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Created April 30, 2020 15:19
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  • Save alkanna/2e298711623b9a03ac29834d1aa41778 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alkanna/2e298711623b9a03ac29834d1aa41778 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(function(t) {
function e(e) {
for (var i, o, r = e[0], l = e[1], c = e[2], u = 0, d = []; u < r.length; u++) o = r[u], a[o] && d.push(a[o][0]), a[o] = 0;
for (i in l), i) && (t[i] = l[i]);
m && m(e);
while (d.length) d.shift()();
return n.push.apply(n, c || []), s()
function s() {
for (var t, e = 0; e < n.length; e++) {
for (var s = n[e], i = !0, r = 1; r < s.length; r++) {
var l = s[r];
0 !== a[l] && (i = !1)
i && (n.splice(e--, 1), t = o(o.s = s[0]))
return t
var i = {},
a = {
settings: 0
n = [];
function o(e) {
if (i[e]) return i[e].exports;
var s = i[e] = {
i: e,
l: !1,
exports: {}
return t[e].call(s.exports, s, s.exports, o), s.l = !0, s.exports
o.m = t, o.c = i, o.d = function(t, e, s) {
o.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
enumerable: !0,
get: s
}, o.r = function(t) {
"undefined" !== typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: "Module"
}), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}, o.t = function(t, e) {
if (1 & e && (t = o(t)), 8 & e) return t;
if (4 & e && "object" === typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t;
var s = Object.create(null);
if (o.r(s), Object.defineProperty(s, "default", {
enumerable: !0,
value: t
}), 2 & e && "string" != typeof t)
for (var i in t) o.d(s, i, function(e) {
return t[e]
}.bind(null, i));
return s
}, o.n = function(t) {
var e = t && t.__esModule ? function() {
return t["default"]
} : function() {
return t
return o.d(e, "a", e), e
}, o.o = function(t, e) {
return, e)
}, o.p = "";
var r = window["monsterinsightsjsonp"] = window["monsterinsightsjsonp"] || [],
l = r.push.bind(r);
r.push = e, r = r.slice();
for (var c = 0; c < r.length; c++) e(r[c]);
var m = l;
n.push([0, "chunk-vendors", "chunk-common"]), s()
0: function(t, e, s) {
t.exports = s("56d7")
"0a02": function(t, e, s) {
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a = s.n(i);
"0b48": function(t, e, s) {},
"0e1d": function(t, e, s) {
"use strict";
var i = s("6605"),
a = s.n(i);
2402: function(t, e, s) {},
3224: function(t, e, s) {
"use strict";
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a = s.n(i);
"378a": function(t, e, s) {},
"3e93": function(t, e, s) {},
"419a": function(t, e, s) {
"use strict";
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a = s.n(i);
"46ff": function(t, e, s) {},
"56d7": function(t, e, s) {
"use strict";
s("cadf"), s("551c"), s("097d");
var i = s("2b0e"),
a = s("8c4f"),
n = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
class: t.routeClass
}, [s("the-app-header", [s("settings-button-save")], 1), s("the-app-navigation", [s("settings-tabs-navigation")], 1), s("the-app-notices"), s("router-view"), t.blocked ? s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-blocked"
}) : t._e()], 1)
o = [],
r = s("a4bb"),
l = s.n(r),
c = (s("7f7f"), s("cebc")),
m = s("2f62"),
u = s("561c"),
d = s("7220"),
p = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("main", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-content settings-general"
}, [s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_license_title
}, [s("settings-input-license")], 1), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_auth_title
}, [s("settings-input-authenticate", {
attrs: {
label: t.text_auth_label,
description: t.text_auth_description
})], 1), "minor" === t.settings.automatic_updates || "none" === t.settings.automatic_updates ? s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_automatic_updates
}, [s("settings-input-radio", {
attrs: {
options: t.automatic_updates,
name: "automatic_updates"
})], 1) : t._e(), s("settings-input-usage-tracking"), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_setup_wizard_title
}, [s("label", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_setup_wizard_label)
}), s("a", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
attrs: {
href: t.wizard_url
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_setup_wizard_button)
})])], 1)
_ = [],
g = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-block"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-block-title"
}, [t._v("\n\t\t" + t._s(t.title) + "\n\t")]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-block-content"
}, [t._t("default")], 2)])
h = [],
b = {
name: "SettingsBlock",
props: {
title: String
f = b,
x = s("2877"),
v = Object(x["a"])(f, g, h, !1, null, null, null);
v.options.__file = "SettingsBlock.vue";
var w = v.exports,
k = s("6d70"),
y = s("2ddd"),
O = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "settings-input settings-input-usage-tracking"
j = [],
C = {
name: "SettingsInputUsageTracking"
A = C,
P = Object(x["a"])(A, O, j, !1, null, null, null);
P.options.__file = "SettingsInputUsageTracking-Pro.vue";
var T = P.exports,
$ = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-input monsterinsights-settings-input-authenticate"
}, [!t.auth.network_ua || t.is_network || ? t._e() : s("settings-network-notice", [s("strong", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_auth_network)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_auth_network_2)
})]), (t.is_network ? "" !== t.license_network.type && t.auth.network_ua : "" !== t.license.type && ? t._e() : s("div", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.label)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.description)
}), s("button", {
directives: [{
name: "tooltip",
rawName: "v-tooltip",
value: t.tooltip_data,
expression: "tooltip_data"
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
class: {
"monsterinsights-button-disabled": t.is_network ? !t.license_network.type : !t.license.type
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_button_connect)
on: {
click: t.doAuth
}), t.show_manual_ua_normal || t.showManualOnClick || !t.is_licensed ? t._e() : s("p", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-auth-manual-connect-paragraph"
}, [s("a", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-auth-manual-connect-text",
attrs: {
href: "#monsterinsights-auth-manual-ua-input"
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_manual_connect)
on: {
click: t.showManualClick
})])]), t.showManualOnClick || t.show_manual_ua_normal ? s("div", [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_manual_label)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_manual_description)
}), s("input", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-manual-ua",
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-auth-manual-ua-input",
type: "text"
domProps: {
value: t.is_network ? t.auth.network_manual_ua : t.auth.manual_ua
on: {
change: t.updateManualUa
}), t.has_error ? s("label", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-error"
}, [s("i", {
staticClass: "monstericon-warning-triangle"
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.has_error)
})]) : t._e()]) : t._e(), (t.is_network ? t.license_network.type && t.auth.network_ua : t.license.type && ? s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-auth-info"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-input-toggle-collapsible",
attrs: {
role: "button"
on: {
click: t.toggleButtons,
keyup: [function(e) {
return "button" in e || !t._k(e.keyCode, "enter", 13, e.key, "Enter") ? t.toggleButtons(e) : null
}, function(e) {
return "button" in e || !t._k(e.keyCode, "space", 32, e.key, [" ", "Spacebar"]) ? t.toggleButtons(e) : null
}, [s("i", {
class: t.iconClass,
attrs: {
tabindex: "0",
onkeypress: "if(event.keyCode==32||event.keyCode==13){return false;};"
})]), s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_website_profile)
}), s("p", [s("span", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_active_profile)
}), t._v(":\n\t\t\t"), s("span", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.is_network ? t.auth.network_viewname : t.auth.viewname)
})]), s("slide-down-up", [t.showButtons ? s("div", [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-auth-actions"
}, [s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_button_reconnect)
on: {
click: t.doReAuth
}), s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button monsterinsights-button-secondary",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_button_verify)
on: {
click: t.verifyAuth
}), s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button monsterinsights-button-secondary",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_button_disconnect)
on: {
click: t.deleteAuth
})])]) : t._e()])], 1) : t._e()], 1)
S = [],
I = s("d98d"),
M = s("b333"),
E = {
name: "SettingsInputAuthenticate",
components: {
SettingsNetworkNotice: M["a"],
SlideDownUp: I["a"]
props: {
label: String,
description: String
data: function() {
return {
force_deauth: !1,
showButtons: !1,
showManualOnClick: !1,
has_error: !1,
is_network: this.$,
text_button_connect: Object(u["a"])("Connect MonsterInsights", "ga-premium"),
text_button_verify: Object(u["a"])("Verify Credentials", "ga-premium"),
text_button_reconnect: Object(u["a"])("Reconnect MonsterInsights", "ga-premium"),
text_website_profile: Object(u["a"])("Website Profile", "ga-premium"),
text_active_profile: Object(u["a"])("Active Profile", "ga-premium"),
text_auth_network: Object(u["a"])("Your website profile has been set at the network level of your WordPress Multisite.", "ga-premium"),
text_auth_network_2: Object(u["a"])("If you would like to use a different profile for this subsite, you can authenticate below.", "ga-premium"),
text_manual_label: Object(u["a"])("Manually enter your UA code", "ga-premium"),
text_manual_description: Object(u["a"])("Warning: If you use a manual UA code, you won't be able to use any of the reporting and some of the tracking features. Your UA code should look like UA-XXXXXX-XX where the X's are numbers.", "ga-premium"),
text_manual_connect: Object(u["a"])("Or manually enter UA code (limited functionality)", "ga-premium")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
license: "$_license/license",
license_network: "$_license/license_network",
auth: "$_auth/auth",
addons: "$_addons/addons"
}), {
text_button_disconnect: function() {
return this.force_deauth ? Object(u["a"])("Force Deauthenticate", "ga-premium") : Object(u["a"])("Disconnect MonsterInsights", "ga-premium")
iconClass: function() {
var t = "monstericon-arrow";
return this.showButtons && (t += " monstericon-down"), t
tooltip_data: function() {
return !(this.is_network && this.license_network.type || !this.is_network && this.license.type) && {
content: Object(u["a"])("A license key is needed before connecting to MonsterInsights.", "ga-premium"),
autoHide: !1
is_authed: function() {
return this.is_network ? this.auth.network_ua :
show_manual_ua_normal: function() {
return !(!this.addons["manual_ua"] || !this.addons["manual_ua"].active || "" !== this.is_authed) || (this.is_network ? this.auth.network_manual_ua : this.auth.manual_ua)
is_licensed: function() {
return this.license_network.type || this.license.type
methods: {
doAuth: function(t) {
if (t.preventDefault(), !this.license.type && !this.is_network || this.is_network && !this.license_network.type) return !1;
var e = this;
type: "info",
title: Object(u["a"])("Authenticating", "ga-premium"),
allowOutsideClick: !1,
allowEscapeKey: !1,
allowEnterKey: !1,
onOpen: function() {
}), this.$store.dispatch("$_auth/doAuth", this.is_network).then(function(t) { ? window.location = : e.$swal({
type: "error",
title: Object(u["a"])("Error", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
doReAuth: function(t) {
if (t.preventDefault(), this.is_network && !this.license_network.type || !this.is_network && !this.license.type) return !1;
var e = this;
type: "info",
title: Object(u["a"])("Re-Authenticating", "ga-premium"),
allowOutsideClick: !1,
allowEscapeKey: !1,
allowEnterKey: !1,
onOpen: function() {
}), this.$store.dispatch("$_auth/doReAuth", this.is_network).then(function(t) { ? window.location = : e.$swal({
type: "error",
title: Object(u["a"])("Error", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
verifyAuth: function(t) {
if (t.preventDefault(), this.is_network && !this.license_network.type || !this.is_network && !this.license.type) return !1;
var e = this;
type: "info",
