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Created October 6, 2020 07:52
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convert dynamo markers files into imod model files
function dms2mod(markers_dms_file, model_file, image_file)
%%%%% Convert Dynamo markers (.dms files) into IMOD format model files (.mod)
%%%%% Requires MATLAB >= r2019a
%%%%% Requires Dynamo >= 1.1.478
%%%%% Requires IMOD >= 4.10.37
%%% Reading marker file
m = dread(markers_dms_file);
%%% Extract useful objects
markers = m.shapes;
n_markers = size(markers, 2);
tilt_angles = m.nominalTiltAngles;
n_tilt_angles = size(tilt_angles, 1);
%%% Extraction of coordinates in array resembling IMOD format (contour, x, y, z)
output = [];
for contour_idx = 1:n_markers
current_contour = markers(1, contour_idx);
xy = current_contour.coordinates;
for z_idx = 1:size(xy, 2)
c_xy = xy{z_idx};
if size(c_xy, 1) > 0
x = c_xy(1);
y = c_xy(2);
z = z_idx - 1;
output = [output; contour_idx, x, y, z];
%%% Write text file containing points in IMOD format
writematrix(output, 'tmp.csv', 'Delimiter', 'tab');
%%% Run point2model to obtain IMOD format model file
command = ['point2model -ci 5 -w 1 -co 120,120,255 -image ', image_file, ' tmp.csv ', model_file]
%%% Write out tilt angles
tilt_angle_file = strrep(model_file, '.mod', '.tlt')
writematrix(tilt_angles, tilt_angle_file, 'FileType', 'text')
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