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Created October 2, 2014 18:42
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Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.3.14)
// Compass (v1.0.1)
// ----
$body-font-family: Calibri, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif;
$header-font-family: $body-font-family;
@mixin bold-italic-uppercase-variant($bold :default, $italic: false, $uppercase: false, $variant: false) {
@if $bold { font-weight: bold; } @else { font-weight: normal; }
@if $italic { font-style: italic; }
@if $uppercase { text-transform: uppercase; }
@if $variant { font-variant: small-caps; }
@mixin type-size($size, $leading: false) {
font-size: $size;
@if $leading { line-height: $leading; }
@mixin margin-padding($type, $amount: false, $side: false) {
@if $side {
#{$type}-#{$side}: $amount;
} @else {
#{$type}: $amount;
@mixin border-outline($type: border, $width: 1px, $style: solid, $color: #333, $offset: false) {
@include border-outline-check($type, $width, $style, $color, $offset);
@if $width == 'none' {
#{$type}: $width;
} @else if $width == false {
} @else {
#{$type}: {
width: $width;
style: $style;
color: $color;
@if $type == 'outline' and $offset {
offset: $offset;
@mixin border-outline-check($type, $width, $style, $color, $offset) {
@if $type == 'border' and $offset {
@warn "#{$type} does not use offset";
@if $type == 'outline' { // wish this was cleaner! there's probably a better way to do this.
$widths: length($width);
$styles: length($style);
$colors: length($color);
$offsets: length($offset);
@if $widths > 1 or $styles > 1 or $colors > 1 or $offsets > 1 {
@warn "You cannot use mulitple values for #{$type} - only the first value will be used!";
/// Headers
//// h1
$h1-font-bold: false !default; // normal
$h1-font-italic: false !default; // normal
$h1-font-uppercase: false !default; // normal
$h1-font-variant: false !default; // normal
$h1-font-size: 2.5em !default;
$h1-line-height: 1.125em !default;
$h1-padding: 1em !default;
$h1-padding-pos: top !default;
$h1-margin: 0.3em !default;
$h1-margin-pos: bottom !default;
$h1-color: #444 !default;
$h1-border-width: 0 0 0.2em 0 !default;
$h1-border-style: solid !default;
$h1-border-color: #693 !default;
//// h2
$h2-font-bold: false !default; // normal
$h2-font-italic: false !default; // normal
$h2-font-uppercase: false !default; // normal
$h2-font-variant: false !default; // normal
$h2-font-size: 1.875em !default;
$h2-line-height: 1.5em !default;
$h2-padding: 0.8333em !default;
$h2-padding-pos: top !default;
$h2-margin: 0.7em !default;
$h2-margin-pos: bottom !default;
$h2-color: #555 !default;
$h2-border-width: 0 0 0.13333em 0 !default;
$h2-border-style: solid !default;
$h2-border-color: #693 !default;
//// h3
$h3-font-bold: false !default; // normal
$h3-font-italic: false !default; // normal
$h3-font-uppercase: false !default; // normal
$h3-font-variant: false !default; // normal
$h3-font-size: 1.5625em !default;
$h3-line-height: 1.4em !default;
$h3-padding: 1em !default;
$h3-padding-pos: top !default;
$h3-margin: 0.7em !default;
$h3-margin-pos: bottom !default;
$h3-color: #666 !default;
$h3-border-width: 0 0 0.1em 0 !default;
$h3-border-style: solid !default;
$h3-border-color: #693 !default;
//// h4
$h4-font-bold: false !default; // normal
$h4-font-italic: false !default; // normal
$h4-font-uppercase: false !default; // normal
$h4-font-variant: false !default; // normal
$h4-font-size: 1.25em !default;
$h4-line-height: 1.5em !default;
$h4-padding: 1em !default;
$h4-padding-pos: top !default;
$h4-margin: 1em !default;
$h4-margin-pos: bottom !default;
$h4-color: #777 !default;
$h4-border-width: false !default;
$h4-border-style: solid !default;