title: Object(u["a"])("Verifying Credentials", "ga-premium"),
allowOutsideClick: !1,
allowEscapeKey: !1,
allowEnterKey: !1,
onOpen: function() {
}), this.$store.dispatch("$_auth/verifyAuth", this.is_network).then(function(t) {
e.$swal.close(), t.success ? e.$swal({
type: "success",
text: Object(u["a"])("Your site is connected to MonsterInsights!", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
}) : e.$swal({
type: "error",
title: Object(u["a"])("Error", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
deleteAuth: function(t) {
if (t.preventDefault(), this.is_network && !this.license_network.type || !this.is_network && !this.license.type) return !1;
var e = this;
type: "info",
title: Object(u["a"])("Deauthenticating", "ga-premium"),
allowOutsideClick: !1,
allowEscapeKey: !1,
allowEnterKey: !1,
onOpen: function() {
}), this.$store.dispatch("$_auth/deleteAuth", {
network: this.is_network,
force: this.force_deauth
}).then(function(t) {
e.$swal.close(), t.success ? e.$swal({
type: "success",
text: Object(u["a"])("You've disconnected your site from MonsterInsights. Your site is no longer being tracked by Google Analytics and you won't see reports anymore.", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
}) : (e.$swal({
type: "error",
title: Object(u["a"])("Error", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
}), e.force_deauth = !0)
toggleButtons: function(t) {
t.preventDefault(), this.showButtons = !this.showButtons
updateManualUa: function(t) {
var e = this;
this.$mi_saving_toast({}), e.has_error = !1, this.$store.dispatch("$_auth/updateManualUa",, this.is_network).then(function(t) {
!1 === t.success ? (e.has_error =, e.$mi_error_toast({})) : (e.has_error = !1, e.$mi_success_toast({}))
showManualClick: function() {
this.showManualOnClick = !0
L = E,
U = Object(x["a"])(L, $, S, !1, null, null, null);
U.options.__file = "SettingsInputAuthenticate-Pro.vue";
var D = U.exports,
H = {
name: "SettingsTabGeneral",
components: {
SettingsInputUsageTracking: T,
SettingsInputAuthenticate: D,
SettingsInputLicense: y["a"],
SettingsInputRadio: k["a"],
SettingsBlock: w
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
settings: "$_settings/settings"
data: function() {
return {
is_loading: !1,
has_error: !1,
automatic_updates: [{
value: "all",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Yes (recommended) %s- Get the latest features, bugfixes, and security updates as they are released.%s", "ga-premium"), "<small>", "</small>")
}, {
value: "minor",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Minor only %s- Get bugfixes and security updates, but not major features.%s", "ga-premium"), "<small>", "</small>")
}, {
value: "none",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("None %s- Manually update everything.%s", "ga-premium"), "<small>", "</small>")
text_license_title: Object(u["a"])("License Key", "ga-premium"),
text_auth_title: Object(u["a"])("Google Authentication", "ga-premium"),
text_auth_label: Object(u["a"])("Connect Google Analytics + WordPress", "ga-premium"),
text_auth_description: Object(u["a"])("You will be taken to the MonsterInsights website where you'll need to connect your Analytics account.", "ga-premium"),
text_automatic_updates: Object(u["a"])("Automatic Updates", "ga-premium"),
text_setup_wizard_title: Object(u["a"])("Setup Wizard", "ga-premium"),
text_setup_wizard_label: Object(u["a"])("Use our configuration wizard to properly setup Google Analytics with WordPress (with just a few clicks).", "ga-premium"),
text_setup_wizard_button: Object(u["a"])("Launch Setup Wizard", "ga-premium"),
wizard_url: this.$mi.wizard_url
methods: {
__: u["a"]
B = H,
N = Object(x["a"])(B, p, _, !1, null, null, null);
N.options.__file = "SettingsTabGeneral.vue";
var G = N.exports,
F = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("main", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-content settings-engagement"
}, [t.isAddonActive ? t._e() : s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_title_demographics
}, [s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "demographics",
label: t.text_label_demographics,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_demographics
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "anonymize_ips",
label: t.text_label_anonymize_ip,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_anonymize
})], 1), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_title_link_attribution
}, [s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "link_attribution",
label: t.text_label_enhanced_link,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_link_attribution
}, [s("template", {
slot: "collapsible"
}, [s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "hash_tracking",
label: t.text_label_anchor_tracking,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_anchor_tracking
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "allow_anchor",
label: t.text_label_allow_anchor,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_allow_anchor
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "tag_links_in_rss",
label: t.text_label_tag_links_in_rss,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_tag_links_in_rss
})], 1)], 2)], 1), s("settings-input-scroll"), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_cross_domain
}, [s("label", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_cross_domain_description)
})]), s("settings-input-repeater", {
attrs: {
text_add: t.text_add_domain,
structure: t.domain_repeater_structure,
name: "cross_domains"
})], 1), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_title_file_downloads
}, [s("settings-input-text", {
attrs: {
default_value: "doc,exe,js,pdf,ppt,tgz,zip,xls",
name: "extensions_of_files",
label: t.text_label_extensions_of_files,
description: t.text_description_extensions_of_files
})], 1), s("settings-input-e-u-compliance")], 1)
z = [],
R = (s("3b2b"), s("a481"), s("088d")),
W = s("c472"),
q = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "settings-input settings-input-eu-compliance"
}, [t.isAddonActive ? t._e() : s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_compatibility_mode
}, [s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "gatracker_compatibility_mode",
label: t.text_compatibility_label,
tooltip: t.text_compatibility_tooltip
})], 1), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_title_eu_compliance_title
}, [t.isAddonActive ? s("div", [s("p", {
staticClass: "settings-input-description",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_addon_description)
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "eu_compliance",
label: t.text_label_eu_compliance,
faux: !0,
default: !0
}, [s("template", {
slot: "collapsible"
}, [s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
label: t.text_label_anonymize_ip,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_anonymize_ip,
faux_tooltip: t.text_faux_tooltip_anonymize_ip
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
label: t.text_label_disable_demographics,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_disable_demographics,
faux_tooltip: t.text_faux_tooltip_demographics
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
label: t.text_label_user_id,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_user_id,
faux_tooltip: t.text_faux_tooltip_user_id
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
label: t.text_label_author,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_author,
faux_tooltip: t.text_faux_tooltip_author
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
label: t.text_label_ga_compatibility,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_ga_compatibility,
faux_tooltip: t.text_faux_tooltip_ga_compatibility
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
label: t.text_amp_consent_label,
tooltip: t.text_amp_consent_tooltip,
name: "require_amp_consent",
faux_tooltip: t.text_amp_addon_faux_tooltip
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
default: t.isCookiePluginEnabled,
name: "cookiebot",
label: t.text_label_integrate,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_integrate,
faux_tooltip: t.text_faux_tooltip_integrate,
faux_tooltip_off: t.text_faux_tooltip_integrate_off
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("p", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_changes_title)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_changes_description)
})]), s("p", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_disclaimer_title)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_disclaimer_description)
})])], 1)], 2)], 1) : s("div", [s("settings-addon-disabled", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_addon_inactive)
})])], 1)])], 1)
Y = [],
K = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-addon-upgrade monsterinsights-settings-addon-disabled"
}, [t._m(0), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-addon-message"
}, [t.install_plugins ? t._t("default") : s("span", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_cant_install)
})], 2)])
X = [function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-bg-img monsterinsights-icon-alert"
V = {
name: "SettingsAddonDisabled",
data: function() {
return {
install_plugins: this.$mi.install_plugins,
text_cant_install: Object(u["a"])("In order to use these features, please ask your webmaster to install the necessary addon.", "ga-premium")
Q = V,
J = Object(x["a"])(Q, K, X, !1, null, null, null);
J.options.__file = "SettingsAddonDisabled.vue";
var Z = J.exports,
tt = {
name: "SettingsInputEUCompliance",
components: {
SettingsBlock: w,
SettingsAddonDisabled: Z,
SettingsInputCheckbox: R["a"]
data: function() {
return {
text_addon_inactive: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to use the EU compliance features, please %sinstall and activate%s the EU Compliance addon.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$mi.addons_url + '">', "</a>"),
text_addon_description: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("MonsterInsights's EU Compliance addon can help you comply with the latest EU regulations like GDPR by automatically performing configuration changes and integrating with compatible plugins and services. For the latest recommendations, we recommend reading the EU Compliance addon %sGetting Started Guide%s for step by step directions on any needed configuration changes.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="">', "</a>"),
text_label_eu_compliance: Object(u["a"])("Enable EU Compliance", "ga-premium"),
text_label_anonymize_ip: Object(u["a"])("Anonymize IP addresses for Google Analytics hits.", "ga-premium"),
text_label_disable_demographics: Object(u["a"])("Disable Demographics and Interests Reports for Remarketing and Advertising.", "ga-premium"),
text_label_user_id: Object(u["a"])("Disable UserID tracking.", "ga-premium"),
text_label_author: Object(u["a"])("Disable Author tracking.", "ga-premium"),
text_label_ga_compatibility: Object(u["a"])("Enable ga() Compatibility Mode.", "ga-premium"),
text_label_integrate: Object(u["a"])("Integrate with the CookieBot or Cookie Notice plugin.", "ga-premium"),
text_changes_title: Object(u["a"])("Manual Google Analytics Account Changes Required", "ga-premium"),
text_changes_description: Object(u["a"])("This addon automates a lot of the needed changes for EU compliance, however it cannot alter your Google Analytics account, and some configuration changes might be needed.", "ga-premium"),
text_disclaimer_title: Object(u["a"])("Legal Disclaimer", "ga-premium"),
text_disclaimer_description: Object(u["a"])("This addon is designed to automate some of the settings change required to be in compliance with various EU laws however due to the dynamic nature of websites, no plugin can offer 100 percent legal compliance. Please consult a specialist internet law attorney to determine if you are in compliance with all applicable laws for your jurisdictions and your use cases.\n As a website operator, it is solely your responsibility to ensure that you are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations governing your use of our plugin.\n MonsterInsights, its employees/contractors, and other affiliated parties are not lawyers. Any advice given in our support, documentation, website, other mediums or through our services/products should not be considered legal advice and is for informational and/or educational purposes only and are not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date, and do not constitute creating/entering an Attorney-Client relationship.", "ga-premium"),
