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Working from home

Alif Budiman alipbudiman

Working from home
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def ReconstructionDir(data=list):
dirr = []
for x in dir(data):
if "__" not in x:
return dirr
alipbudiman /
Created July 26, 2022 22:46
Simply print 'Hello, world' in console with python
Hello, world
Programmed to work and not to feel
Not even sure that this is real
Hello, world
def HelloWorld(program,even_sure):
if "to work" in program and "not to feel" in program:
alipbudiman /
Created May 11, 2022 00:53
Merage multiple list into one string
def MarageListToString(*data_list, categories=None, separated="###"):
to_list = []
for xi in range(len(data_list[0])):
r = ''
for xz in range(len(data_list)):
rl = data_list[xz]
if categories == None:r += rl[xi]
else:r += rl[xz]
r += separated
Error: Python 3.6 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Therefore, support for it is deprecated in cryptography and will be removed in a future release.
pip install fabric
pip uninstall -y cryptography # uninstall 37.0.0
pip install cryptography==36.0.2
alipbudiman /
Last active March 9, 2022 15:49
cek bilangan konsekutif di python3
p = str(input("masukan bilangan: "))
ls = []
stat = 'konsekutif'
stat2 = True
xi = p.isnumeric()
if xi == True:
for x in p:
def Catat_pemasukan(bulan,tahun,nominal):
if int(nominal) > 0:
key = bulan+" "+tahun
PEMASUKAN[key] = int(nominal)
return key+" +"+nominal
def Catat_pengeluaran(bulan,tahun,nominal):
## contoh implementasi sederhana penggunaan data arry untuk login di atm
storageATM = {}
cardIDBlockServer = {}
cardIDDatabaseServer = {