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Created January 6, 2016 23:05
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Advent of Code F# Day 15 : perfect-cookie
Sprinkles: capacity 5, durability -1, flavor 0, texture 0, calories 5
PeanutButter: capacity -1, durability 3, flavor 0, texture 0, calories 1
Frosting: capacity 0, durability -1, flavor 4, texture 0, calories 6
Sugar: capacity -1, durability 0, flavor 0, texture 2, calories 8
let myIngredientsNoCalories =
[|[|5L; -1L; 0L; 0L|];
[|-1L; 3L; 0L; 0L|];
[|0L; -1L; 4L; 0L|];
[|-1L; 0L; 0L; 2L|]|]
let myIngredients =
[|[|5L; -1L; 0L; 0L; 5L|];
[|-1L; 3L; 0L; 0L; 1L|];
[|0L; -1L; 4L; 0L; 6L|];
[|-1L; 0L; 0L; 2L; 8L|]|]
let superSet =
[for i in 1L..100L -> i]
let rec combination n l =
match n, l with
| 0, _ -> [[]]
| _, [] -> []
| k, (head :: tail) -> ((@) [head]) (combination (k - 1) tail) @ combination k tail
let rec insertions x =
| [] -> [[x]]
| (y :: ys) as l ->
(x :: l) :: ( (fun x -> y :: x) (insertions x ys))
let rec permutations =
| [] -> seq [[]]
| x :: xs -> Seq.concat( (insertions x) (permutations xs))
let amountCombinations =
combination (myIngredients.Length) superSet
|> List.filter(fun amounts -> (amounts |> List.sum) = 100L)
let allAmountCombinations =
|> amounts -> amounts |> permutations)
|> m -> m |> List.ofSeq)
let amounts =
seq {
for ll in allAmountCombinations do
for lm in ll do
yield lm
let useCalories = true
let problemConfig =
match useCalories with
| false -> (myIngredientsNoCalories, [|0L; 0L; 0L; 0L|])
| _ -> (myIngredients, [|0L; 0L; 0L; 0L; 0L|])
let ing, foldSum = problemConfig
(fun amounts ->
amounts |> List.mapi(fun i v -> ing.[i] |> m -> m * v)))
(fun g ->
|> List.fold (fun acc el -> acc |> Array.mapi(fun i e -> e + el.[i]))
|> Seq.filter
(fun prods ->
(not(useCalories) || prods.[4] = 500L)
&& (prods
|> Array.filter(fun m -> m >= 0L)
|> Array.length) = prods.Length)
(fun prods ->
(prods |> Array.take 4) |> Array.reduce(fun acc el -> acc * el))
|> Seq.max
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