text_tooltip_anonymize_ip: Object(u["a"])("The EU Compliance Addon is automatically anonymizing all IP addresses for Google Analytics hits, eCommerce hits, and form tracking hits.", "ga-premium"),
text_tooltip_disable_demographics: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("The EU Compliance Addon has automatically disabled Demographics and Interests Reports for Remarketing and Advertising tracking on Google Analytics hits. You will want to make sure you have also disabled data sharing in your Google Analytics account.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank">', "</a>"),
text_tooltip_user_id: Object(u["a"])("The EU Compliance Addon has automatically disabled UserID tracking on Google Analytics hits, eCommerce hits, form tracking hits, and the UserID dimension in the Custom Dimensions addon.", "ga-premium"),
text_tooltip_author: Object(u["a"])("The EU Compliance Addon has automatically disabled the author dimension in the Custom Dimensions addon.", "ga-premium"),
text_tooltip_ga_compatibility: Object(u["a"])("The EU Compliance Addon has automatically enabled the ga() compatibility feature so plugins integrating for cookie consent can use GA to store consent as a GA event.", "ga-premium"),
text_tooltip_integrate: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("The EU Compliance Addon allows for integration with either the %sCookieBot plugin%s or the %sCookie Notice plugin%s to have MonsterInsights wait to track a user into Google Analytics until consent is given. If you install either %sCookieBot%s or %sCookie Notice by dFactory%s, and activate it, the EU Compliance addon will automatically perform all required tasks to make our tracking code compatible with it for you. No code changes are required to the MonsterInsights plugin code. Note: having MonsterInsights wait until consent is given to load Google Analytics might alter your Google Analytics data completeness and accuracy.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">', "</a>", '<a href="" target="_blank">', "</a>", '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">', "</a>", '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">', "</a>"),
text_title_eu_compliance_title: Object(u["a"])("EU Compliance", "ga-premium"),
text_compatibility_mode: Object(u["a"])("Compatibility mode", "ga-premium"),
text_compatibility_label: Object(u["a"])("Enable _gaTracker Compatibility", "ga-premium"),
text_compatibility_tooltip: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("This enables MonsterInsights to work with plugins that use %s and don't support %s", "ga-premium"), "<code>ga()</code>", "<code>__gaTracker</code>"),
text_faux_tooltip_anonymize_ip: Object(u["a"])("Anonymize IP is automatically enabled by the EU Compliance addon", "ga-premium"),
text_faux_tooltip_demographics: Object(u["a"])("Demographics and Interests Reports are automatically disabled by the EU Compliance addon", "ga-premium"),
text_faux_tooltip_user_id: Object(u["a"])("UserID is automatically disabled by the EU Compliance addon", "ga-premium"),
text_faux_tooltip_author: Object(u["a"])("Author tracking is automatically disabled by the EU Compliance addon", "ga-premium"),
text_faux_tooltip_ga_compatibility: Object(u["a"])("ga() Compatibility Mode is automatically enabled by the EU Compliance addon", "ga-premium"),
text_faux_tooltip_integrate: Object(u["a"])("Deactivate the Cookie Notice plugin to disable", "ga-premium"),
text_faux_tooltip_integrate_off: Object(u["a"])("Activate the Cookie Notice plugin to enable", "ga-premium"),
text_amp_consent_label: Object(u["a"])("Wait for AMP consent box?", "ga-premium"),
text_amp_consent_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("If you have implemented an AMP Consent Box, enabling this option will tell MonsterInsights to not track on AMP pages until consent is given via that box (or if you have the fallback configured to true, on fallback as well). Important: If you do not have an AMP Consent Box implemented (requires custom code), enabling this option will prevent MonsterInsights from tracking all AMP users.", "ga-premium"),
text_amp_addon_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Deactivate the Google AMP Addon to disable", "ga-premium")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
addons: "$_addons/addons"
}), {
isAddonActive: function() {
return true
isCookiePluginEnabled: function() {
return !(!this.addons["cookie_notice"] && !this.addons["cookiebot"] || !this.addons["cookie_notice"].active && !this.addons["cookiebot"].active)
et = tt,
st = (s("7ad9"), Object(x["a"])(et, q, Y, !1, null, "1b24c27a", null));
st.options.__file = "SettingsInputEUCompliance-Pro.vue";
var it = st.exports,
at = s("6ffa"),
nt = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_title_scrolling
}, [s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
label: t.text_label_scrolling,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_scrolling
})], 1)
ot = [],
rt = {
name: "SettingsInputScroll",
components: {
SettingsInputCheckbox: R["a"],
SettingsBlock: w
data: function() {
return {
text_title_scrolling: Object(u["a"])("Scroll Tracking", "ga-premium"),
text_label_scrolling: Object(u["a"])("Track Scrolling Depth", "ga-premium"),
text_tooltip_scrolling: Object(u["a"])("Using Scrolling Depth you can see how far, on average, visitors scroll down your website's pages", "ga-premium")
lt = rt,
ct = Object(x["a"])(lt, nt, ot, !1, null, null, null);
ct.options.__file = "SettingsInputScroll-Pro.vue";
var mt = ct.exports,
ut = {
name: "SettingsTabEngagement",
components: {
SettingsInputScroll: mt,
SettingsInputRepeater: at["a"],
SettingsInputEUCompliance: it,
SettingsInputText: W["a"],
SettingsInputCheckbox: R["a"],
SettingsBlock: w
data: function() {
var t = window.location.origin.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//, "");
return t = t.replace(/\./, "\\."), {
text_title_demographics: Object(u["a"])("Demographics", "ga-premium"),
text_label_demographics: Object(u["a"])("Enable Demographics and Interests Reports for Remarketing and Advertising", "ga-premium"),
text_label_anonymize_ip: Object(u["a"])("Anonymize IP Addresses", "ga-premium"),
text_title_link_attribution: Object(u["a"])("Link Attribution", "ga-premium"),
text_label_enhanced_link: Object(u["a"])("Enable Enhanced Link Attribution", "ga-premium"),
text_label_anchor_tracking: Object(u["a"])("Enable Anchor Tracking", "ga-premium"),
text_label_allow_anchor: Object(u["a"])("Enable allowAnchor", "ga-premium"),
text_label_allow_linker: Object(u["a"])("Enable allowLinker", "ga-premium"),
text_label_tag_links_in_rss: Object(u["a"])("Enable Tag Links in RSS", "ga-premium"),
text_title_file_downloads: Object(u["a"])("File Downloads", "ga-premium"),
text_label_extensions_of_files: Object(u["a"])("Extensions of Files to Track as Downloads", "ga-premium"),
text_description_extensions_of_files: Object(u["a"])("MonsterInsights will send an event to Google Analytics if a link to a file has one of the above extensions.", "ga-premium"),
text_tooltip_demographics: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Enable this setting to add the Demographics and Remarketing features to your Google Analytics tracking code. Make sure to enable Demographics and Remarketing in your Google Analytics account. We have a guide for how to do that in our %sknowledge base%s. For more information about Remarketing, we refer you to %sGoogle's documentation%s. Note that usage of this function is affected by privacy and cookie laws around the world. Be sure to follow the laws that affect your target audience.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$getUrl("settings-panel", "demographics", "") + '" target="_blank">', "</a>", '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">', "</a>"),
text_tooltip_anonymize: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("This adds %sanonymizeIp%s, telling Google Analytics to anonymize the information sent by the tracker objects by removing the last octet of the IP address prior to its storage.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">', "</a>"),
text_tooltip_link_attribution: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Add %sEnhanced Link Attribution%s to your tracking code.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">', "</a>"),
text_tooltip_anchor_tracking: Object(u["a"])('Many WordPress "1-page" style themes rely on anchor tags for navigation to show virtual pages. The problem is that to Google Analytics, these are all just a single page, and it makes it hard to get meaningful statistics about pages viewed. This feature allows proper tracking in those themes.', "ga-premium"),
text_tooltip_allow_anchor: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("This adds %sallowAnchor%s to the create command of the pageview hit tracking code, and makes RSS link tagging use a # as well.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">', "</a>"),
text_tooltip_allow_linker: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Enabling %scross-domain tracking (additional setup required)%s allows you to track users across multiple properties you own (such as and as a single session. It also allows you fix an issue so that when a user has to go to an off-site hosted payment gateway to finish a purchase it doesn't count it as referral traffic from that gateway but maintains the visit as part of the same session.) It is required that the other site includes a Google Analytics tracker with the same UA Code.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank">', "</a>"),
text_tooltip_tag_links_in_rss: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Do not use this feature if you use FeedBurner, as FeedBurner can do this automatically and better than this plugin can. Check this %shelp page%s for info on how to enable this feature in FeedBurner.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">', "</a>"),
text_add_domain: Object(u["a"])("Add domain", "ga-premium"),
domain_repeater_structure: [{
name: "domain",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Domain (example: %s)", "ga-premium"), ""),
pattern: new RegExp("^(?!(?:.+)\\." + t + "$|" + t + "$)(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]$"),
error: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Please enter domain names only ( example: not ) and not current site domain ( %s ).", "ga-premium"), t),
prevent_duplicates: !0
text_cross_domain: Object(u["a"])("Cross Domain Tracking", "ga-premium"),
text_cross_domain_description: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Cross domain tracking makes it possible for Analytics to see sessions on two related sites as a single session. More info on specific setup steps can be found in our %sknowledge base%s.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$getUrl("settings", "cross-domain", "") + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">', "</a>")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
addons: "$_addons/addons"
}), {
isAddonActive: function() {
return true
dt = ut,
pt = Object(x["a"])(dt, F, z, !1, null, null, null);
pt.options.__file = "SettingsTabEngagement.vue";
var _t = pt.exports,
gt = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("main", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-content monsterinsights-settings-ecommerce"
}, [s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_ecommerce_title
}, [t.isAddonActive("ecommerce") ? s("div", [s("p", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_setup_title)
}), s("br"), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_setup_description)
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "enhanced_ecommerce",
label: t.text_label_enhanced_ecommerce,
tooltip: t.text_tooltip_enhanced_ecommerce
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
default: t.isAddonActive("woocommerce"),
label: t.isAddonActive("woocommerce") ? t.text_label_woocommerce : t.text_label_woocommerce_disabled,
faux_tooltip: t.text_ecommerce_faux_tooltip,
faux_tooltip_off: t.text_woocommerce_faux_tooltip
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
default: t.isAddonActive("easy_digital_downloads"),
label: t.isAddonActive("easy_digital_downloads") ? t.text_label_edd : t.text_label_edd_disabled,
faux_tooltip: t.text_ecommerce_faux_tooltip,
