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Last active April 23, 2024 22:02
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Entity sentiment analysis on text data in a Google sheet using Cloud Natural Language
* Performs entity sentiment analysis on english text data in a sheet using Cloud Natural Language (
COMMENTS: 'comments',
LANGUAGE: 'language_detected',
TRANSLATION: 'comments_english',
ENTITY: 'entity_sentiment',
ID: 'id'
* Creates a ML Tools menu in Google Spreadsheets.
function onOpen() {
.createMenu('ML Tools')
.addItem('Mark Entities and Sentiment', 'markEntitySentiment')
* For each row in the reviewData sheet with a value in "comments" field,
* will run the retrieveEntitySentiment function
* and copy results into the entitySentiment sheet.
function markEntitySentiment() {
// set variables for reviewData sheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var dataSheet = ss.getSheetByName('reviewData');
var rows = dataSheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
var values = rows.getValues();
var headerRow = values[0];
// checks to see if entitySentiment sheet is present; if not, creates new sheet and sets header row
var entitySheet = ss.getSheetByName('entitySentiment');
if (entitySheet == null) {
var entitySheet = ss.getSheetByName('entitySentiment');
var esHeaderRange = entitySheet.getRange(1,1,1,6);
var esHeader = [['Review ID','Entity','Salience','Sentiment Score','Sentiment Magnitude','Number of mentions']];
// find the column index for comments, language_detected, comments_english
var commentsColumnIdx = headerRow.indexOf(COLUMN_NAME.COMMENTS);
var languageColumnIdx = headerRow.indexOf(COLUMN_NAME.LANGUAGE);
var translationColumnIdx = headerRow.indexOf(COLUMN_NAME.TRANSLATION);
var entityColumnIdx = headerRow.indexOf(COLUMN_NAME.ENTITY);
var idColumnIdx = headerRow.indexOf(COLUMN_NAME.ID);
if (entityColumnIdx == -1) {
Browser.msgBox("Error: Could not find the column named " + COLUMN_NAME.ENTITY + ". Please create an empty column with header \"entity_sentiment\" on the reviewData tab.");
return; // bail
ss.toast("Analyzing entities and sentiment...");
// Process each row
for (var i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {
var value = values[i];
var commentEnCellVal = value[translationColumnIdx];
var entityCellVal = value[entityColumnIdx];
var reviewId = value[idColumnIdx];
// Call retrieveEntitySentiment function for each row that has comments and also an empty entity_sentiment cell
if(commentEnCellVal && !entityCellVal) {
var nlData = retrieveEntitySentiment(commentEnCellVal);
// Paste each entity and sentiment score into entitySentiment sheet
var newValues = []
for each (var entity in nlData.entities) {
var row = [reviewId,, entity.salience, entity.sentiment.score, entity.sentiment.magnitude, entity.mentions.length
if(newValues.length) {
entitySheet.getRange(entitySheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1, newValues.length, newValues[0].length).setValues(newValues);
// Paste "complete" into entity_sentiment column to denote completion of NL API call
dataSheet.getRange(i+1, entityColumnIdx+1).setValue("complete");
* Calls the NL API with a string
* @param {String} line The line of string
* @return {Object} the entities and related sentiment present in the string.
function retrieveEntitySentiment (line) {
var apiKey = "your key here";
var apiEndpoint = '' + apiKey;
// Create our json request, w/ text, language, type & encoding
var nlData = {
document: {
language: 'en-us',
type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',
content: line
encodingType: 'UTF8'
// Package all of the options and the data together for the call
var nlOptions = {
method : 'post',
contentType: 'application/json',
payload : JSON.stringify(nlData)
// And make the call
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiEndpoint, nlOptions);
return JSON.parse(response);
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aliciawilliams commented Sep 11, 2020

@madilk Thanks for the heads up on the blog, I am going to see if I can get it updated. Hopefully I can find some time to get the code updated for the new runtime too.

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madilk commented Oct 26, 2020

@aliciawilliams and others: The max runtime for Google Apps script is 6 min. I was trying NL API on cells where each cell had ~1000 char * 8 K rows. The closest SO thread I found on this topic was here but I'm not sure if/how this would translate to the NL API script posted above. From what I can read [as a non-dev] here, this generic script would check IF run time crosses 5 min THEN save results and start a new call ?

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e-orlov commented May 5, 2022

can't be saved as script: error SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier (line 74, file "")


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