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Last active January 1, 2020 08:11
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commit guide
#run & enter container
> docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash
#commit (not inside the docker)
1. check container id by cmd$ docker ps
2. commit
> sudo docker commit [container ID] [fileName.tar]
#save image
1. check image name by cmd$ docker images -a
2. save image(ubnsc)
> sudo docker save ubnsc > ubnsc.tar
3. check file.tar by cmd$ ls
#for verification (outside the docker)
1. check imageID by cmd$ docker images -a
> sudo docker rmi -f [ImageID]
if error as "image has dependent child images", del the base image first
2. load image from file.tar
> sudo docker load < file.tar
3.check images by cmd$ docker images -a
> sudo docker load < file.tar
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