faux_tooltip_off: t.text_edd_faux_tooltip
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
default: t.isAddonActive("memberpress"),
label: t.isAddonActive("memberpress") ? t.text_label_memberpress : t.text_label_memberpress_disabled,
faux_tooltip: t.text_ecommerce_faux_tooltip,
faux_tooltip_off: t.text_memberpress_faux_tooltip
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
default: t.isAddonActive("lifterlms"),
label: t.isAddonActive("lifterlms") ? t.text_label_lifterlms : t.text_label_lifterlms_disabled,
faux_tooltip: t.text_ecommerce_faux_tooltip,
faux_tooltip_off: t.text_lifterlms_faux_tooltip
})], 1) : s("div", [s("settings-addon-disabled", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_addon_inactive)
})])], 1)]), t.isAddonActive("ecommerce") ? s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_user_id_title
}, [s("p", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-block-description",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.getUserIdDescription())
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "userid",
faux: t.getUserIdFaux(),
default: !1,
label: t.text_label_user_id
})], 1) : t._e()], 1)
ht = [],
bt = {
name: "SettingsTabEcommerce",
components: {
SettingsInputCheckbox: R["a"],
SettingsAddonDisabled: Z,
SettingsBlock: w
data: function() {
return {
text_ecommerce_title: Object(u["a"])("eCommerce Tracking", "ga-premium"),
text_addon_inactive: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to use the eCommerce tracking features, please %sinstall and activate%s the eCommerce addon.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$mi.addons_url + '">', "</a>"),
text_setup_title: Object(u["a"])("Setup Instructions", "ga-premium"),
text_setup_description: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to enable eCommerce tracking, please make sure you have followed %sthese steps%s. Once this has been completed, tracking will occur automatically. There are no settings required.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank">', "</a>"),
text_label_enhanced_ecommerce: Object(u["a"])("Use Enhanced eCommerce.", "ga-premium"),
text_tooltip_enhanced_ecommerce: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Enhanced eCommerce allows you to have even more detailed eCommerce reports in Google Analytics. See the %ssetup guide for enhanced eCommerce%s and make any needed changes.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank">', "</a>"),
text_label_woocommerce: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("%sWooCommerce%s has been detected and eCommerce data is being tracked.", "ga-premium"), "<strong>", "</strong>"),
text_label_woocommerce_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("%sWooCommerce%s has not been detected and eCommerce data is not being tracked.", "ga-premium"), "<strong>", "</strong>"),
text_label_edd: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("%sEasy Digital Downloads%s has been detected and eCommerce data is being tracked.", "ga-premium"), "<strong>", "</strong>"),
text_label_edd_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("%sEasy Digital Downloads%s has not been detected and eCommerce data is not being tracked.", "ga-premium"), "<strong>", "</strong>"),
text_label_memberpress: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("%sMemberPress%s has been detected and eCommerce data is being tracked.", "ga-premium"), "<strong>", "</strong>"),
text_label_memberpress_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("%sMemberPress%s has not been detected and eCommerce data is not being tracked.", "ga-premium"), "<strong>", "</strong>"),
text_label_lifterlms: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("%sLifterLMS%s has been detected and eCommerce data is being tracked.", "ga-premium"), "<strong>", "</strong>"),
text_label_lifterlms_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("%sLifterLMS%s has not been detected and eCommerce data is not being tracked.", "ga-premium"), "<strong>", "</strong>"),
text_user_id_title: Object(u["a"])("User ID Tracking", "ga-premium"),
text_user_id_description: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("To the extent that Google allows webmasters to discern single users, this setting allows you to identify users by their WordPress user ID if logged in. To use this feature, you will need to turn this feature on in Google Analytics. %sRead our step by step directions%s.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank">', "</a>"),
text_user_id_description_eu_enabled: Object(u["a"])("Because you have the EU Compliance addon installed, MonsterInsights has disabled the User ID tracking feature.", "ga-premium"),
text_label_user_id: Object(u["a"])("Enable User ID tracking.", "ga-premium"),
text_woocommerce_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("When WooCommerce is activated, MonsterInsights will detect it and automatically turn on tracking for it.", "ga-premium"),
text_edd_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("When Easy Digital Downloads is activated, MonsterInsights will detect it and automatically turn on tracking for it.", "ga-premium"),
text_memberpress_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("When MemberPress is activated, MonsterInsights will detect it and automatically turn on tracking for it.", "ga-premium"),
text_lifterlms_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("When LifterLMS is activated, MonsterInsights will detect it and automatically turn on tracking for it.", "ga-premium"),
text_ecommerce_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Deactivate the eCommerce addon to disable eCommerce tracking.", "ga-premium")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
addons: "$_addons/addons"
methods: {
isAddonActive: function(t) {
if (t == "ecommerce" || t == "eu-compliance") {
return true
return !!this.addons[t] && this.addons[t].active
getUserIdDescription: function() {
return this.isAddonActive("eu-compliance") ? this.text_user_id_description_eu_enabled : this.text_user_id_description
getUserIdFaux: function() {
return this.isAddonActive("eu-compliance")
ft = bt,
xt = Object(x["a"])(ft, gt, ht, !1, null, null, null);
xt.options.__file = "SettingsTabEcommerce-Pro.vue";
var vt = xt.exports,
wt = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("main", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-content settings-publisher"
}, [s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_affiliate_title
}, [s("p", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_affiliate_repeater_description)
}), s("settings-info-tooltip", {
attrs: {
content: t.text_affiliate_description_tooltip
})], 1), s("settings-input-repeater", {
attrs: {
structure: t.repeater_structure,
name: "affiliate_links",
data: t.settings["affiliate_links"]
})], 1), s("settings-input-ads"), s("settings-input-amp"), s("settings-input-fbia")], 1)
kt = [],
yt = s("93ec"),
Ot = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_ads_title
}, [t.isAddonActive("ads") ? [s("p", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_ads_adsense_title)
}), s("br"), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_ads_adsense_description)
})]), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "track_adsense",
faux: !0,
label: t.text_ads_adsense_label,
faux_tooltip: t.text_ads_addon_faux_tooltip
})] : s("settings-addon-disabled", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_ads_addon_disabled)
})])], 2)
jt = [],
Ct = {
name: "SettingsInputAds",
components: {
SettingsAddonDisabled: Z,
SettingsInputCheckbox: R["a"],
SettingsBlock: w
data: function() {
return {
text_ads_title: Object(u["a"])("Ads Tracking", "ga-premium"),
text_ads_adsense_title: Object(u["a"])("Google AdSense Tracking", "ga-premium"),
text_ads_adsense_description: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Requires integration of your Analytics and AdSense account. For how to do this, %ssee this help page%s.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$getUrl("settings-panel", "ads-input", "") + '" target="_blank">', "</a>"),
text_ads_adsense_label: Object(u["a"])("Enable Google Adsense Tracking", "ga-premium"),
text_ads_addon_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to use the ads tracking features, please %sinstall and activate%s the ads addon.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$mi.addons_url + '">', "</a>"),
text_ads_addon_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Deactivate the Ads Addon to disable", "ga-premium")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
addons: "$_addons/addons"
methods: {
isAddonActive: function(t) {
return !!this.addons[t] && this.addons[t].active
At = Ct,
Pt = Object(x["a"])(At, Ot, jt, !1, null, null, null);
Pt.options.__file = "SettingsInputAds-Pro.vue";
var Tt = Pt.exports,
$t = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_amp_title
}, [t.isAddonActive("amp") && t.isAddonActive("google_amp") ? [s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
label: t.text_amp_label
})] : t.isAddonActive("amp") ? s("settings-addon-disabled", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_amp_disabled)
})]) : s("settings-addon-disabled", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_amp_addon_disabled)
})])], 2)
St = [],
It = {
name: "SettingsInputAmp",
components: {
SettingsAddonDisabled: Z,
SettingsInputCheckbox: R["a"],
SettingsBlock: w
data: function() {
return {
text_amp_title: Object(u["a"])("Google AMP", "ga-premium"),
text_amp_label: Object(u["a"])("AMP setup has been detected and tracking is occurring automatically. No setup required.", "ga-premium"),
text_amp_upsell: Object(u["a"])("Want to use track users visiting your AMP pages? By upgrading to MonsterInsights Pro, you can enable AMP page tracking.", "ga-premium"),
text_amp_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to use this feature you need to %sinstall the official Google-developed AMP plugin for WordPress.%s", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$mi.install_amp_url + '">', "</a>"),
text_amp_addon_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to use this feature you need to %sinstall & activate the MonsterInsights AMP Addon.%s", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$mi.addons_url + '">', "</a>")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
addons: "$_addons/addons"
methods: {
isAddonActive: function(t) {
return !!this.addons[t] && this.addons[t].active
Mt = It,
Et = Object(x["a"])(Mt, $t, St, !1, null, null, null);
Et.options.__file = "SettingsInputAmp-Pro.vue";
var Lt = Et.exports,
Ut = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_fbia_title
}, [t.isAddonActive("facebook-instant-articles") && t.isAddonActive("instant_articles") ? s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
label: t.text_fbia_label,
faux_tooltip: t.text_fbia_addon_faux_tooltip
}) : t.isAddonActive("facebook-instant-articles") ? s("settings-addon-disabled", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_fbia_disabled)
})]) : s("settings-addon-disabled", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_fbia_addon_disabled)
})])], 1)
Dt = [],
Ht = {
name: "SettingsInputAmp",
components: {
SettingsAddonDisabled: Z,
SettingsInputCheckbox: R["a"],
SettingsBlock: w
data: function() {
return {
text_fbia_title: Object(u["a"])("Facebook Instant Articles", "ga-premium"),
text_fbia_label: Object(u["a"])("Instant Articles setup has been detected and tracking is occurring automatically. No setup required.", "ga-premium"),
text_fbia_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to use this feature you need to %sinstall the Instant Articles for WP plugin by Automattic.%s", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$mi.install_fbia_url + '">', "</a>"),
text_fbia_addon_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to use the Facebook Instant Articles integration features, please %sinstall and activate%s the Facebook Instant Articles addon.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$mi.addons_url + '">', "</a>"),
text_fbia_addon_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Deactivate the Facebook Instant Articles Addon to disable", "ga-premium")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
addons: "$_addons/addons"
methods: {
isAddonActive: function(t) {
return !!this.addons[t] && this.addons[t].active
Bt = Ht,
Nt = Object(x["a"])(Bt, Ut, Dt, !1, null, null, null);
Nt.options.__file = "SettingsInputFbia-Pro.vue";
