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Created January 31, 2012 20:46
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Test of mxui/layout/fill in gist
steal('jquery/dom/dimensions', 'jquery/event/resize').then(function( $ ) {
//evil things we should ignore
var matches = /script|td/,
// if we are trying to fill the page
isThePage = function( el ) {
return el === document || el === document.documentElement || el === window || el === document.body
//if something lets margins bleed through
bleeder = function( el ) {
if ( el[0] == window ) {
return false;
var styles = el.curStyles('borderBottomWidth', 'paddingBottom')
return !parseInt(styles.borderBottomWidth) && !parseInt(styles.paddingBottom)
//gets the bottom of this element
bottom = function( el, offset ) {
//where offsetTop starts
return el.outerHeight() + offset(el);
pageOffset = function( el ) {
return el.offset().top
offsetTop = function( el ) {
return el[0].offsetTop;
inFloat = function( el, parent ) {
while ( el && el != parent ) {
var flt = $(el).css('float')
if ( flt == 'left' || flt == 'right' ) {
return flt;
el = el.parentNode
* @function jQuery.fn.mxui_layout_fill
* @parent Mxui
* @test mxui/layout/fill/funcunit.html
* @plugin mxui/layout/fill
* Fills a parent element's height with the another
* element. This is extremely useful for complex layout,
* especially when you want to account for line-wrapping.
* ## Basic Example
* If you have the following html:
* <div id='box'>
* <p>I am a long heading.</p>
* <div id='child'>I'm a child.</div>
* </div>
* The follow makes `#child` fill up `#box`:
* $('#child').mxui_layout_fill("#box")
* ## Demo
* @demo mxui/layout/fill/demo.html
* ## Limitations
* Fill currently does not well with:
* - Bleeding margins - Where margins leak through parent elements
* because the parent elements do not have a padding or border.
* - Tables - You shouldn't be using tables to do layout anyway.
* - Floated Elements - the child element has `float: left` or `float: right`
* @param {HTMLElement|selector} [parent] the parent element
* to fill, defaults to the element's parent.
* The following fills the parent to `#child`:
* $('#child').mxui_layout_fill()
* A selector can also be pased. This selector is passed to jQuery's
* closet method. The following matches the first `#parent` element that
* is a parentNode of `#child`:
* $('#child').mxui_layout_fill("#parent")
* An element or window can also be passed. The following will make
* `#child` big enough so the entire window is filled:
* $('#child').mxui_layout_fill(window)
* @return {jQuery} the original jQuery collection for chaining.
filler = $.fn.mxui_layout_fill = function( parent ) {
// setup stuff on every element
var options = parent;
options || (options = {});
if(typeof options == 'string'){
options = this.closest(options)
if ( options.jquery || options.nodeName ) {
options = {parent: options};
options.parent || (options.parent = $(this).parent())
options.parent = $(options.parent)
var thePage = isThePage(options.parent[0]);
if ( thePage ) {
options.parent = $(window)
var evData = {
filler: $(this),
inFloat: inFloat(this, thePage ? document.body : options.parent[0]),
options: options
cb = function(){
filler.parentResize.apply(this, arguments)
$(options.parent).bind('resize', evData, cb);
//if this element is removed, take it out
$(this).bind('destroyed', evData, function( ev ) {
$(options.parent).unbind('resize', cb)
//add a resize to get things going
var func = function() {
if ( $.isReady ) {
} else {
return this;
$.extend(filler, {
parentResize: function( ev ) {
if (':hidden')) {
var parent = $(this),
isWindow = this == window,
container = (isWindow ? $(document.body) : parent),
//if the parent bleeds margins, we don't care what the last element's margin is
isBleeder = bleeder(parent),
children = container.children().filter(function() {
if ( matches.test(this.nodeName.toLowerCase()) ) {
return false;
var get = $.curStyles(this, ['position', 'display']);
return get.position !== "absolute" && get.position !== "fixed" && get.display !== "none" && !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden(this)
last = children.eq(-1),
parentHeight = parent.height() - (isWindow ? parseInt(container.css('marginBottom'), 10) || 0 : 0),
var div = '<div style="height: 0px; line-height:0px;overflow:hidden;' + ( ? 'clear: both' : '') + ';"/>'
if ( isBleeder ) {
//temporarily add a small div to use to figure out the 'bleed-through' margin
//of the last element
last = $(div).appendTo(container);
//for performance, we want to figure out the currently used height of the parent element
// as quick as possible
// we can use either offsetTop or offset depending ...
if ( last && last.length > 0 ) {
if ( last.offsetParent()[0] === container[0] ) {
currentSize = last[0].offsetTop + last.outerHeight();
} else if (last.offsetParent()[0] === container.offsetParent()[0]) {
// add pos abs for IE7 but
// might need to adjust for the addition of first's hheight
var curLast =last[0].offsetTop;
first = $(div).prependTo(container);
currentSize = ( curLast + last.outerHeight() ) - first[0].offsetTop;
} else {
// add first so we know where to start from .. do not bleed in this case
first = $(div).prependTo(container);
/*console.log('last', last,'last-top', last.offset().top, 'last-height',last.outerHeight(),
'\nct',container, "container-top",container.offset().top,
'\nfirst',first, "first-top",
last.offsetParent()[0] === container.offsetParent()[0]);*/
currentSize = ( last.offset().top + last.outerHeight() ) - first.offset().top //- container.offset().top
// what the difference between the parent height and what we are going to take up is
var delta = parentHeight - currentSize,
// the current height of the object
fillerHeight =;
//adjust the height
if ( ) {
// we don't care about anything else ... we are likely absolutely positioned
//we need to fill the parent width ...
// temporarily collapse ... then expand ...;
var parentWidth = parent.width(),
parentHeight = parent.height();;;
} else {
//console.log(, "parentHeight",parentHeight, "currentSize",currentSize) + delta)
//remove the temporary element
if ( isBleeder ) {
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