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Created July 2, 2015 22:44
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use strict;
use vars qw ($FW_ENABLED);
use Date::Parse;
use Getopt::Long;
sub convert_time {
my $time = shift;
my $days = int($time / 86400);
$time -= ($days * 86400);
my $hours = int($time / 3600);
$time -= ($hours * 3600);
my $minutes = int($time / 60);
my $seconds = $time % 60;
$days = $days < 1 ? '' : $days .'d ';
$hours = $hours < 1 ? '' : $hours .'h ';
$minutes = $minutes < 1 ? '' : $minutes . 'm ';
$time = $days . $hours . $minutes . $seconds . 's';
return $time;
if (@ARGV < 3) {
print ("usage: ./ --dirLive=<path> --dirVIP=<path> --shedule=<path>\n");
print ("\nexample of a shedule file content:\n");
print "01 Jul 2015 00:00:00 / 01 Jul 2015 14:00:00\n";
print "02 Jul 2015 15:00:00 / 02 Jul 2015 15:30:00\n";
print "25 Dec 2015 00:00:00 / 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00\n";
exit 1;
my $scheduleFile='VIPinterval.txt';
my $dirLive="/home/vis/FireworksOnline";
my $dirVIP="/home/vis/FireworksOnlineVIP";
my $result = GetOptions ("dirLive=s" => \$dirLive,
"dirVIP=s" => \$dirVIP,
"schedule=s" =>\$scheduleFile);
if ( ! -e $dirLive){die "dirLive $dirLive is not valid path $!"};
if ( ! -e $dirVIP) {die "dirVIP $dirVIP is not valid path $!"};
do "$dirLive/bin/fw-config.txt";
my $liveCurrentlyActive=$FW_ENABLED;
do "$dirVIP/bin/fw-config.txt";
my $vipCurrentlyActive=$FW_ENABLED;
my $isVIP=0;
open(INFO, $scheduleFile) or die("Could not open file.");
foreach my $line (<INFO>) {
if ($line =~ /(.+)\/(.+)/) {
chomp $line;
my $t1 = "$1"; chomp $t1;
my $t2 = $2; chomp $t2;
my $f1 = str2time($t1);
my $f2 = str2time($t2);
my $n = time;
my $td1 = -$n + $f1;
my $td2 = -$n + $f2;
if (($td1 > 0) && ($td2 > 0)) {
printf("%s ==> sheduled [%s] - [%s]\n", $line, convert_time($td1), convert_time($td2));
elsif ( $td2 > 0 && $td1 < 0) {
printf("%s ==> active, expires in [%s] \n", $line, convert_time($td2));
else {
print("$line ==> expired\n");
# stop what should have been stopped
if ($isVIP)
if ($liveCurrentlyActive == 0) { system("$dirVIP/bin/fireworksOnlineSystem start $dirVIP"); }
if ($liveCurrentlyActive == 1) { system("$dirLive/bin/fireworksOnlineSystem stop $dirLive"); }
else {
if ($vipCurrentlyActive == 1) { system("$dirVIP/bin/fireworksOnlineSystem stop $dirVIP"); }
if ($liveCurrentlyActive == 0) { system("$dirLive/bin/fireworksOnlineSystem start $dirLive");}
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