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Created January 22, 2016 12:51
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Golang datetime formats
package main
import (
func main() {
var dates [4]time.Time
dates[0], _ = time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000000 MST -07:00", "1609-09-12 19:02:35.123456789 PDT +03:00")
dates[1], _ = time.Parse("2006-01-02 03:04:05 PM -0700", "1995-11-07 04:29:43 AM -0209")
dates[2], _ = time.Parse("PM -0700 01/02/2006 03:04:05", "AM -0209 11/07/1995 04:29:43")
dates[3], _ = time.Parse("Time:Z07:00T15:04:05 Date:2006-01-02 ", "Time:-03:30T19:18:35 Date:2119-10-29")
defaultFormat := "2006-01-02 15:04:05 PM -07:00 Jan Mon MST"
formats := []map[string]string{
{"format": "2006", "description": "Year"},
{"format": "06", "description": "Year"},
{"format": "01", "description": "Month"},
{"format": "1", "description": "Month"},
{"format": "Jan", "description": "Month"},
{"format": "January", "description": "Month"},
{"format": "02", "description": "Day"},
{"format": "2", "description": "Day"},
{"format": "Mon", "description": "Week day"},
{"format": "Monday", "description": "Week day"},
{"format": "03", "description": "Hours"},
{"format": "3", "description": "Hours"},
{"format": "15", "description": "Hours"},
{"format": "04", "description": "Minutes"},
{"format": "4", "description": "Minutes"},
{"format": "05", "description": "Seconds"},
{"format": "5", "description": "Seconds"},
{"format": "PM", "description": "AM or PM"},
{"format": ".000", "description": "Miliseconds"},
{"format": ".000000", "description": "Microseconds"},
{"format": ".000000000", "description": "Nanoseconds"},
{"format": "-0700", "description": "Timezone offset"},
{"format": "-07:00", "description": "Timezone offset"},
{"format": "Z0700", "description": "Timezone offset"},
{"format": "Z07:00", "description": "Timezone offset"},
{"format": "MST", "description": "Timezone"}}
for _, date := range dates {
fmt.Printf("\n\n %s \n", date.Format(defaultFormat))
fmt.Printf("%-15s + %-12s + %12s \n", strings.Repeat("-", 15), strings.Repeat("-", 12), strings.Repeat("-", 12))
fmt.Printf("%-15s | %-12s | %12s \n", "Type", "Placeholder", "Value")
fmt.Printf("%-15s + %-12s + %12s \n", strings.Repeat("-", 15), strings.Repeat("-", 12), strings.Repeat("-", 12))
for _, f := range formats {
fmt.Printf("%-15s | %-12s | %-12s \n", f["description"], f["format"], date.Format(f["format"]))
fmt.Printf("%-15s + %-12s + %12s \n", strings.Repeat("-", 15), strings.Repeat("-", 12), strings.Repeat("-", 12))
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