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Last active October 22, 2024 10:45
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Common RSS URL extensions

Common RSS URL extensions

I like blogs. I like RSS feeds. Often, blogs don't have an RSS feed link. Often, these blogs do have an RSS feed, thanks to whatever site generator they use.

Thus, I like to try and find the hidden feed. These are the URLs I usually put on the URL to try and find the feed.

For example, ->


automating it

run this in a bash shell to make an HTTP request to each of the above endpoints. The results will show HTTP status codes, hopefully the server has implemented 404s, so you can tell which files exist and which do not.

URL=""; feeds=( feed feed.xml rss rss.xml atom atom.xml index.xml ); for feed in "${feeds[@]}"; do http=$(curl -s -D - "${URL}${feed}" -o /dev/null | head -n1 | sed 's/\r//g'); echo "${http} ${feed}"; done

Specific site builders

If you know what site generator is used, they usually have a default RSS feed URL. Here are some

  • Hugo - /index.xml
  • Squarespace - ?format=rss / rss.xml
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