list with 10 items' ...
Benchmarking reduce with input 'list with 100_000 items' ...
Benchmarking reduce with input 'list with 1_000 items ...
Benchmarking reduce_with_reverse with input 'list with 10 items' ...
Benchmarking reduce_with_reverse with input 'list with 100_000 items' ...
Benchmarking reduce_with_reverse with input 'list with 1_000 items ...
Benchmarking tail_recursion with input 'list with 10 items' ...
Benchmarking tail_recursion with input 'list with 100_000 items' ...
Benchmarking tail_recursion with input 'list with 1_000 items ...
Benchmarking tail_recursion_with_reverse with input 'list with 10 items' ...
Benchmarking tail_recursion_with_reverse with input 'list with 100_000 items' ...
Benchmarking tail_recursion_with_reverse with input 'list with 1_000 items ...
##### With input 'list with 10 items' #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
recursion 2.75 M 363.22 ns ±9777.46% 217 ns 557 ns
tail_recursion_with_reverse 2.37 M 422.81 ns ±9363.73% 268 ns 671 ns
tail_recursion 1.84 M 543.39 ns ±5748.26% 416 ns 1048 ns
reduce_with_reverse 1.82 M 550.84 ns ±7763.41% 323 ns 1006 ns
map_reduce 1.39 M 720.62 ns ±5381.42% 479 ns 1616 ns
reduce 1.32 M 756.62 ns ±4000.97% 482 ns 1263 ns
recursion 2.75 M
tail_recursion_with_reverse 2.37 M - 1.16x slower +59.60 ns
tail_recursion 1.84 M - 1.50x slower +180.17 ns
reduce_with_reverse 1.82 M - 1.52x slower +187.63 ns
map_reduce 1.39 M - 1.98x slower +357.41 ns
reduce 1.32 M - 2.08x slower +393.40 ns
##### With input 'list with 100_000 items' #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
recursion 265.44 3.77 ms ±14.84% 3.68 ms 6.27 ms
tail_recursion_with_reverse 164.16 6.09 ms ±32.13% 6.29 ms 10.61 ms
reduce_with_reverse 141.15 7.08 ms ±34.84% 6.51 ms 16.24 ms
map_reduce 83.93 11.92 ms ±31.23% 11.57 ms 26.51 ms
reduce 0.0386 25909.06 ms ±0.00% 25909.06 ms 25909.06 ms
tail_recursion 0.0380 26313.50 ms ±0.00% 26313.50 ms 26313.50 ms
recursion 265.44
tail_recursion_with_reverse 164.16 - 1.62x slower +2.32 ms
reduce_with_reverse 141.15 - 1.88x slower +3.32 ms
map_reduce 83.93 - 3.16x slower +8.15 ms
reduce 0.0386 - 6877.38x slower +25905.30 ms
tail_recursion 0.0380 - 6984.73x slower +26309.73 ms
##### With input 'list with 1_000 items #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
tail_recursion_with_reverse 56.63 K 17.66 μs ±19.90% 16.64 μs 27.73 μs
recursion 53.00 K 18.87 μs ±19.75% 17.66 μs 32.72 μs
reduce_with_reverse 45.46 K 22.00 μs ±17.62% 21.10 μs 37.79 μs
map_reduce 31.67 K 31.57 μs ±17.58% 29.60 μs 53.50 μs
tail_recursion 0.76 K 1316.87 μs ±17.70% 1272.94 μs 1798.91 μs
reduce 0.73 K 1378.07 μs ±23.06% 1318.21 μs 2851.13 μs
tail_recursion_with_reverse 56.63 K
recursion 53.00 K - 1.07x slower +1.21 μs
reduce_with_reverse 45.46 K - 1.25x slower +4.34 μs
map_reduce 31.67 K - 1.79x slower +13.91 μs
tail_recursion 0.76 K - 74.57x slower +1299.21 μs
reduce 0.73 K - 78.04x slower +1360.42 μs
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