$h4-border-color: #693 !default;
//// h5
$h5-font-bold: false !default; // normal
$h5-font-italic: false !default; // normal
$h5-font-uppercase: false !default; // normal
$h5-font-variant: false !default; // normal
$h5-font-size: 1.125em !default;
$h5-line-height: 1.6667em !default;
$h5-padding: 1.1111em !default;
$h5-padding-pos: top !default;
$h5-margin: 0 !default;
$h5-margin-pos: false !default;
$h5-color: #888 !default;
$h5-border-width: false !default;
$h5-border-style: solid !default;
$h5-border-color: #693 !default;
//// h6
$h6-font-bold: false !default; // normal
$h6-font-italic: false !default; // normal
$h6-font-uppercase: false !default; // normal
$h6-font-variant: false !default; // normal
$h6-font-size: inherit !default;
$h6-line-height: inherit !default;
$h6-padding: 1em !default;
$h6-padding-pos: top !default;
$h6-margin: 0 !default;
$h6-margin-pos: false !default;
$h6-color: #999 !default;
$h6-border-width: false !default;
$h6-border-style: solid !default;
$h6-border-color: #693 !default;
// EXTENDABLES: For Base styles
%h1 {
font-family: $header-font-family;
@include bold-italic-uppercase-variant($h1-font-bold, $h1-font-italic, $h1-font-uppercase, $h1-font-variant);
@include type-size($h1-font-size, $h1-line-height);
@include margin-padding(padding, $h1-padding, $h1-padding-pos);
@include margin-padding(margin, $h1-margin, $h1-margin-pos);
color: $h1-color;
@include border-outline(border, $h1-border-width, $h1-border-style, $h1-border-color);
%h2 {
font-family: $header-font-family;
@include bold-italic-uppercase-variant($h2-font-bold, $h2-font-italic, $h2-font-uppercase, $h2-font-variant);
@include type-size($h2-font-size, $h2-line-height);
@include margin-padding(padding, $h2-padding, $h2-padding-pos);
@include margin-padding(margin, $h2-margin, $h2-margin-pos);
color: $h2-color;
@include border-outline(border, $h2-border-width, $h2-border-style, $h2-border-color);
%h3 {
font-family: $header-font-family;
@include bold-italic-uppercase-variant($h3-font-bold, $h3-font-italic, $h3-font-uppercase, $h3-font-variant);
@include type-size($h3-font-size, $h3-line-height);
@include margin-padding(padding, $h3-padding, $h3-padding-pos);
@include margin-padding(margin, $h3-margin, $h3-margin-pos);
color: $h3-color;
@include border-outline(border, $h3-border-width, $h3-border-style, $h3-border-color);
%h4 {
font-family: $header-font-family;
@include bold-italic-uppercase-variant($h4-font-bold, $h4-font-italic, $h4-font-uppercase, $h4-font-variant);
@include type-size($h4-font-size, $h4-line-height);
@include margin-padding(padding, $h4-padding, $h4-padding-pos);
@include margin-padding(margin, $h4-margin, $h4-margin-pos);
color: $h4-color;
@include border-outline(border, $h4-border-width, $h4-border-style, $h4-border-color);
%h5 {
font-family: $header-font-family;
@include bold-italic-uppercase-variant($h5-font-bold, $h5-font-italic, $h5-font-uppercase, $h5-font-variant);
@include type-size($h5-font-size, $h5-line-height);
@include margin-padding(padding, $h5-padding, $h5-padding-pos);
@include margin-padding(margin, $h5-margin, $h5-margin-pos);
color: $h5-color;
@include border-outline(border, $h5-border-width, $h5-border-style, $h5-border-color);
%h6 {
font-family: $header-font-family;
@include bold-italic-uppercase-variant($h6-font-bold, $h6-font-italic, $h6-font-uppercase, $h6-font-variant);
@include type-size($h6-font-size, $h6-line-height);
@include margin-padding(padding, $h6-padding, $h6-padding-pos);
@include margin-padding(margin, $h6-margin, $h6-margin-pos);
color: $h6-color;
@include border-outline(border, $h6-border-width, $h6-border-style, $h6-border-color);
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