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Save alisnic/c0ec8f12953d1a62f1df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Homebrew Formula for ImageMagick 6.7.7-10

Homebrew Formula patching old ImageMagick release 6.7.7-10


$ brew install


Mac OS X 10.9.2

$ cc --version
Apple LLVM version 5.1 (clang-503.0.38) (based on LLVM 3.4svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0
Thread model: posix
class Imagemagick < Formula
desc "Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats"
homepage ""
# Please always keep the Homebrew mirror as the primary URL as the
# ImageMagick site removes tarballs regularly which means we get issues
# unnecessarily and older versions of the formula are broken.
url ""
#mirror ""
sha256 "cac5dda165ab603a2f56110daf41811233d93c6fdd84e94a8430e057041d8e68"
head ""
bottle do
sha256 "9b39c38306699d171d20d63ce262041c24a56c46371d1e51734dc5f5450ca517" => :el_capitan
sha256 "c6576149b066086797d9e5ad1514320963a7b0984a6119aec1e13b46e08e7959" => :yosemite
sha256 "351cfda4a52c2722209be5b279002793752c134049c3b89ccee4faa59bdc82bf" => :mavericks
deprecated_option "enable-hdri" => "with-hdri"
option "with-fftw", "Compile with FFTW support"
option "with-hdri", "Compile with HDRI support"
option "with-jp2", "Compile with Jpeg2000 support"
option "with-openmp", "Compile with OpenMP support"
option "with-perl", "enable build/install of PerlMagick"
option "with-quantum-depth-8", "Compile with a quantum depth of 8 bit"
option "with-quantum-depth-16", "Compile with a quantum depth of 16 bit"
option "with-quantum-depth-32", "Compile with a quantum depth of 32 bit"
option "without-opencl", "Disable OpenCL"
option "without-magick-plus-plus", "disable build/install of Magick++"
depends_on "xz"
depends_on "libtool" => :run
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "jpeg" => :recommended
depends_on "libpng" => :recommended
depends_on "libtiff" => :recommended
depends_on "freetype" => :recommended
depends_on :x11 => :optional
depends_on "fontconfig" => :optional
depends_on "little-cms" => :optional
depends_on "little-cms2" => :optional
depends_on "libwmf" => :optional
depends_on "librsvg" => :optional
depends_on "liblqr" => :optional
depends_on "openexr" => :optional
depends_on "ghostscript" => :optional
depends_on "webp" => :optional
depends_on "homebrew/versions/openjpeg21" if build.with? "jp2"
depends_on "fftw" => :optional
depends_on "pango" => :optional
needs :openmp if build.with? "openmp"
skip_clean :la
def install
args = %W[
if build.with? "openmp"
args << "--enable-openmp"
args << "--disable-openmp"
args << "--disable-opencl" if build.without? "opencl"
args << "--without-gslib" if build.without? "ghostscript"
args << "--with-perl" << "--with-perl-options='PREFIX=#{prefix}'" if build.with? "perl"
args << "--with-gs-font-dir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/ghostscript/fonts" if build.without? "ghostscript"
args << "--without-magick-plus-plus" if build.without? "magick-plus-plus"
args << "--enable-hdri=yes" if build.with? "hdri"
args << "--enable-fftw=yes" if build.with? "fftw"
args << "--without-pango" if build.without? "pango"
if build.with? "quantum-depth-32"
quantum_depth = 32
elsif build.with?("quantum-depth-16") || build.with?("perl")
quantum_depth = 16
elsif build.with? "quantum-depth-8"
quantum_depth = 8
if build.with? "jp2"
args << "--with-openjp2"
args << "--without-openjp2"
args << "--with-quantum-depth=#{quantum_depth}" if quantum_depth
args << "--with-rsvg" if build.with? "librsvg"
args << "--without-x" if build.without? "x11"
args << "--with-fontconfig=yes" if build.with? "fontconfig"
args << "--with-freetype=yes" if build.with? "freetype"
args << "--with-webp=yes" if build.with? "webp"
# versioned stuff in main tree is pointless for us
inreplace "configure", "${PACKAGE_NAME}-${PACKAGE_VERSION}", "${PACKAGE_NAME}"
system "./configure", *args
system "make", "install"
def caveats
s = <<-EOS.undent
For full Perl support you may need to adjust your PERL5LIB variable:
export PERL5LIB="#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/perl5/site_perl":$PERL5LIB
s if build.with? "perl"
test do
system "#{bin}/identify", test_fixtures("test.png")
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