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Last active March 21, 2023 17:07
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Git Notes

Add new remote

git remote add <origin_name> <url_of_the_remote_repo>

Update existing remote

git remote set-url <origin> <url_of_the_remote_repo>

To see remotes names

git remote

To see remotes with source url

git remote -v

Update a remote name

git remote rename <current_remote_name> <updated_remote_name>

Delete a remote

git remove <remote_name>

Fetch remote tracking branch without merging

git fetch <remote_name>

Fetch the latest upstream from a branch

git fetch <remote_name> <branch_name>

Merge with the upstream that was fetched locally

git merge <remote_name>/<branch_name>

Rebase (Same as merge but without the merge commit)

git rebase <branch_name>

Pulls the latest upstream from remote (Fetches & then merges)

git pull

git pull <remote_name>

git pull <remote_name> <branch_name>

git pull origin master fetches commits from the master branch of the origin remote (into the local origin/master branch), and then it merges origin/master into the branch you currently have checked out.

git pull only works if the branch you have checked out is tracking an upstream branch. For example, if the branch you have checked out tracks origin/master, git pull is equivalent to git pull origin master

Merge without checkout

# Merge remote branch origin/foo into local branch foo,
# without having to checkout foo first:
git fetch origin foo:foo

List branches

git branch -a

Switch to existing branch

git checkout <existing_branch>

Switch & create new branch if doesn't exist

git checkout -b <branch_name>

Switch to a specific commit

git checkout <commit_hash>

Create new branch from a commit/branch (when current head is at a specific commit / branch)

git switch -c "in-app-messaging-fix"

Clone a branch

git clone -b <branch_name> <remote_repo>

Delete a branch locally

git branch -d <branchname>

Clone a specific branch (skips fetching other branches on this repo)

git clone -b <branch_name> --single-branch <remote_repo>

Delete a local branch

  • [Non-Force] git branch -d <branch_name>
  • [Force] git branch -D <branch_name>

Delete a remote branch

git push <remote_name> --delete <branch_name>


git push <remote_name> :<branch_name>

Clear cache for specific file

git rm --cached filename

Clear your entire Git cache

git rm -r --cached .

Shows last commit history

git log

git log -<number_of_history>

git log --oneline

Related to git log or git diff

q to exit and z to navigate next page

Shows diff comparing last commit

git diff

git commit --amend

git log --graph

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