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Rotational average 3D for Pranav
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Sequence, Tuple
import einops
import mrcfile
import numpy as np
import torch
import typer
cli = typer.Typer(name='raps_3d', no_args_is_help=True, add_completion=False)
def rfft_shape_from_signal_shape(input_shape: Sequence[int]) -> Tuple[int]:
"""Get the output shape of an rfft on an input with input_shape."""
rfft_shape = list(input_shape)
rfft_shape[-1] = int((rfft_shape[-1] / 2) + 1)
return tuple(rfft_shape)
def fft_center(
grid_shape: Tuple[int, ...], fftshifted: bool, rfft: bool
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Return the indices of the fftshifted DFT center."""
fft_center = torch.zeros(size=(len(grid_shape),))
grid_shape = torch.as_tensor(grid_shape).float()
if rfft is True:
grid_shape = torch.tensor(rfft_shape_from_signal_shape(grid_shape))
if fftshifted is True:
fft_center = torch.divide(grid_shape, 2, rounding_mode='floor')
if rfft is True:
fft_center[-1] = 0
return fft_center
def _indices_centered_on_dc_for_shifted_rfft(
rfft_shape: Sequence[int]
) -> torch.Tensor:
rfft_shape = torch.tensor(rfft_shape)
rfftn_dc_idx = torch.div(rfft_shape, 2, rounding_mode='floor')
rfftn_dc_idx[-1] = 0
rfft_indices = torch.tensor(np.indices(rfft_shape)) # (c, (d), h, w)
rfft_indices = einops.rearrange(rfft_indices, 'c ... -> ... c')
return rfft_indices - rfftn_dc_idx
def _distance_from_dc_for_shifted_rfft(rfft_shape: Sequence[int]) -> torch.Tensor:
centered_indices = _indices_centered_on_dc_for_shifted_rfft(rfft_shape)
return einops.reduce(centered_indices ** 2, '... c -> ...', reduction='sum') ** 0.5
def _indices_centered_on_dc_for_shifted_dft(
dft_shape: Sequence[int], rfft: bool
) -> torch.Tensor:
if rfft is True:
return _indices_centered_on_dc_for_shifted_rfft(dft_shape)
dft_indices = torch.tensor(np.indices(dft_shape)).float()
dft_indices = einops.rearrange(dft_indices, 'c ... -> ... c')
dc_idx = fft_center(dft_shape, fftshifted=True, rfft=False)
return dft_indices - dc_idx
def _distance_from_dc_for_shifted_dft(
dft_shape: Sequence[int], rfft: bool
) -> torch.Tensor:
idx = _indices_centered_on_dc_for_shifted_dft(dft_shape, rfft=rfft)
return einops.reduce(idx ** 2, '... c -> ...', reduction='sum') ** 0.5
def indices_centered_on_dc_for_dft(
dft_shape: Sequence[int], rfft: bool, fftshifted: bool
) -> torch.Tensor:
dft_indices = _indices_centered_on_dc_for_shifted_dft(dft_shape, rfft=rfft)
dft_indices = einops.rearrange(dft_indices, '... c -> c ...')
if fftshifted is False:
dims_to_shift = tuple(torch.arange(start=-1 * len(dft_shape), end=0, step=1))
dims_to_shift = dims_to_shift[:-1] if rfft is True else dims_to_shift
dft_indices = torch.fft.ifftshift(dft_indices, dim=dims_to_shift)
return einops.rearrange(dft_indices, 'c ... -> ... c')
def distance_from_dc_for_dft(
dft_shape: Sequence[int], rfft: bool, fftshifted: bool
) -> torch.Tensor:
idx = indices_centered_on_dc_for_dft(dft_shape, rfft=rfft, fftshifted=fftshifted)
return einops.reduce(idx ** 2, '... c -> ...', reduction='sum') ** 0.5
def _find_shell_indices_1d(
distances: torch.Tensor, n_shells: int
) -> List[torch.Tensor]:
"""Find indices into a vector of distances for shells 1 unit apart."""
sorted, sort_idx = torch.sort(distances, descending=False)
split_points = torch.linspace(start=0.5, end=n_shells - 0.5, steps=n_shells)
split_idx = torch.searchsorted(sorted, split_points)
return torch.tensor_split(sort_idx, split_idx)[:-1]
def _split_into_shells_3d(
image: torch.Tensor, n_shells: int, rfft: bool = False, fftshifted: bool = True
) -> List[torch.Tensor]:
d, h, w = image.shape[-3:]
distances = distance_from_dc_for_dft(
dft_shape=(d, h, w), rfft=rfft, fftshifted=fftshifted
distances = einops.rearrange(distances, 'd h w -> (d h w)')
per_shell_indices = _find_shell_indices_1d(distances, n_shells=n_shells)
image = einops.rearrange(image, '... d h w -> ... (d h w)')
shells = [
image[..., shell_idx]
for shell_idx in per_shell_indices
return shells
def rotational_average_3d(
image: torch.Tensor, rfft: bool = False, fftshifted: bool = True
) -> torch.Tensor:
n_shells = image.shape[-3] // 2
shells = _split_into_shells_3d(
image, n_shells=n_shells, rfft=rfft, fftshifted=fftshifted
means = [
einops.reduce(shell, '... shell -> ...', reduction='mean')
for shell in shells
return einops.rearrange(means, 'shells ... -> ... shells')
def main(
volume_file: Path = typer.Option(..., '--volume-file', '-i'),
output_file: Path = typer.Option(..., '--output-file', '-o', help='text file'),
volume = torch.tensor(
with, permissive=True, header_only=True) as mrc:
apix = float(mrc.voxel_size.x)
dft = torch.fft.fftn(volume, dim=(-3, -2, -1)).abs().square()
raps = rotational_average_3d(dft, rfft=True, fftshifted=False).numpy()
spectral_idx = np.arange(len(raps))
nyquist_idx = (volume.shape[-1] // 2) - 1
fraction_of_nyquist = spectral_idx / nyquist_idx
freqs = fraction_of_nyquist * (1 / (2 * apix))
del volume
np.savetxt(output_file, raps)
typer.echo(f'file with data saved to {output_file}')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
title='log(power) vs spatial frequency',
xlabel='spatial frequency (1/Å)',
ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(lambda x, _: f'1/{1 / x:.2f}')
ax.plot(freqs, np.log(raps))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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