var Gt = Nt.exports,
Ft = {
name: "SettingsTabPublisher",
components: {
SettingsInfoTooltip: yt["a"],
SettingsInputRepeater: at["a"],
SettingsBlock: w,
SettingsInputAds: Tt,
SettingsInputAmp: Lt,
SettingsInputFbia: Gt
data: function() {
return {
repeater_structure: [{
name: "path",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Path (example: %s)", "ga-premium"), "/go/"),
pattern: /^\/\S+$/,
error: Object(u["a"])("Path has to start with a / and have no spaces", "ga-premium")
}, {
name: "label",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Label (example: %s)", "ga-premium"), "aff"),
pattern: /^\S+$/,
error: Object(u["a"])("Label can't contain any spaces", "ga-premium")
text_affiliate_title: Object(u["a"])("Affiliate Links", "ga-premium"),
text_affiliate_description_tooltip: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])('This allows you to track custom affiliate links. A path of /go/ would match urls that start with that. The label is appended onto the end of the string "outbound-link-", to provide unique labels for these links in Google Analytics. Complete documentation on affiliate links is available %shere%s.', "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$getUrl("settings-panel", "publisher-tab", "") + '" target="_blank">', "</a>"),
text_affiliate_repeater_description: Object(u["a"])("Our affiliate link tracking works by setting path for internal links to track as outbound links.", "ga-premium"),
default_affiliate_value: !1
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
settings: "$_settings/settings"
zt = Ft,
Rt = Object(x["a"])(zt, wt, kt, !1, null, null, null);
Rt.options.__file = "SettingsTabPublisher.vue";
var Wt = Rt.exports,
qt = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("main", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-content monsterinsights-settings-conversions"
}, [s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_forms_title
}, [t.isAddonActive("forms") ? [s("p", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_forms_input_title)
}), s("br"), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_forms_input_description)
})]), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
label: t.text_forms_input_label,
faux: !0,
faux_tooltip: t.text_forms_faux_tooltip,
faux_tooltip_off: t.text_forms_faux_tooltip_off
}, [s("template", {
slot: "collapsible"
}, [s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
default: t.isAddonActive("wpforms"),
label: t.getWPFormsLabel(),
faux_tooltip: t.text_wpforms_faux_tooltip,
faux_tooltip_off: t.text_wpforms_faux_tooltip_off
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
default: t.isAddonActive("gravity_forms"),
label: t.getGravityFormsLabel(),
faux_tooltip: t.text_gravity_forms_faux_tooltip,
faux_tooltip_off: t.text_gravity_forms_faux_tooltip_off
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
default: t.isAddonActive("formidable_forms"),
label: t.getFormidableFormsLabel(),
faux_tooltip: t.text_formidable_forms_faux_tooltip,
faux_tooltip_off: t.text_formidable_forms_faux_tooltip_off
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
faux: !0,
label: t.text_forms_misc_label,
faux_tooltip: t.text_forms_misc_faux_tooltip
})], 1)], 2)] : s("settings-addon-disabled", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_forms_disabled)
})])], 2), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_optimize_title
}, [t.isAddonActive("google-optimize") ? [s("settings-input-text", {
attrs: {
name: "goptimize_container",
format: /GTM-\w+/gm,
label: t.text_optimize_input_title,
description: t.text_optimize_input_description,
tooltip: t.text_optimize_input_tooltip
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("p", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_optimize_async_title)
}), s("br"), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_optimize_async_description)
}), s("settings-info-tooltip", {
attrs: {
content: t.text_optimize_async_tooltip
})], 1), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "goptimize_pagehide",
label: t.text_optimize_async_label
}, [s("template", {
slot: "collapsible"
}, [s("settings-input-text", {
attrs: {
type: "number",
name: "goptimize_pagehide_speed",
label: t.text_optimize_async_time_title,
description: t.text_optimize_async_time_description,
tooltip: t.text_optimize_async_time_tooltip
})], 1)], 2)] : s("settings-addon-disabled", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_optimize_disabled)
})])], 2), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_dimesions_title
}, [t.isAddonActive("dimensions") ? [s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_dimesions_description_1)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_dimesions_description_2)
}), t.isAddonActive("eu-compliance") ? s("p", [s("strong", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_dimensions_eu_compliance)
})]) : t._e(), t.showYoastNotice ? s("p", [s("strong", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_yoast_disabled)
})]) : t._e(), s("settings-input-dimensions", {
attrs: {
name: "custom_dimensions"
on: {
showYoastNotice: function(e) {
t.showYoastNotice = !0
})] : s("settings-addon-disabled", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_dimensions_disabled)
})])], 2)], 1)
Yt = [],
Kt = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-input-repeater monsterinsights-settings-input-dimensions"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-input-repeater-labels settings-input-repeater-row"
}, [s("label", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_type)
}), s("label", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_id)
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), t._l(t.rows, function(e, i) {
return [s("div", {
key: i,
class: t.rowClass(e.type)
}, [s("select", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: e.type,
expression: "row.type"
on: {
change: [function(s) {
var i =, function(t) {
return t.selected
}).map(function(t) {
var e = "_value" in t ? t._value : t.value;
return e
t.$set(e, "type", ? i : i[0])
}, t.updateSetting]
}, t._l(t.getDimensions(e.type), function(e) {
return s("option", {
key: e.type,
attrs: {
disabled: !e.enabled
domProps: {
value: e.type,
textContent: t._s(e.title)
}), 0), s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
expression: ""
attrs: {
type: "number",
max: t.getDimensionsCount()
domProps: {
on: {
change: t.updateSetting,
input: function(s) { || t.$set(e, "id",
}), s("button", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_remove_row
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [s("i", {
staticClass: "monstericon-times-circle"
})])]), s("div", {
key: "separator-" + i,
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), t.has_errors ? s("label", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-error"
}, [s("i", {
staticClass: "monstericon-warning-triangle"
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.has_errors)
})]) : t._e(), t.rows.length < t.getDimensionsCount() ? s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_add)
on: {
click: t.addRow
}) : t._e(), s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dimensions-count",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.sprintf(t.text_using, t.rows.length, t.getDimensionsCount()))
})], 2)
Xt = [],
Vt = (s("55dd"), s("e814")),
Qt = s.n(Vt),
Jt = s("db0c"),
Zt = s.n(Jt),
te = s("f499"),
ee = s.n(te),
se = {
name: "SettingsInputDimensions",
props: {
name: String
data: function() {
return {
has_errors: !1,
current_index: 0,
text_add: Object(u["a"])("Add New Custom Dimension", "ga-premium"),
text_remove_row: Object(u["a"])("Remove row", "ga-premium"),
text_type: Object(u["a"])("Type", "ga-premium"),
text_id: Object(u["a"])("ID", "ga-premium"),
text_using: Object(u["a"])("You are using %d out of %d custom dimensions", "ga-premium"),
dimensions: JSON.parse(ee()(this.$mi.dimensions))
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
settings: "$_settings/settings"
}), {
rows: {
get: function() {
this.settings[] || i["a"].set(this.settings,, []), Object === this.settings[].constructor && i["a"].set(this.settings,, Zt()(this.settings[]));
var t = JSON.parse(ee()(this.settings[]));
return this.updateAvailableDimensions(t), this.maybeShowYoastNotice(t), t
set: function() {
methods: {
sprintf: u["d"],
updateSetting: function() {
var t = this;
if (this.has_errors = this.validateSettings(), this.has_errors) return !1;
this.$mi_saving_toast({}), this.updateAvailableDimensions(), this.$store.dispatch("$_settings/updateSettings", {
value: this.rows
}).then(function(e) {
e.success ? t.$mi_success_toast({}) : t.$mi_error_toast({})
addRow: function() {
var t = "";
for (var e in this.dimensions) this.dimensions[e].enabled && (t = this.dimensions[e].type);
var s = {
id: this.getCurrentIndex(),
type: t
this.rows.push(s), this.updateAvailableDimensions(), this.updateSetting()
removeRow: function(t) {
this.rows.splice(t, 1), this.updateSetting()
updateAvailableDimensions: function(t) {
var e = t || this.rows;
if (e)
for (var s in this.dimensions) {
var i = this.$mi.dimensions[s].enabled;
for (var a in e)
if (this.dimensions[s]["type"] === e[a]["type"]) {
i = !1;
this.dimensions[s]["enabled"] = i
validateSettings: function() {
var t = [],
e = !1;
for (var s in this.rows) t.push(Qt()(this.rows[s].id)), "" === this.rows[s].id && (e = !0);
if (e) return Object(u["a"])("Each dimension needs to have an id set.", "ga-premium");
var i = t.filter(function(t, e, s) {
return s.indexOf(t) === e
return i.length !== t.length && Object(u["a"])("The custom dimension IDs must be unique for each dimension.", "ga-premium")
getDimensionsCount: function() {
var t = 0;
for (var e in this.$mi.dimensions) this.$mi.dimensions[e]["enabled"] && t++;
return t
rowClass: function(t) {
var e = "monsterinsights-settings-input-repeater-row";
return this.defaultDisabled(t) && (e += " monsterinsights-disabled-row"), e
defaultDisabled: function(t) {
for (var e in this.$mi.dimensions)
if (this.$mi.dimensions[e].type === t && !this.$mi.dimensions[e].enabled) return !0;
return !1
getCurrentIndex: function() {
var t = [];
for (var e in this.rows) t.push(this.rows[e]["id"]);
if (t.sort(function(t, e) {
return t - e
}), 0 === t.length) return this.current_index = 1, 1;
for (var s = 1, i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
if (t[i] - 1 !== i) {
s = i + 1;
return 1 === s && (s = Qt()(t[t.length - 1], 10) + 1), this.current_index = s, this.current_index
getDimensions: function(t) {
var e = [];
for (var s in this.dimensions)(this.dimensions[s].enabled || t === this.dimensions[s].type) && e.push(this.dimensions[s]);
return e
maybeShowYoastNotice: function(t) {
if (t)
for (var e in t)
if ("seo_score" === t[e].type && this.defaultDisabled("seo_score") || "focus_keyword" === t[e].type && this.defaultDisabled("focus_keyword")) {
ie = se,
ae = (s("0a02"), Object(x["a"])(ie, Kt, Xt, !1, null, "b1d38152", null));
ae.options.__file = "SettingsInputDimensions.vue";
var ne = ae.exports,
oe = {
name: "SettingsTabConversions",
components: {
SettingsInfoTooltip: yt["a"],
SettingsInputDimensions: ne,
SettingsInputText: W["a"],
SettingsInputCheckbox: R["a"],
SettingsAddonDisabled: Z,
SettingsBlock: w
data: function() {
return {
showYoastNotice: !1,
text_forms_title: Object(u["a"])("Forms Tracking", "ga-premium"),
text_optimize_title: Object(u["a"])("Google Optimize", "ga-premium"),
text_dimesions_title: Object(u["a"])("Custom Dimensions", "ga-premium"),
text_forms_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to use the forms tracking features, please %sinstall and activate%s the forms addon.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$mi.addons_url + '">', "</a>"),
text_optimize_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to use the Google Optimize features, please %sinstall and activate%s the Google Optimize addon.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$mi.addons_url + '">', "</a>"),
text_dimensions_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to use the Custom Dimensions features, please %sinstall and activate%s the dimensions addon.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$mi.addons_url + '">', "</a>"),
text_forms_input_title: Object(u["a"])("Track Form Conversion in Google Analytics", "ga-premium"),
text_forms_input_description: Object(u["a"])("Form impressions and conversions are being logged for visitors to your site. No configuration is required.", "ga-premium"),
