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Forked from raskasa/
Created December 30, 2012 05:56
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  1. Meet Python - Python Basics
  2. Sharing Your Code
  3. Files and Exceptions
  4. Persistence: Saving Data to Files
  5. Comprehending Data
  6. Custom Data Objects
  7. Web Development
  8. Mobile App Development
  9. Manage Your Data: Handling Input
  10. Scaling Your Web App
  11. Dealing with Complexity: Data Wrangling
  12. Leftovers: Last but Not Least


  • Run Python 3 from the command line or from within IDLE.
  • Identifiers are names that refer to data objects. The identifiers have no “type,” but the data objects that they refer to do.
  • print() BIF displays a message on screen.
  • A list is a collection of data, separated by commas and surrounded by square brackets.
  • Lists are like arrays on steroids.
  • Lists can be used with BIFs, but also support a bunch of list methods.
  • Lists can hold any data, and the data can be of mixed type. Lists can also hold other lists.
  • Lists shrink and grow as needed. All of the memory used by your data is managed by Python for you.
  • Python uses indentation to group statements together.
  • len() BIF provides a length of some data object or count the number of items in a collection, such as a list.
  • The for loop lets you iterate a list and is often more convenient to use that an equivalent while loop.
  • The if... else... statement lets you make decisions in your code.
  • isinstance() BIF checks whether an identifier refers to a data object of some specified type.
  • Use def to define a custom function.
  • Python Lingo
    • BIF - a built-in function.
    • Suite - a block of Python code, which is indented to indicate grouping.
    • Batteries included - a way of referring to the fact that Python comes with most everything you'll need to get going quickly and productively.
  • IDLE Notes
    • The IDLE shell lets you experiment with your code as your write it.
    • Adjust IDLE's preferences to suit the way you work.
    • Remember: when working with the shell, use Alt-P for Previous and use Alt-N for Next (but use Ctrl if you're on Mac).


  • A module is a text file that contains Python code.
  • The distribution utilities let you turn your module into a shareable package.
  • The program provides metadata about your module and is used to build, install, and upload your packaged distribution.
  • Import your module into other programs using the import statement.
  • Each module in Python provides its own namespace, and the namespace name is used to qualify the module’s functions when invoking them using the module.function() form.
  • Specifically import a function from a module into the current namespace using the from module import function form of the import statement.
  • Use # to comment-out a line of code or to add a short, one-line comment to your program.
  • The built-in functions (BIFs) have their own namespace called __builtins__, which is automatically included in every Python program.
  • The range() BIF can be used with for to iterate a fixed number of times.
  • Including end=’’ as a argument to the print() BIF switches off its automatic inclusion of a new-line on output.
  • Arguments to your functions are optional if you provide them with a default value.
  • Python Lingo
    • Use a "triple-quoted string" """ to include a multiple-line comment in your code.
    • PyPi is the Python Package Index and is well worth a visit.
    • A namespace is a place in Python's memory where names exist.
    • Python's main namespace is know as __main__.
  • IDLE Notes
    • Press F5 to "run" the code in the IDLE edit windows.
    • When you press F5 to "load" a module's code into the IDLE shell, the module's names are specifically imported into IDLE's namespace. This is a convenience when using IDLE. Within your code, you need to use the import statement explicitly.


  • Use the open() BIF to open a disk file, creating an iterator that reads data from the file one line at a time.
  • The readline() method reads a single line from an opened file.
  • The seek() method can be used to “rewind” a file to the beginning.
  • The close() method closes a previously opened file.
  • The split() method can break a string into a list of parts.
  • An unchangeable, constant list in Python is called a tuple. Once list data is assigned to a tuple, it cannot be changed. Tuples are immutable.
  • A ValueError occurs when your data does not conform to an expected format.
  • An IOError occurs when your data cannot be accessed properly (e.g., perhaps your data file has been moved or renamed).
  • The help() BIF provides access to Python’s documentation within the IDLE shell.
  • The find() method locates a specific substring within another string.
  • The not keyword negates a condition.
  • The try/except statement provides an exception-handling mechanism, allowing you to protect lines of code that might result in a runtime error.
  • The pass statement is Python’s empty or null statement; it does nothing.
  • Python Lingo
    • An "exception" occurs as a result of a runtime error, producing a traceback.
    • A "traceback" is a detailed description of the runtime error that has occured.
  • IDLE Notes
    • Access Python's documentation by choosing Python Docs from IDLE's Help menu. The Python 3 documentation set should open in your favorite web browser.


