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Created May 26, 2017 12:54
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Bootstrap your DO infrastructure unsing Ansible without dynamic inventory (version for Ansible v2.0+ and DO API v2.0)
# What is that
# ============
# This script will help you setting up your digital ocean
# infrastructure with Ansible v2.0+ and DO API v2
# Usually, when working with DO, one is supposed to use
# inventory file, and spin up instances in a playbook.
# However, this approach is very inconvenient for several reasons:
# - it is veeeery slow
# - your droplets won't have "ansible" names, just IPs
# - ... consequently, putting them into groups is a pain (but doable)
# - but if you succeed doing so, groups will only be available at run time
# - you are required to have 'localhost' in your inventory, which basically ruins 'all' group purpose
# - etc...
# All in all, it is barely usable.
# This script attempts to make things easier. It works the following way:
# - it will read 'hosts' file in an inventory directory (passed as the first argument)
# - it will spin up a DO droplet for each of these hosts (in parallel !) using ansible
# (note that you can specify image type, droplet size, etc... in the inventory itself)
# - it will generate an complementary inventory file (in the inventory
# directory) containing droplets names along with their IP addresses, so you
# won't need hitting the DO API anymore when running ansible.
# Using this script, you can work like you use to do with bare metal machines,
# without the chicken and egg problem of network configuration)
# The script itself can:
# - spin up droplets (` inventory_directory_path`)
# - destroy droplets (` inventory_directory_path deleted`)
# Since the droplets are created in parallel, you will also save tons of time
# when building an infrastructure involving a bunch of droplets. As an example,
# creating 8 droplets takes 130 seconds using this script, almost 570 using a
# "classic approach". Destroying them takes 10 secs with this script, 55 using
# a classic approach. So in the end, you get a 5 fold speed up, and a much
# better usability. Of course, the more droplets, the more gain.
# DO_API_TOKEN environment variable must be set.
# Change defaults below
# ---------------------
# Digital Ocean default values
# You can override them using do_something in your inventory file
# Example:
# [www]
# www1 do_size_slug="1gb" do_region_slug="nyc1" do_image=12345
# ...
# If you don't override in your inventory, the defaults below will apply
DEFAULT_SIZE="512mb" # 512mb (override with do_size_slug)
DEFAULT_REGION="ams2" # ams2 (override with do_region_slug)
DEFAULT_IMAGE="ubuntu-14-04-x64" # Ubuntu 14.04 x64 (override with do_image_slug)
DEFAULT_KEY=785648 # SSH key, change this ! (override with do_key)
# localhost entry for temporary inventory
# This is a temp inventory generated to start the DO droplets
# You might want to change ansible_python_interpreter
LOCALHOST_ENTRY="localhost ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python2"
# Set state to present by default
# digital_ocean module command to use
# name, size, region, image and key will be filled automatically
COMMAND="state=$STATE command=droplet private_networking=yes unique_name=yes"
# ---------------------
function bail_out {
echo -e "\033[0;31m"
echo $1
echo -e "\033[0m"
echo -e "Usage: $0 <inventory_directory> [present|deleted]\n"
echo -e "\tinventory_directory: the directory containing the inventory goal (compulsory)"
echo -e "\tpresent: the droplet will be created if it doesn't exist (default)"
echo -e "\tdeleted: the droplet will be destroyed if it exists\n"
exit 1
# Check that inventory is a directory
# We need this since we generate a complementary inventory with IP addresses for hosts
[[ ! -d "$INVENTORY" ]] && bail_out "Inventory does not exist, is not a directory, or is not set"
[[ -z "$DO_API_TOKEN" ]] && bail_out "DO_API_TOKEN not set. Please visit"
JQ=`which jq` || bail_out "Unable to find required binary 'jq'. Please install it first ("
# Get a list of hosts from inventory dir
HOSTS=$(ansible -i $1 --list-hosts all | awk '{ print $1 }' | tr '\n' ' ')
# Clean up previously generated inventory
rm ${INVENTORY}/generated > /dev/null 2>&1
# Creating temporary inventory with only localhost in it
echo Creating temporary inventory in ${TEMP_INVENTORY}
# Create droplets in //
for i in ${HOSTS}; do
SIZE=$(grep $i $1/hosts | grep do_size_slug | sed -e 's/.*do_size_slug=\(\d*\)/\1/')
REGION=$(grep $i $1/hosts | grep do_region_slug | sed -e 's/.*do_region_slug=\(\d*\)/\1/')
IMAGE=$(grep $i $1/hosts | grep do_image_slug | sed -e 's/.*do_image_slug=\(\d*\)/\1/')
KEY=$(grep $i $1/hosts | grep do_key | sed -e 's/.*do_key=\(\d*\)/\1/')
if [ "${STATE}" == "present" ]; then
echo "Creating $i of size $SIZE using image $IMAGE in region $REGION with key $KEY"
echo "Deleting $i"
# echo " => $COMMAND name=$i size_id=$SIZE image_id=$IMAGE region_id=$REGION ssh_key_ids=$KEY"
ansible localhost -c local -i ${TEMP_INVENTORY} -m digital_ocean \
-a "$COMMAND name=$i size_id=$SIZE image_id=$IMAGE region_id=$REGION ssh_key_ids=$KEY" &
# Now do it again to fill up complementary inventory
if [ "${STATE}" == "present" ]; then
for i in ${HOSTS}; do
echo Checking droplet $i
IP=$(ansible localhost -c local -i $TEMP_INVENTORY -m digital_ocean -a "state=present command=droplet unique_name=yes name=$i" | sed -e 's/localhost | success >> //' | $JQ '.droplet.networks.v4[] | select(.type == "public") | .ip_address' | cut -f2 -d'"')
echo "$i ansible_ssh_host=$IP" >> ${INVENTORY}/generated
echo "All done !"
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