text_forms_input_label: Object(u["a"])("Enable Form Conversion Tracking", "ga-premium"),
text_forms_wp_forms: Object(u["a"])("WPForms", "ga-premium"),
text_forms_gravity_forms: Object(u["a"])("Gravity Forms", "ga-premium"),
text_forms_formidable_forms: Object(u["a"])("Formidable Forms", "ga-premium"),
text_forms_not_available: Object(u["a"])("%s is not available", "ga-premium"),
text_forms_misc_label: Object(u["a"])("Miscellaneous WordPress Forms", "ga-premium"),
text_optimize_input_title: Object(u["a"])("Google Optimize Container ID", "ga-premium"),
text_optimize_input_description: Object(u["a"])("This should be in the format GTM-XXXXXX", "ga-premium"),
text_optimize_input_tooltip: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Visit our knowledge base to learn how to %sset up Google Optimize%s in Google Analytics. %s You'll need to have set up a Google Optimize account. If you run into any issues, please see our %stroubleshooting guide%s on the most common errors.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$getUrl("settings-panel", "conversions-tab", "") + '" target="_blank">', "</a>", "<br/>", '<a href="' + this.$getUrl("settings-panel", "conversions-tab", "") + '" target="_blank">', "</a>"),
text_optimize_async_title: Object(u["a"])("Google Optimize Async Page Hide", "ga-premium"),
text_optimize_async_description: Object(u["a"])("Automatically output the page-hiding snippet which reduces the risk of page flicker.", "ga-premium"),
text_optimize_async_label: Object(u["a"])("Enable Google Optimize Async Page Hide", "ga-premium"),
text_optimize_async_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("We recommend that you also use this feature to automatically output the page-hiding snippet which reduces the risk of page flicker. This feature also helps ensure that users on slow connections have a better experience by only showing experiment variants when the Optimize container loads within the set timeout (which you can configure below).", "ga-premium"),
text_optimize_async_time_title: Object(u["a"])("Maximum Time to Hide Page", "ga-premium"),
text_optimize_async_time_description: Object(u["a"])("The maximum time (in milliseconds) the page will be hidden.", "ga-premium"),
text_optimize_async_time_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("The maximum time (in milliseconds) the page will be hidden if using the Google Optimize Async Page Hide feature directly above. Once Optimize is ready or this maximum time is reached (whichever comes first) the page will become visible again. Default: 4000.", "ga-premium"),
text_dimesions_description_1: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Visit our knowledge base to learn %show to setup%s and %show to use%s custom dimensions in Google Analytics.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$getUrl("settings-panel", "custom-dimensions", "") + '" target="_blank">', "</a>", '<a href="' + this.$getUrl("settings-panel", "custom-dimensions", "") + '" target="_blank">', "</a>"),
text_dimesions_description_2: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("You need to install %sWordPress SEO by Yoast%s to be able to use the %sSEO Score%s and %sFocus Keyword%s custom dimensions. If you're already running another SEO plugin, WordPress SEO can import its meta data.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank">', "</a>", "<strong>", "</strong>", "<strong>", "</strong>"),
text_dimensions_eu_compliance: Object(u["a"])("Author Tracking and User ID tracking have been disabled because the EU Compliance addon is active.", "ga-premium"),
text_yoast_disabled: Object(u["a"])("SEO Score and Focus Keyword dimensions have been disabled because WordPress SEO by Yoast is not active.", "ga-premium"),
text_forms_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Deactivate Forms addon to disable", "ga-premium"),
text_wpforms_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Deactivate WPForms to disable", "ga-premium"),
text_gravity_forms_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Deactivate Gravity Forms to disable", "ga-premium"),
text_formidable_forms_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Deactivate Formidable Forms to disable", "ga-premium"),
text_forms_misc_faux_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Forms are tracked by default with the Forms addon.", "ga-premium"),
text_forms_faux_tooltip_off: Object(u["a"])("Activate Forms addon to enable forms tracking.", "ga-premium"),
text_wpforms_faux_tooltip_off: Object(u["a"])("Activate WPForms to enable", "ga-premium"),
text_gravity_forms_faux_tooltip_off: Object(u["a"])("Activate Gravity Forms to enable", "ga-premium"),
text_formidable_forms_faux_tooltip_off: Object(u["a"])("Activate Formidable Forms to enable", "ga-premium")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
addons: "$_addons/addons",
settings: "$_settings/settings"
methods: {
isAddonActive: function(t) {
return !!this.addons[t] && this.addons[t].active
getWPFormsLabel: function() {
return this.isAddonActive("wpforms") ? this.text_forms_wp_forms : Object(u["d"])(this.text_forms_not_available, this.text_forms_wp_forms)
getGravityFormsLabel: function() {
return this.isAddonActive("gravity_forms") ? this.text_forms_gravity_forms : Object(u["d"])(this.text_forms_not_available, this.text_forms_gravity_forms)
getFormidableFormsLabel: function() {
return this.isAddonActive("formidable_forms") ? this.text_forms_formidable_forms : Object(u["d"])(this.text_forms_not_available, this.text_forms_formidable_forms)
re = oe,
le = Object(x["a"])(re, qt, Yt, !1, null, null, null);
le.options.__file = "SettingsTabConversions-Pro.vue";
var ce = le.exports,
me = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("main", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-content settings-advanced"
}, [s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_permissions_title
}, [s("settings-input-select", {
attrs: {
options: t.user_roles,
forced: t.user_roles_manage_options,
multiple: !0,
name: "view_reports",
label: t.text_permissions_view_label,
description: t.text_permissions_view_description,
tooltip: t.text_permissions_view_tooltip
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-select", {
attrs: {
options: t.user_roles,
forced: t.user_roles_manage_options,
multiple: !0,
name: "save_settings",
label: t.text_permissions_save_label,
description: t.text_permissions_save_description,
tooltip: t.text_permissions_save_tooltip
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-select", {
attrs: {
options: t.user_roles,
forced: t.user_roles_manage_options,
multiple: !0,
name: "ignore_users",
label: t.text_permissions_ignore_label,
description: t.text_permissions_ignore_description,
tooltip: t.text_permissions_ignore_tooltip
})], 1), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_performance_title
}, [s("settings-input-performance")], 1), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_custom_code_title
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "input-custom_code"
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_custom_code_description)
}), t.can_edit_code ? s("settings-input-textarea", {
attrs: {
name: "custom_code",
validate: t.validateCode
}) : s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_cant_edit)
})], 1), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_reports_title
}, [s("settings-input-radio", {
attrs: {
options: t.reports_options,
name: "dashboards_disabled"
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "hide_admin_bar_reports",
label: t.text_hide_admin_bar
})], 1), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_automatic_updates_title
}, [s("settings-input-radio", {
attrs: {
options: t.automatic_updates,
name: "automatic_updates"
})], 1), s("settings-input-misc")], 1)
ue = [],
de = s("aa9f"),
pe = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "settings-input settings-input-performance"
}, [t.isAddonActive("performance") ? [s("settings-input-number", {
attrs: {
type: "number",
min: 1,
max: 100,
name: "samplerate",
label: t.text_sample_rate_label,
description: t.text_sample_rate_description,
tooltip: t.text_sample_rate_tooltip
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("settings-input-number", {
attrs: {
type: "number",
min: 1,
max: 100,
name: "speedsamplerate",
label: t.text_sample_rate_speed_label,
description: t.text_sample_rate_speed_description,
round: !0
})] : s("settings-addon-disabled", [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_performance_addon_disabled)
})])], 2)
_e = [],
ge = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "settings-input-text"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.label)
}), t.description ? s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.description)
}) : t._e(), t.showReset() ? s("a", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-reset-default",
attrs: {
href: "#"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_reset)
on: {
click: function(e) {
return e.preventDefault(), t.resetValue(e)
}) : t._e(), t.tooltip ? s("settings-info-tooltip", {
attrs: {
content: t.tooltip
}) : t._e()], 1), s("div", {
staticClass: "settings-input-text-input"
}, [s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.number_value,
expression: "number_value"
attrs: {
type: "number",
placeholder: t.placeholder,
min: t.min,
max: t.max,
step: t.step
domProps: {
value: t.number_value
on: {
change: t.inputUpdate,
input: function(e) { || (t.number_value =
})]), t.has_error ? s("label", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-error"
}, [s("i", {
staticClass: "monstericon-warning-triangle"
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.has_error)
})]) : t._e()])
he = [],
be = s("59ad"),
fe = s.n(be),
xe = (s("c5f6"), {
name: "SettingsInputNumber",
components: {
SettingsInfoTooltip: yt["a"]
props: {
name: String,
label: String,
description: String,
placeholder: String,
type: {
type: String,
default: "text"
tooltip: String,
default_value: String,
min: Number,
max: Number,
step: {
type: Number,
default: 1
round: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
data: function() {
return {
has_error: !1,
id: "input-" +,
text_reset: Object(u["a"])("Reset to default", "ga-premium"),
text_error_value: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Please enter a value between %s and %s", "ga-premium"), "<strong>" + this.min + "</strong>", "<strong>" + this.max + "</strong>"),
text_error_round: Object(u["a"])("Value has to be a round number", "ga-premium"),
updated_number_value: !1
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
settings: "$_settings/settings"
}), {
number_value: {
get: function() {
return !1 !== this.updated_number_value ? this.updated_number_value : this.settings[]
set: function(t) {
return this.updated_number_value = t
methods: {
inputUpdate: function(t) {
updateSetting: function(t, e) {
var s = this;
return this.has_error = !1, e = fe()(e), this.round && e % 1 !== 0 ? (this.has_error = this.text_error_round, !1) : isNaN(e) || e > this.max || e < this.min ? (this.has_error = this.text_error_value, !1) : (this.$mi_saving_toast({}), void this.$store.dispatch("$_settings/updateSettings", {
name: t,
value: e
}).then(function(t) {
t.success ? s.$mi_success_toast({}) : s.$mi_error_toast({})
showReset: function() {
return this.default_value && this.settings[] !== this.default_value
resetValue: function() {
return this.updateSetting(, this.default_value)
ve = xe,
we = (s("803d"), Object(x["a"])(ve, ge, he, !1, null, "6b1265c1", null));
we.options.__file = "SettingsInputNumber.vue";
var ke = we.exports,
ye = {
name: "SettingsInputPerformance",
components: {
SettingsInputNumber: ke,
SettingsAddonDisabled: Z
data: function() {
return {
text_sample_rate_label: Object(u["a"])("Sample Rate", "ga-premium"),
text_sample_rate_description: Object(u["a"])("Specifies what percentage of users should be tracked", "ga-premium"),
text_sample_rate_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Specifies what percentage of users should be tracked. This defaults to 100 when field is blank (no users are sampled out) but large sites may need to use a lower sample rate to stay within Google Analytics processing limits. Note, setting this setting to a number lower than 100 means not all of your users will be tracked into Google Analytics.", "ga-premium"),
text_sample_rate_speed_label: Object(u["a"])("Site Speed Sample Rate", "ga-premium"),