  • The strip() method removes unwanted whitespace from strings.
  • The file argument to the print() BIF controls where data is sent/saved.
  • The finally suite is always executed no matter what exceptions occur within a try/except statement.
  • An exception object is passed into the except suite and can be assigned to an identifier using the as keyword.
  • The str() BIF can be used to access the stringed representation of any data object that supports the conversion.
  • The locals() BIF returns a collection of variables within the current scope.
  • The in operator tests for membership.
  • The + operator concatenates two strings when used with strings but adds two numbers together when used with numbers.
  • The with statement automatically arranges to close all opened files, even when exceptions occur. The with statement uses the as keyword, too.
  • sys.stdout is what Python calls “standard output” and is available from the standard library’s sys module.
  • The standard library’s pickle module lets you easily and efficiently save and restore Python data objects to disk.
  • The pickle.dump() function saves data to disk.
  • The pickle.load() function restores data from disk.
  • Python Lingo
    • "Immutable types" - data types in Python that, once assigned a value, cannot have that value changed.
    • "Pickling" - the process of saving a data object to persistence storage.
    • "Unpickling" - the process of restoring a saved data object from persistence storage.


  • The sort() method changes the ordering of lists in-place.
  • The sorted() BIF sorts most any data structure by providing copied sorting.
  • Pass reverse=True to either sort() or sorted() to arrange your data in descending order.
  • When you have code like this:
     new_l = []
     for t in old_l: 
    rewrite it to use a list comprehension, like this:
     new_l = [len(t) for t in old_l]
  • To access more than one data item from a list, use a slice. For example:

accesses the items from index location 3 up-to-but-not-including index location 6.

  • Create a set using the set() factory function.
  • Python Lingo
    • "In-place" sorting - transforms and then replaces.
    • "Copied" sorting - transforms and then returns.
    • "Method Chaining" - reading from left to right, applies a collection of methods to data.
    • "Function Chaining" - reading from right to left, applies a collection of functions to data.
    • "List Comprehension" - specify a transformation on one line (as opposed to using an iteration).
    • A "slice" - access more than one item from a list.
    • A "set" - a collection of unordered data items that contains no duplicates.


  • Create a empty dictionary using the dict() factory function or using {}.
  • To access the value associated with the key Name in a dictionary called person, use the familiar square bracket notation: person['Name'].
  • Like list and set, a Python’s dictionary dynamically grows as new data is added to the data structure.
  • Populate a dictionary as you go: new_d = {} or new_d = dict() and then new_d['Name'] = 'Eric Idle' or do the same thing all in the one go: new_d = {'Name': 'Eric Idle'}
  • The class keyword lets you define a class.
  • Class methods (your code) are defined in much the same way as functions, that is, with the def keyword.
  • Class attributes (your data) are just like variables that exist within object instances.
  • The __init__() method can be defined within a class to initialize object instances.
  • Every method defined in a class must provide self as its first argument.
  • Every attribute in a class must be prefixed with self in order to associate it data with its instance.
  • Classes can be built from scratch or can inherit from Python’s built-in classes or from other custom classes.
  • Classes can be put into a Python module and uploaded to PyPI.
  • Python Lingo
    • "Dictionary" - a built-in data structure that allows you to associate data values with keys.
    • "Key" - the look-up part of the dictionary.
    • "Value" - the data part of the dictionary (which can be any value, including another data structure).
    • "self" - a method argument that always refers to the current object instance.


  • The Model-View-Controller pattern lets you design and build a webapp in a maintainable way.
  • The model stores your webapp’s data.
  • The view displays your webapp’s user interface.
  • The controller glues everything together with programmed logic.
  • The standard library string module includes a class called Template, which supports simple string substitutions.
  • The standard library http.server module can be used to build a simple web server in Python.
  • The standard library cgi module provides support for writing CGI scripts.
  • The standard library glob module is great for working with lists of filenames.
  • Set the executable bit with the chmod +x command on Linux and Mac OS X.
  • The standard library cgitb module, when enabled, lets you see CGI coding errors within your browser.
  • Use cgitb.enable() to switch on CGI tracking in your CGI code.
  • Use cgi.FieldStorage() to access data sent to a web server as part of a web request; the data arrives as a Python dictionary.
  • Python Lingo
    • "@property" - a decorator that lets you arrange for a class method to appear as if it is a class attribute.
  • Web Lingo
    • "webapp" - a program that runs on the Web.
    • "web request" - sent from the web browser to the web server.
    • "web response" - sent from the web server to the web browser in response to a web request.
    • "CGI" - the Common Gateway Interface, which allows a web server to run a server-side program.
    • "CGI script" - another name for a server-side program.


  • The json library module lets you convert Python’s built-in types to the text-based JSON data interchange format.
  • Use json.dumps() to create a stringed version of a Python type.
  • Use json.loads() to create a Python type from a JSON string.
  • Data sent using JSON needs to have its Content-Type: set to application/json.
  • The urllib and urllib2 library modules (both available in Python 2) can be used to send encoded data from a program to a web server (using the urlencode() and urlopen() functions).
  • The sys module provides the sys.stdin, sys.stdout, and sys.stderr input streams.
  • Python Lingo
    • "Python 2" - the previous release of Python, which has compatibility "issues" with Python 3 (and are not worth getting worked up over).
  • Android Lingo
    • "SL4A" - the Scripting Layer for Android lets you run Python on your Android device.
    • "AVD" - an Android Virtual Device which lets you emulate your Android device on your computer.


