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Last active January 3, 2023 10:25
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HStreamDB Client Library Development Guidelines

HStreamDB clients and HStreamDB servers communicate with each other using messages formatted with Protocol Buffers using gRPC. The format of messages for sending requests and receiving responses is specified in the hstream.proto file. To implement the HStreamDB client library, developers should have basic knowledge of how to implement a gRPC client. The gRPC documents have some sections for learning gRPC basics.

Connect to HStream Server

Client libraries should support URL schemes hstream:// and hstreams:// (HStream with SSL/TLS). When using a URL without a port specified, it is expected to use the default HStream server port 6570.

Records producing (rpc Append)

To send data to HStreamDB:

  • client needs to be able to handle basic streams management jobs, as streams are the unit for sending data to HStreamDB
  • client needs to establish producers, which are usually buffered for incoming records

Manage Streams

The hstream.proto file defines the basic operations for client libraries to adapt: rpc CreateStream, rpc DeleteStream, and rpc ListStreams.

Append to Streams

The exposed API for the user should take three arguments: which stream to write to, the data record, and the partition key (which is optional).

A producer is an abstraction for appending to streams. The request to append to streams always makes many records in batch and sends out them at once. So an object (in programming languages) with a buffer for incoming records is used for this task.

It is recommended to implement the producer API that a producer is bound to only the given streams during its initialization, that is, a producer will always write to the same stream during its lifetime.

All data in streams are in the form of an HStream Record. There are two kinds of HStream Records:

  • HRecord: one thinks of an HRecord as a piece of JSON data, just like the document in some NoSQL databases
  • Raw Record: arbitrary binary data

In the Protocol Buffers, they got serialized as google.protobuf.Struct and bytes, respectively.

Partition keys are optional. If not given, the server will automatically assign a default key. Records with the same partition key should be guaranteed to be written orderly by buffered producers.

The Buffer

The buffer of a buffered producer is of the type map<partition_key, list<list<record>>>. That is a map of lists of lists of records, indexed by partition keys. The action of sending records to the HStreamDB server by the rpc Append and clearing the records in the buffer is called flush. The inner list of records is the unit of sending rpc Append as a batch. If the head buffer of the list is full, a producer will push the latter record into the tail of the next buffer. When the head element of the list of lists is full, the producer should flush the head buffer of the list asynchronously. Buffers of different partition keys can get flushed concurrently, but for the same partition key, one should await for the former request done and then send the next rpc Append request. So that records with the same partition key are guaranteed to be written orderly by buffered producers.

Encoding Records

The user faced records for writing to the producer and consist of a payload in the form of an HStream Record. But the record sent to the HStreamDB server will carry some metadata.

In the hstream.proto file, a message HStreamRecord is consist of payload (of the type bytes) and header (of the type HStreamRecordHeader) for metadata. The HRecord (serialized as google.protobuf.Struct) and the Raw Record (serialized as bytes) will get unified into the same representation bytes at this stage by the encoding algorithm provide by Protocol Buffers for various languages. In the metadata HStreamRecordHeader, a field flag is used to restore the right representation. The field key is for storing the partition key of the HStreamRecord.

The next step is to encode the HStreamRecords in batch. Here is an auxiliary type for the serialization of the HStreamRecords. A list of HStreamRecords (the unit of flush) will be first transformed into BatchHStreamRecords, and then use the algorithm provide by Protocol Buffers to serialize them into bytes. If the CompressionType of the producer is set to non-CompressionType::None type, the producer should compress the serialized bytes concerning the compression type. The processed payload will be set to the payload field of the message BatchedRecord. The message BatchedRecord also contains a field named publishTime which is NOT set by the client side. The time at which the message was published will get populated by the server.

Apart from the stream name and BatchedRecord, here is one more field in the message AppendRequest, the shardId. An algorithm for calculating the shard id can be described as follows:

  1. call the rpc ListShards to get all available shards
  2. apply the MD5 algorithm to the value of the partition key
  3. turn the result into a value of BigInt by parsing the dec string
  4. for each shard in the result of rpc ListShards, get the BigInt value by parsing the dec string startHashRangeKey and endHashRangeKey, if the predicate start <= x && x <= end is satisfied, return the shard id. (See
  5. if the predicate is not satisfied after the traverse, return an error

Service Discovery

Shard lookup needs to be performed each time a client needs to append to a shard. Those requests should be sent to the right server URLs, which is the lookup result.

Lookup can be done with an RPC call rpc LookupShard as described in the hstream.proto file.

Therefore, one can send an rpc Append request.

Records consuming (rpc StreamingFetch)

Manage Subscriptions

The hstream.proto file defines the basic operations for client libraries to adapt: rpc CreateSubscription, rpc DeleteSubscription, and rpc ListSubscriptions.

Streaming Fetch from Subscriptions

The rpc StreamingFetch is a bidirectional streaming RPC, which is used for fetching records from subscriptions.

Service Discovery

Subscription lookup needs to be performed each time a client needs to streaming fetch or from a subscription or delete a subscription. Those requests should be sent to the right server URLs, which is the lookup result.

Lookup can be done with an RPC call rpc LookupSubscription as described in the hstream.proto file.

Initialise Fetching Stream Request

To establish a fetching stream, one should send an initialization request to the HStreamDB server. The initialization request is consist of the subscription id, the new consumer name (the identifier of a fetching stream), and an empty list of ack ids. The response stream will be used in the incoming streaming fetching and Acks.

Ack Request

The client library should provide an ack() method for each received record to acknowledge that the message has been successfully processed. The method is implemented as sending a request with the same subscription id and consumer name of the initialization fetching stream request to the request stream, with the record IDs having been successfully processed in the field ackIds.

Decode Records

The response of streaming fetch is a list of record ids and a batch of received records. To decode the received records, the method is similar to how one encodes them which can be referred to from the above sections.

  1. match the compression type, choose the corresponding decompression algorithm, decompress the payload
  2. use the method provided by Protocol Buffers to decode the bytes into BatchHStreamRecords
  3. zip the received record ids for the decoded records, and provide the ack() method for each record to the user
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