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Last active September 5, 2024 15:23
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Save alimbada/4949168 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerShell script for sending Wake On LAN magic packets to given machines/MAC address(es)
## Wake.ps1, v1.0, 2013
## Adapted by Ammaar Limbada
## Original Author: Matthijs ten Seldam, Microsoft (see:
Starts a list of physical machines by using Wake On LAN.
Wake sends a Wake On LAN magic packet to a given machine's MAC address.
MacAddress of target machine to wake.
Wake A0DEF169BE02
Make sure the MAC addresses supplied don't contain "-" or ".".
param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="MAC address of target machine to wake up")]
[string] $MacAddress )
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
function Send-Packet([string]$MacAddress)
Sends a number of magic packets using UDP broadcast.
Send-Packet sends a specified number of magic packets to a MAC address in order to wake up the machine.
The MAC address of the machine to wake up.
$Broadcast = ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Broadcast)
## Create UDP client instance
$UdpClient = New-Object Net.Sockets.UdpClient
## Create IP endpoints for each port
$IPEndPoint = New-Object Net.IPEndPoint $Broadcast, 9
## Construct physical address instance for the MAC address of the machine (string to byte array)
$MAC = [Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress]::Parse($MacAddress.ToUpper())
## Construct the Magic Packet frame
$Packet = [Byte[]](,0xFF*6)+($MAC.GetAddressBytes()*16)
## Broadcast UDP packets to the IP endpoint of the machine
$UdpClient.Send($Packet, $Packet.Length, $IPEndPoint) | Out-Null
$Error | Write-Error;
## Send magic packet to wake machine
Write "Sending magic packet to $MacAddress"
Send-Packet $MacAddress
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