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Created January 20, 2010 20:13
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object LazyFib {
implicit def wrapStreamInt(s:Stream[Int]) = new StreamWrapper[Int](s)
def apply(n:Int):List[Int] = fibs().takeN(n)
def zipWith(f:(Int,Int) => Int, l1:Stream[Int], l2:Stream[Int]):Stream[Int] = {{x:(Int,Int) => f(x._1, x._2)}
def fibs():Stream[Int] = Stream.cons(0, Stream.cons(1, zipWith((x:Int,y:Int) => x+y, fibs, fibs.tail)))
class StreamWrapper[A](val value:Stream[A]) {
def takeN(i:Int):List[A] = {
var list:List[A] = Nil
for(x <- 0 to i) list = list ::: List(value(x))
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