text_sample_rate_speed_description: Object(u["a"])("Determines how often site speed tracking beacons will be sent. By default, 1% of users will be tracked.", "ga-premium"),
text_performance_addon_disabled: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("In order to use the performance tracking features, please %sinstall and activate%s the performance addon.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="' + this.$mi.addons_url + '">', "</a>")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
addons: "$_addons/addons"
methods: {
isAddonActive: function(t) {
return !!this.addons[t] && this.addons[t].active
Oe = ye,
je = Object(x["a"])(Oe, pe, _e, !1, null, null, null);
je.options.__file = "SettingsInputPerformance-Pro.vue";
var Ce = je.exports,
Ae = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "settings-input-text"
}, [t.label || t.description ? s("label", {
attrs: {
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.label)
}), t.description ? s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.description)
}) : t._e()]) : t._e(), s("div", {
staticClass: "settings-input-text-input"
}, [s("textarea", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.value,
expression: "value"
attrs: {
placeholder: t.placeholder
domProps: {
value: t.value
on: {
change: t.updateSetting,
input: function(e) { || (t.value =
})]), t.error ? s("label", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-error"
}, [s("i", {
staticClass: "monstericon-warning-triangle"
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.error)
})]) : t._e()])
Pe = [],
Te = {
name: "SettingsInputTextarea",
props: {
name: String,
label: String,
description: String,
placeholder: String,
validate: Function
data: function() {
return {
is_loading: !1,
has_error: !1,
id: "input-" +,
error: !1,
updated_value: !1
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
settings: "$_settings/settings"
}), {
value: {
get: function() {
return !1 !== this.updated_value ? this.updated_value : this.settings[]
set: function(t) {
return this.updated_value = t
methods: {
updateSetting: function(t) {
var e = this;
if (this.error = !1, this.validate) {
var s = this.validate(;
if (!0 !== s) return this.error = s, !1
this.$mi_saving_toast({}), this.$store.dispatch("$_settings/updateSettings", {
}).then(function(t) {
t.success ? e.$mi_success_toast({}) : e.$mi_error_toast({})
$e = Te,
Se = (s("8913"), Object(x["a"])($e, Ae, Pe, !1, null, "72fe2a8b", null));
Se.options.__file = "SettingsInputTextarea.vue";
var Ie = Se.exports,
Me = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_misc_title
}, [s("p", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_announcements_title)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_announcements_description)
})]), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "hide_am_notices",
label: t.text_announcements_label
})], 1)
Ee = [],
Le = {
name: "SettingsInputMisc",
components: {
SettingsInputCheckbox: R["a"],
SettingsBlock: w
data: function() {
return {
text_misc_title: Object(u["a"])("Miscellaneous", "ga-premium"),
text_announcements_title: Object(u["a"])("Hide Announcements", "ga-premium"),
text_announcements_description: Object(u["a"])("Hides plugin announcements and update details. This includes critical notices we use to inform about deprecations and important required configuration changes.", "ga-premium"),
text_announcements_label: Object(u["a"])("Hide Announcements", "ga-premium")
Ue = Le,
De = (s("f604"), Object(x["a"])(Ue, Me, Ee, !1, null, "56747a70", null));
De.options.__file = "SettingsInputMisc-Pro.vue";
var He = De.exports,
Be = {
name: "SettingsTabAdvanced",
components: {
SettingsInputCheckbox: R["a"],
SettingsInputRadio: k["a"],
SettingsInputTextarea: Ie,
SettingsInputSelect: de["a"],
SettingsBlock: w,
SettingsInputPerformance: Ce,
SettingsInputMisc: He
data: function() {
return {
text_permissions_title: Object(u["a"])("Permissions", "ga-premium"),
text_permissions_view_label: Object(u["a"])("Allow These User Roles to See Reports", "ga-premium"),
text_permissions_view_description: Object(u["a"])("Users that have at least one of these roles will be able to view the reports.", "ga-premium"),
text_permissions_view_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Users that have at least one of these roles will be able to view the reports, along with any user with the manage_options capability.", "ga-premium"),
text_permissions_save_label: Object(u["a"])("Allow These User Roles to Save Settings", "ga-premium"),
text_permissions_save_description: Object(u["a"])("Users that have at least one of these roles will be able to view and save the settings panel.", "ga-premium"),
text_permissions_save_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Users that have at least one of these roles will be able to view and save the settings panel, along with any user with the manage_options capability.", "ga-premium"),
text_permissions_ignore_label: Object(u["a"])("Exclude These User Roles From Tracking", "ga-premium"),
text_permissions_ignore_description: Object(u["a"])("Users that have at least one of these roles will not be tracked into Google Analytics.", "ga-premium"),
text_permissions_ignore_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Users that have at least one of these roles will not be tracked into Google Analytics.", "ga-premium"),
text_performance_title: Object(u["a"])("Performance", "ga-premium"),
text_custom_code_title: Object(u["a"])("Custom code", "ga-premium"),
text_custom_code_description: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Not for the average user: this allows you to add a line of code, to be added before the %spageview is sent%s.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="" target="_blank">', "</a>"),
text_reports_title: Object(u["a"])("Reports", "ga-premium"),
text_automatic_updates_title: Object(u["a"])("Automatic Updates", "ga-premium"),
text_cant_edit: Object(u["a"])('You must have the "unfiltered_html" capability to view/edit this setting.', "ga-premium"),
text_hide_admin_bar: Object(u["a"])("Hide Admin Bar Reports", "ga-premium"),
reports_options: [{
value: "0",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Enabled %s- Show reports and dashboard widget.%s", "ga-premium"), "<small>", "</small>")
}, {
value: "dashboard_widget",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Dashboard Widget Only %s- Disable reports, but show dashboard widget.%s", "ga-premium"), "<small>", "</small>")
}, {
value: "disabled",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Disabled %s- Hide reports and dashboard widget.%s", "ga-premium"), "<small>", "</small>")
automatic_updates: [{
value: "all",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Yes (recommended) %s- Get the latest features, bugfixes, and security updates as they are released.%s", "ga-premium"), "<small>", "</small>")
}, {
value: "minor",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Minor only %s- Get bugfixes and security updates, but not major features.%s", "ga-premium"), "<small>", "</small>")
}, {
value: "none",
label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("None %s- Manually update everything.%s", "ga-premium"), "<small>", "</small>")
can_edit_code: this.$mi.unfiltered_html
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
settings: "$_settings/settings",
addons: "$_addons/addons",
auth: "$_auth/auth"
}), {
user_roles: function() {
var t = [];
for (var e in this.$mi.roles) t.push({
label: this.$mi.roles[e],
value: e
return t
user_roles_manage_options: function() {
var t = [];
for (var e in this.$mi.roles_manage_options) t.push({
label: this.$mi.roles_manage_options[e],
value: e
return t
methods: {
validateCode: function(t) {
return !(t.indexOf("analytics.js") > -1 || t.indexOf("gtag.js") > -1 || t.indexOf("gtm.js") > -1 || t.indexOf("ga.js") > -1) || Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("It looks like you added a Google Analytics tracking code in the custom code area, this can potentially prevent proper tracking. If you want to use a manual UA please use the setting in the %sGeneral%s tab.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="#/general">', "</a>")
Ne = Be,
Ge = (s("3224"), Object(x["a"])(Ne, me, ue, !1, null, "843f198c", null));
Ge.options.__file = "SettingsTabAdvanced.vue";
var Fe = Ge.exports,
ze = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("main", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addons monsterinsights-container",
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-addons",
"data-license": t.licenseType
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addons-area"
}, [t.addonsList().length > 0 ? s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addons-list"
}, t._l(t.addonsList(), function(t, e) {
return s("addon-block", {
key: e,
attrs: {
addon: t
}), 1) : t._e()]), t.showNoText ? s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addons-no-results"
}, ["" !== ? s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_no_addons_found)
}) : s("div", [s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_no_addons)
}), s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_refresh_addons)
on: {
click: t.refreshAddons
})])]) : t._e(), s("TheAppFTPForm")], 1)
Re = [],
We = (s("386d"), s("9024"), function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addon"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addon-top"
}, [t.addon.icon ? s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addon-image"
}, [s("img", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addon-thumb",
attrs: {
src: t.addon.icon,
alt: t.addon.title
})]) : t._e(), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addon-text"
}, [s("h3", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addon-title",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.addonTitle)
}), t.addon.excerpt ? s("p", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addon-excerpt",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.addon.excerpt)
}) : t._e()])]), s("div", {
class: t.actionsClass()
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-interior"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addon-status",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.statusText())
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addon-action"
}, ["licensed" === t.addon.type ? s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
on: {
click: function(e) {
return e.preventDefault(), t.clickAction(e)
}, [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.textButtonAction())
})]) : s("a", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
attrs: {
href: t.upgrade_url,
target: "_blank"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.textButtonAction())
qe = [],
Ye = {
name: "AddonBlock",
props: {
addon: Object,
isAddon: {
type: Boolean,
default: !0
data: function() {
return {
text_status: Object(u["a"])("Status: %s", "ga-premium"),
text_upgrade: Object(u["a"])("Upgrade Now", "ga-premium"),
upgrade_url: this.$getUpgradeUrl(),
activating: !1,
deactivating: !1,
installing: !1
computed: {
addonTitle: function() {
var t = this.addon.title;
return 0 === t.indexOf("MonsterInsights") && (t = t.replace("MonsterInsights ", "")), t
methods: {
actionsClass: function() {
var t = "monsterinsights-addon-message ";
return "licensed" === this.addon.type ? ? t += "monsterinsights-addon-active" : !1 === this.addon.installed ? t += "monsterinsights-addon-not-installed" : t += "monsterinsights-addon-inactive" : t += "monsterinsights-addon-not-available", t
statusText: function() {
var t = Object(u["a"])("Not Installed", "ga-premium");
return "licensed" !== this.addon.type ? t = Object(u["a"])("Not Available", "ga-premium") : ? t = this.$ ? Object(u["a"])("Network Active", "ga-premium") : Object(u["a"])("Active", "ga-premium") : this.addon.installed && (t = Object(u["a"])("Inactive", "ga-premium")), Object(u["d"])(this.text_status, "<span>" + t + "</span>")
textButtonAction: function() {
return "licensed" !== this.addon.type ? Object(u["a"])("Upgrade Now", "ga-premium") : this.activating ? Object(u["a"])("Activating...", "ga-premium") : this.deactivating ? Object(u["a"])("Deactivating...", "ga-premium") : this.installing ? Object(u["a"])("Installing...", "ga-premium") : ? Object(u["a"])("Deactivate", "ga-premium") : this.addon.installed ? Object(u["a"])("Activate", "ga-premium") : Object(u["a"])("Install", "ga-premium")
clickAction: function() {