  • The fieldStorage() method from the standard library’s cgi module lets you access data sent to your web server from within your CGI script.
  • The standard os library includes the environ dictionary providing convenient access to your program’s environment settings.
  • The SQLite database system is included within Python as the sqlite3 standard library.
  • The connect() method establishes a connection to your database file.
  • The cursor() method lets you communicate with your database via an existing connection.
  • The execute() method lets you send an SQL query to your database via an existing cursor.
  • The commit() method makes changes to your database permanent.
  • The rollback() method cancels any pending changes to your data.
  • The close() method closes an existing connection to your database.
  • The ? placeholder lets you parameterize SQL statements within your Python code.
  • Python Lingo
    • "Database API" - a standardized mechanism for accessing an SQL-based database system from within a Python program.
  • Database Lingo
    • "Database" - a collection of one or more tables
    • "Table" - a collection of one or more rows of data, arranged as one or more columns.
    • "SQL" - the "Structured Query Language" is the language of the database world and it lets you work with your data in your database using statements such as CREATE, INSERT, and SELECT.


  • Every AppEngine webapp must have a configuration file called app.yaml.
  • Use the GAE Launcher to start, stop, monitor, test, upload, and deploy your webapps.
  • App Engine’s templating technology is based on the one use in the Django Project.
  • App Engine can also use Django’s Form Validation Framework.
  • Use the self.response object to construct a GAE web response.
  • Use the self.request object to access form data within a GAE webapp.
  • When responding to a GET request, implement the required functionality in a get() method.
  • When responding to a POST request, implement the required functionality in a post() method.
  • Store data in the App Engine datastore using the put() method.
  • App Engine Lingo
    • "Datastore" - the data repository used by Google App Engine to permanently store your data.
    • "Entity" - the name used for a "row of data".
    • "Property" - the name used for a "data value".


  • The input() BIF lets you prompt and receive input from your users.
  • If you find yourself using Python 2 and in need of the input()function, use the raw_input() function instead.
  • Build complex data structures by combining Python’s built-in lists, sets, and dictionaries.
  • The time module, which is part of the standard library, has a number of functions that make converting between time formats possible.
  • Python Lingo
    • A "conditional" list comprehension is on that includes a trailing "if" statement, allowing you to control which items are added to the new list as the comprehension runs.
    • List comprehensions can be rewritten as an equivalent "for" loop.


  • Learn to use a professional IDE: WingWare Python IDE (for Windows) and KDevelop IDE (for Linux) are good choices.
  • Python has 2 testing frameworks in the standard library: "unittest" (based on the popular xUnit testing framework) and "doctest".
  • Take time to form an understanding of the following concepts:
    • Anonymous functions
    • Generators
    • Custom exceptions
    • Function decorators
    • Metaclasses
  • Python supports regular expressions--to learn more search the re module in the Python documentation.
  • Some popular Python web frameworks are Django, Zope, TurboGears, Web2py, and Pylons.
  • An alternative to SQL databases are ORM's (object relational mappers) and NoSQL datbases.
  • ORM's provide an object-oriented interface to your data, exposing it via method calls and attribute lookups as opposed to columns and rows.
  • A populat ORM is SQL Alchemy--it supports both Python 2 and 3. Google App Engine's datastore API is very similar to ORM.
  • NoSQL provides a non-SQL API's to your data. If you like working with your data in a Python dictionary and wished your database technology let you store data in much the same way, then NoSQL is for you.
  • Popular NoSQL databases are MongoDB and CouchDB.
  • Python supports programming of GUI's for native apps with the pre-installed "tkinter". There are also PyGTK, PyKDE, wxPython, and PyQT (but their main support is for Python 2).
  • Threads in Python are available, but DON'T use them if you don't have too.
  • This has everything to do with Python's implementation (Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)).
  • GIL enforces a retriction that Python can only ever run on a single interpreter process, even in the presence of multiple processors.
  • Basically, your threaded program will NEVER run faster on multi-processor machines because it CAN'T use them.
  • Recommended books
    • Dive Into Python 3 (includes a greate case study involving the porting of a complex Python 2 module to Python 3)
    • Learning Python (at 1,200 pages, this is the definitive language referene for Python: it's got everythin in it)
    • Python Essential Reference (the best desktop reference on the market)
    • Python for Unix and Linux System Administration (if you are a sysadmin, then this is the Python book for you)
    • Programming Python 3 (includes some big examples with big technologyL XML, parsing, and advances language features)
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