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3D correlations from multiple 2D correlations for Will Wan
import einops
import numpy as np
import torch
import mrcfile
import napari
from torch_fourier_slice import project_3d_to_2d
from torch_image_lerp import sample_image_2d
from torch_grid_utils import coordinate_grid
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
# read in volume file
volume_file = '/Users/burta2/data/4v6x_bin4.mrc'
reference_volume = torch.tensor(
# make projections of a shifted copy of the volume
# this is our 'experimental particle'
# do the whole expriment a bunch of times to compare results
for i in range(100):
experimental_particle_3d = torch.zeros_like(reference_volume)
true_shift = np.random.randint(low=1, high=10, size=(3, ))
while np.linalg.norm(true_shift) > 30:
true_shift = np.random.randint(low=1, high=10, size=(3, ))
print(f'true shift: {true_shift}')
sx, sy, sz = true_shift
experimental_particle_3d[sx:, sy:, sz:] = reference_volume[:-sx, :-sy, :-sz]
# vis
# viewer = napari.Viewer(ndisplay=3)
# viewer.add_image(reference_volume.numpy())
# viewer.add_image(experimental_particle_3d.numpy())
# simulate a -60 to +60 tilt series of the reference
# rotation matrices rotate internal coordinate system (intrinsic rather than extrinsic)
tilt_angles = np.linspace(-60, 60, 41, endpoint=True)
rotation_matrices = R.from_euler(angles=tilt_angles, seq='y', degrees=True).as_matrix()
rotation_matrices = torch.tensor(rotation_matrices).float()
reference_projections = project_3d_to_2d(reference_volume, rotation_matrices=rotation_matrices)
# vis
# viewer = napari.Viewer()
# viewer.add_image(projections.numpy())
# simulate experimental projections from experimental particle
# (these would be extracted from TS in actual processing)
experimental_projections = project_3d_to_2d(experimental_particle_3d, rotation_matrices=rotation_matrices)
# correlate 2D images
reference_projections_centered = torch.fft.fftshift(reference_projections, dim=(-2, -1))
reference_projections_dft = torch.fft.rfftn(reference_projections_centered, dim=(-2, -1))
experimental_projections_dft = torch.fft.rfftn(experimental_projections, dim=(-2, -1))
correlations_2d_dft = reference_projections_dft * experimental_projections_dft
correlations_2d = torch.fft.irfftn(correlations_2d_dft, dim=(-2, -1))
image_center_2d = torch.tensor(reference_projections.shape[-2:]) // 2
# vis
# viewer = napari.Viewer()
# viewer.add_image(reference_projections.numpy())
# viewer.add_image(experimental_projections.numpy())
# viewer.add_image(correlations_2d.numpy())
# viewer.add_points(image_center_2d.numpy(), face_color='red', size=5)
# grid of possible 3D shift values
shift_grid = coordinate_grid(
center=np.array(reference_volume.shape) // 2,
# define a restricted region of valid correlations, here a sphere of radius 5
correlation_mask_3d = torch.linalg.norm(shift_grid, dim=-1) <= 35 # (d, d, d)
# get the 3D xyz shifts for each point within the correlation mask
valid_shifts_zyx = shift_grid[correlation_mask_3d, :] # (b, 3) array of zyx shifts
valid_shifts_xyz = torch.flip(valid_shifts_zyx, dims=(-1, ))
# project these 3D shifts into 2D
# shifts are (nshifts, 3)
# rotation matrices are (ntilts, 3, 3)
# result will be an
# - (ntilts, nshifts, 2) array of xy shifts
valid_shifts_xyz = einops.rearrange(valid_shifts_xyz, 'nshifts xyz -> nshifts xyz 1')
rotation_matrices_extrinsic = torch.linalg.inv(rotation_matrices)
rotation_matrices_extrinsic = einops.rearrange(rotation_matrices_extrinsic, 'ntilts i j -> ntilts 1 i j')
projection_matrices = rotation_matrices_extrinsic[..., :2, :]
projected_shifts_xy = projection_matrices @ valid_shifts_xyz # (ntilts, nshifts, 2, 1)
projected_shifts_xy = einops.rearrange(projected_shifts_xy, 'ntilts nshifts xy 1 -> ntilts nshifts xy')
# after projecting the shifts, let's sample the 2D correlation functions at projected shift positions
# remembering to fix xy -> yx for image sampling
sampling_positions_yx_2d = torch.flip(projected_shifts_xy, dims=(-1,)) + image_center_2d
# visualise sample positions relative to image center
# viewer = napari.Viewer()
# points_napari = einops.rearrange(sampling_positions_yx_2d[:, 0:5], 'ntilts nshifts yx -> (ntilts nshifts) yx')
# viewer.add_points(points_napari, size=0.1, face_color='cornflowerblue')
# viewer.add_points(image_center_2d.numpy(), size=0.5, face_color='red')
correlation_samples = torch.stack(
sample_image_2d(tilt_correlation_image, coordinates=per_tilt_samples)
for tilt_correlation_image, per_tilt_samples
in zip(correlations_2d, sampling_positions_yx_2d)
) # (ntilts, nshifts) array of per-tilt, per-shift correlation values
# now we can calculate the 3D correlation value by doing a sum of the 2D correlations
weights = torch.ones(size=(experimental_projections.shape[0], 1))
weighted_correlations = weights * correlation_samples
per_shift_correlations = einops.reduce(
weighted_correlations, 'ntilts nshifts -> nshifts', reduction='sum'
# which shift has the max correlation?
best_shift_idx = torch.argmax(per_shift_correlations)
best_shift = np.array(valid_shifts_zyx[best_shift_idx])
print(f'best shift: {best_shift}')
print(f'difference: {best_shift - true_shift}')
# something appears systematically off, tendency for z, y shifts to be 1 away from ideal
# cc peaks are very diffuse same as we saw in Cambridge - I'm not sure why but maybe you have an idea?
# otherwise the core of it is working!
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