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Last active October 17, 2024 16:33
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Plot graphs using the terminal (bash)

Bash Graphs

Line Graphs

Plot graphs using the terminal. E.g.,

> cat sensor.txt | awk -F ':| *' '{print $2}' | eplot -d -t CO2 2> /dev/null

  4000 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
       |         +      +.+.+       +         +         +        +         |
       |                :    .+                                CO2 +.....+ |
       |               +       .+                                          |
  3500 |-+            :          .+                                      +-|
       |              :            .+                                      |
       |             +               .+                                    |
       |             :                 +                                   |
  3000 |-+          :                   +                                +-|
       |            :                    .+                                |
       |            :                      .+.+                            |
       |            :                          .+                          |
  2500 |-+         :                             .+                      +-|
       |           +                               .+.+                    |
       |          +                                    .+.+                |
       |         +                                         +.+.+           |
  2000 |-+      +                                               .+.+.+.+ +-|
       |       +                                                           |
       |      +                                                            |
       |.+.+.+   +        +         +         +         +        +         |
  1500 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
       0         5        10        15        20        25       30        35


Install gnuplot and eplot. Follow their instructions, or...

# if ruby not installed
# sudo apt-get install ruby-full
sudo apt install gnuplot
sudo wget -q -O /usr/bin/ec
sudo wget -q -O /usr/bin/eplot


eplot uses files or data piped into it.

Create data file
echo 'Co2:1679        Temperature:18.01       Humidity:59.37
Co2:1677        Temperature:17.60       Humidity:60.69
Co2:1676        Temperature:17.34       Humidity:61.72
Co2:1679        Temperature:17.57       Humidity:62.62
Co2:1883        Temperature:18.94       Humidity:64.58
Co2:2173        Temperature:19.51       Humidity:68.00
Co2:2377        Temperature:21.16       Humidity:71.40
Co2:3207        Temperature:21.46       Humidity:74.27
Co2:3675        Temperature:20.71       Humidity:77.39
Co2:3886        Temperature:19.91       Humidity:80.15
Co2:3907        Temperature:19.23       Humidity:81.84
Co2:3898        Temperature:18.75       Humidity:81.75
Co2:3803        Temperature:18.32       Humidity:80.84
Co2:3667        Temperature:17.94       Humidity:79.86
Co2:3513        Temperature:17.62       Humidity:79.13
Co2:3347        Temperature:17.28       Humidity:78.46
Co2:3190        Temperature:17.00       Humidity:78.01
Co2:3038        Temperature:16.75       Humidity:77.68
Co2:2914        Temperature:16.50       Humidity:77.39
Co2:2796        Temperature:16.26       Humidity:77.13
Co2:2703        Temperature:16.05       Humidity:76.93
Co2:2599        Temperature:15.89       Humidity:76.79
Co2:2509        Temperature:15.72       Humidity:76.65
Co2:2433        Temperature:15.58       Humidity:76.50
Co2:2362        Temperature:15.49       Humidity:76.39
Co2:2291        Temperature:15.39       Humidity:76.18
Co2:2233        Temperature:15.33       Humidity:76.10
Co2:2177        Temperature:15.23       Humidity:75.98
Co2:2127        Temperature:15.22       Humidity:75.83
Co2:2091        Temperature:15.18       Humidity:75.78
Co2:2057        Temperature:15.07       Humidity:75.87
Co2:2022        Temperature:15.00       Humidity:75.90
Co2:1989        Temperature:14.95       Humidity:75.83
Co2:1962        Temperature:14.90       Humidity:75.77' > sensor.txt
> cat sensor.txt | awk -F ':| *' '{print $2}' | eplot -d -t CO2 2> /dev/null

  4000 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
       |         +      +.+.+       +         +         +        +         |
       |                :    .+                                CO2 +.....+ |
       |               +       .+                                          |
  3500 |-+            :          .+                                      +-|
       |              :            .+                                      |
       |             +               .+                                    |
       |             :                 +                                   |
  3000 |-+          :                   +                                +-|
       |            :                    .+                                |
       |            :                      .+.+                            |
       |            :                          .+                          |
  2500 |-+         :                             .+                      +-|
       |           +                               .+.+                    |
       |          +                                    .+.+                |
       |         +                                         +.+.+           |
  2000 |-+      +                                               .+.+.+.+ +-|
       |       +                                                           |
       |      +                                                            |
       |.+.+.+   +        +         +         +         +        +         |
  1500 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
       0         5        10        15        20        25       30        35

Bar Charts

For this, we need to just use gnuplot. Create a data file like this (first column is used for x value [position along axis], second for x label, and third for y value)

0 "eating" 2
1 "sleeping" 5
2 "basking" 3

Then, you can either create a commands.txt file like this and run gnuplot commands.txt

# display to terminal
set term dumb
# or save to png
set term png
set output "graph.png"

set title "my enjoyment of several activities"
set ylabel "enjoyment / a.u."
set xtics rotate by 45 right
set boxwidth 0.5
set style fill solid
set yrange[0:]
set offsets 0,0,1,0

# 1:3:xtic(2) uses 1st col as xvals, 3rd col as yvals, and 2nd col as xtick labels
#  notitle disables legend
plot "data.dat" using 1:3:xtic(2) with boxes notitle

or run the commands all-at-once with gnuplot -e

# plot from commands file, or...
gnuplot commands.txt
# ...convert file to string
cat commands.txt | sed 's/^#.*//g' | sed -z 's/\n\n/\n/g' | tr '\n' '; '
# plot !
$ gnuplot -e 'set term dumb; set title "my enjoyment of several activities";set ylabel "enjoyment / a.u.";set xtics rotate by 45 right;set boxwidth 0.5;set style fill solid;set yrange[0:];set offsets 0,0,1,0;;plot "data.dat" using 1:3:xtic(2) with boxes notitle'

                        my enjoyment of several activities
     6 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
       |          +                      +                      +          |
       |                                                                   |
     5 |-+                         *************                         +-|
       |                           *           *                           |
       |                           *           *                           |
     4 |-+                         *           *                         +-|
       |                           *           *                           |
       |                           *           *                           |
     3 |-+                         *           *          ************   +-|
       |                           *           *          *          *     |
       |                           *           *          *          *     |
     2 |-+   ************          *           *          *          *   +-|
       |     *          *          *           *          *          *     |
       |     *          *          *           *          *          *     |
     1 |-+   *          *          *           *          *          *   +-|
       |     *          *          *           *          *          *     |
       |     *    +     *          *     +     *          *     +    *     |
     0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
            eating               sleeping                basking
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