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Last active October 6, 2015 13:58
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my vimrc
" File-type highlighting and configuration.
" Run :filetype (without args) to see what you may have
" to turn on yourself, or just set them all to be sure.
syntax on
filetype on
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
" Intuitive backspacing in insert mode
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" No backup and swap file
set nobackup
set noswapfile
" No wrap long lines
set nowrap
" Show line number
set number
" Set auto indent
set autoindent
set shiftwidth=4 " komutla tab atılırken tabın boşluk sayısı (örn :>)
set tabstop=4 " Tab kaç boşluktan oluşuyor. Vim otomatik girintiyi bu değeri referans alarak atıyor.
" Fold lines
set foldenable
set foldmethod=indent " Girintiye göre fold edilsin
set foldnestmax=6 " İç içe en fazla 6 fold olsun
" Complete command
set wildmenu
" Colored 80th column. This is useful text align
set colorcolumn=80
set showmatch
set smarttab
" file encodings.
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1,iso-8859-1
" Folding and unfolding
map f :set foldmethod=indent<cr>zM<cr>
map F :set foldmethod=manual<cr>zR<cr>
" Snipmate Plugin'inde kullanılıyor.
let g:snips_author='Ali OYGUR'
let g:snips_author_email=''
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