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docker service with portainer jenkins and registry
#!/usr/bin/env bash
DOCKER_PATH=$(which docker)
# PORT Number Definition
# ----------------------------------------------
# system ports
echo "docker path is : $DOCKER_PATH \n"
echo "jenkins port : $PORT_JENKINS \n"
echo "portainer port : $PORT_PORTAINER \n"
echo "registry port : $PORT_REGISTRY \n"
# PORT Number Definition END!
# ----------------------------------------------
# create Network
if [ -z "$(docker network ls -q -f name=main)" ]; then
echo "\n \n create network main \n"
docker network create --driver overlay main
# create Volumes
# ----------------------------------------------
# portainer_data
if [ -z "$(docker volume ls -q -f name=portainer_data)" ]; then
echo "\n \n create volume portainer_data \n"
docker volume create portainer_data
# jenkins_data
if [ -z "$(docker volume ls -q -f name=jenkins_data)" ]; then
echo "\n \n create volume jenkins_data \n"
docker volume create jenkins_data
# registry_data
if [ -z "$(docker volume ls -q -f name=registry_data)" ]; then
echo "\n \n create volume registry_data \n"
docker volume create registry_data
# create Volumes END!
# ----------------------------------------------
# create services
# ----------------------------------------------
# portainer
if [ -n "$(docker service ls -q -f name=portainer)" ]; then
echo "\n \n remove portainer service.\n"
docker service rm portainer
echo "\n \n create service portainer \n"
docker service create --name portainer --publish "$PORT_PORTAINER":9000 --replicas=1 --constraint 'node.role == manager' --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock --mount type=volume,src=portainer_data,dst=/data portainer/portainer -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
# registry
if [ -n "$(docker service ls -q -f name=registry)" ]; then
echo "\n \n remove registry service. \n"
docker service rm registry
echo "\n \n create service registry \n"
docker service create --name registry --network main --mount type=volume,src=registry_data,dst=/var/lib/registry --publish "$PORT_REGISTRY":5000 registry:2
# Jenkins
if [ -n "$(docker service ls -q -f name=jenkins)" ]; then
echo "\n \n remove jenkins service.\n"
docker service rm jenkins
echo "\n \n create service jenkins \n"
docker service create --name jenkins --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock --mount type=bind,src="$DOCKER_PATH",dst=/usr/bin/docker --mount type=volume,src=jenkins_data,dst=/var/jenkins_home --mount type=bind,src=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/,dst=/usr/lib/ --publish "$PORT_JENKINS":8080 --publish 50000:50000 --name jenkins sunnystatue/docker_in_jenkins
# create services END!
# ----------------------------------------------
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