if (this.activating || this.deactivating || this.installing) return !1;
this.addon.installed ? ? this.deactivateAddon() : this.activateAddon() : this.installAddon()
installAddon: function() {
var t = this,
e = this.isAddon ? "$_addons/installAddon" : "$_addons/installPlugin";
this.installing = !0, this.$store.dispatch(e, this.addon).then(function() {
t.installing = !1
activateAddon: function() {
var t = this;
this.activating = !0, this.$store.dispatch("$_addons/activateAddon", this.addon).then(function() {
t.activating = !1
deactivateAddon: function() {
var t = this;
this.deactivating = !0, this.$store.dispatch("$_addons/deactivateAddon", this.addon).then(function() {
t.deactivating = !1
Ke = Ye,
Xe = Object(x["a"])(Ke, We, qe, !1, null, null, null);
Xe.options.__file = "AddonBlock.vue";
var Ve = Xe.exports,
Qe = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return t.ftp_form.visible ? s("div", {
staticClass: "notification-dialog-wrap request-filesystem-credentials-dialog",
attrs: {
id: "request-filesystem-credentials-dialog"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "notification-dialog-background"
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "notification-dialog",
attrs: {
role: "dialog",
"aria-labelledby": "request-filesystem-credentials-title",
tabindex: "0"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "request-filesystem-credentials-dialog-content"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "request-filesystem-credentials-form",
attrs: {
id: "request-filesystem-credentials-form"
}, [s("h1", {
attrs: {
id: "request-filesystem-credentials-title"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_form_title)
}), s("p", {
attrs: {
id: "request-filesystem-credentials-desc"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_form_description)
}), s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "hostname"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "field-title",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_hostname_label)
}), s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.localHostname,
expression: "localHostname"
staticClass: "code",
attrs: {
id: "hostname",
name: "hostname",
type: "text",
"aria-describedby": "request-filesystem-credentials-desc",
placeholder: "example:",
value: "",
autocomplete: "off"
domProps: {
value: t.localHostname
on: {
input: function(e) { || (t.localHostname =
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "ftp-username"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "username"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "field-title",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_username_label)
}), s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.localUsername,
expression: "localUsername"
attrs: {
id: "username",
name: "username",
type: "text",
value: "",
autocomplete: "off"
domProps: {
value: t.localUsername
on: {
input: function(e) { || (t.localUsername =
})])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "ftp-password"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "password"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "field-title",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_password_label)
}), s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.localPassword,
expression: "localPassword"
attrs: {
id: "password",
name: "password",
type: "password",
value: "",
autocomplete: "off"
domProps: {
value: t.localPassword
on: {
input: function(e) { || (t.localPassword =
}), s("em", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_password_description)
})])]), s("fieldset", [s("legend", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_connection_type_label)
}), s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "ftp"
}, [s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.localConnectionType,
expression: "localConnectionType"
attrs: {
id: "ftp",
type: "radio",
name: "connection_type",
value: "ftp"
domProps: {
checked: t._q(t.localConnectionType, "ftp")
on: {
change: function(e) {
t.localConnectionType = "ftp"
}), t._v("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFTP\n\t\t\t\t\t")]), s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "ftps"
}, [s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.localConnectionType,
expression: "localConnectionType"
attrs: {
id: "ftps",
type: "radio",
name: "connection_type",
value: "ftps"
domProps: {
checked: t._q(t.localConnectionType, "ftps")
on: {
change: function(e) {
t.localConnectionType = "ftps"
}), t._v("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFTPS (SSL)\n\t\t\t\t\t")])]), s("p", {
staticClass: "request-filesystem-credentials-action-buttons"
}, [s("input", {
attrs: {
id: "_fs_nonce",
type: "hidden",
name: "_fs_nonce",
value: "830ef6f43c"
}), s("button", {
staticClass: "button cancel-button",
attrs: {
"data-js-action": "close",
type: "button"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_button_cancel)
on: {
click: t.hideForm
}), s("button", {
staticClass: "button",
attrs: {
id: "upgrade"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_button_proceed)
on: {
click: t.retryAction
})])])])])]) : t._e()
Je = [],
Ze = {
name: "TheAppFTPForm",
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
ftp_form: "$_app/ftp_form"
}), {
localHostname: {
get: function() {
return this.ftp_form.hostname
set: function(t) {
this.$store.commit("$_app/UPDATE_HOSTNAME", t)
localUsername: {
get: function() {
return this.ftp_form.username
set: function(t) {
this.$store.commit("$_app/UPDATE_USERNAME", t)
localPassword: {
get: function() {
return this.ftp_form.password
set: function(t) {
this.$store.commit("$_app/UPDATE_PASSWORD", t)
localConnectionType: {
get: function() {
return this.ftp_form.connection_type
set: function(t) {
this.$store.commit("$_app/UPDATE_CONNECTION_TYPE", t)
data: function() {
return {
text_form_title: Object(u["a"])("Connection Information", "ga-premium"),
text_form_description: Object(u["a"])("To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.", "ga-premium"),
text_hostname_label: Object(u["a"])("Hostname", "ga-premium"),
text_username_label: Object(u["a"])("FTP Username", "ga-premium"),
text_password_label: Object(u["a"])("FTP Password", "ga-premium"),
text_password_description: Object(u["a"])("This password will not be stored on the server.", "ga-premium"),
text_connection_type_label: Object(u["a"])("Connection Type", "ga-premium"),
text_button_cancel: Object(u["a"])("Cancel", "ga-premium"),
text_button_proceed: Object(u["a"])("Proceed", "ga-premium")
methods: {
hideForm: function() {
retryAction: function() {
var t = this;
this.$store.commit("$_app/HIDE_FTP_FORM"), this.$mi_loading_toast(Object(u["a"])("Please wait...", "ga-premium")), this.$store.dispatch(this.ftp_form.action, {
ts = Ze,
es = (s("961a"), Object(x["a"])(ts, Qe, Je, !1, null, "496d2653", null));
es.options.__file = "TheAppFTPForm.vue";
var ss = es.exports,
is = {
name: "AddonsModuleSite",
components: {
TheAppFTPForm: ss,
AddonBlock: Ve
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
addons: "$_addons/addons",
search: "$_addons/search",
license: "$_license/license",
license_network: "$_license/license_network"
}), {
showNoText: function() {
return 0 === this.addonsList().length
licenseType: function() {
var t = this,
e = this.$ ? this.license_network.type : this.license.type;
return "plus" !== e && "basic" !== e || t.$store.dispatch("$_app/addNotice", {
id: "addons_upgrade",
content: Object(u["a"])("Upgrade to Pro to unlock all addons and other great features.", "ga-premium"),
type: "success",
button: {
enabled: !0,
text: Object(u["a"])("Upgrade Now", "ga-premium"),
link: t.$getUpgradeUrl("addons-page", "notice")
}), e
data: function() {
return {
text_no_addons: Object(u["a"])("There was an issue retrieving the addons for this site. Please click on the button below the refresh the addons data.", "ga-premium"),
text_no_addons_found: Object(u["a"])("No addons found.", "ga-premium"),
text_refresh_addons: Object(u["a"])("Refresh Addons", "ga-premium")
methods: {
addonsList: function() {
var t = [];
for (var e in this.addons)
if (this.addons[e].type) {
if ( && this.addons[e] RegExp(, "i")) < 0) continue;
return "DESC" === this.sort && (t = t.reverse()), t
refreshAddons: function() {
var t = this;
this.$mi_loading_toast(Object(u["a"])("Refreshing Addons", "ga-premium")), this.$store.dispatch("$_addons/getAddons").then(function() {
beforeDestroy: function() {
this.$store.dispatch("$_app/removeNotice", "addons_upgrade")
as = is,
ns = Object(x["a"])(as, ze, Re, !1, null, null, null);
ns.options.__file = "addons-Pro.vue";
var os = ns.exports,
rs = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("main", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools",
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-tools"
}, [s("router-view")], 1)
ls = [],
cs = (s("8028"), {
name: "ToolsModuleSite",
components: {},
computed: {},
data: function() {
return {}
methods: {}
ms = cs,
us = Object(x["a"])(ms, rs, ls, !1, null, null, null);
us.options.__file = "tools.vue";
var ds = us.exports,
ps = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("main", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-about",
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-about"
}, [s("router-view")], 1)
_s = [],
gs = (s("d533"), {
name: "AboutModuleSite",
components: {},
computed: {},
data: function() {
return {}
methods: {}
hs = gs,
bs = Object(x["a"])(hs, ps, _s, !1, null, null, null);
bs.options.__file = "about.vue";
var fs = bs.exports,
xs = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-container"
}, [s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_title_export_import
}, [s("form", {
attrs: {
action: ""
on: {
submit: function(e) {
return e.preventDefault(), t.submitForm(e)
}, [s("label", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_import)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_import_description)
}), s("settings-info-tooltip", {
attrs: {
content: t.text_import_tooltip
})], 1), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-file-input"
}, [s("input", {
attrs: {
type: "file"
on: {
change: t.handleFileUpload
})]), s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
attrs: {
type: "submit"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_import_button)
}), t.has_error ? s("label", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-error"
}, [s("i", {
staticClass: "monstericon-warning-triangle"
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_has_error)
})]) : t._e()]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("form", {
attrs: {
action: "",
method: "post"
}, [s("label", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_export)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_export_description)
}), s("settings-info-tooltip", {
attrs: {
content: t.text_export_tooltip
})], 1), s("input", {
attrs: {
type: "hidden",
name: "monsterinsights_export_settings"
domProps: {
value: t.nonce
}), s("input", {
attrs: {
type: "hidden",
value: "monsterinsights_export_settings",
name: "monsterinsights_action"
}), s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_export_button)
})])])], 1)
vs = [],
ws = s("bc3a"),
ks = s.n(ws),
ys = {
name: "ToolsTabImportExport",
components: {
SettingsInfoTooltip: yt["a"],
SettingsBlock: w
data: function() {
return {
nonce: this.$mi.nonce,
text_title_export_import: Object(u["a"])("Import/Export", "ga-premium"),
text_import: Object(u["a"])("Import", "ga-premium"),
text_import_description: Object(u["a"])("Import settings from another MonsterInsights website.", "ga-premium"),
text_export: Object(u["a"])("Export", "ga-premium"),
text_export_description: Object(u["a"])("Export settings to import into another MonsterInsights install.", "ga-premium"),
text_import_button: Object(u["a"])("Import Settings", "ga-premium"),
text_export_button: Object(u["a"])("Export Settings", "ga-premium"),
text_has_error: Object(u["a"])("Please choose a file to import", "ga-premium"),
text_import_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Use the filepicker below to select the settings export file from another site.", "ga-premium"),
text_export_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Use the button below to export a file with your MonsterInsights settings.", "ga-premium"),
has_error: !1,
selectedFile: !1
methods: {
handleFileUpload: function(t) {
this.has_error = !1, this.selectedFile =[0]
submitForm: function() {
var t = this;
if (this.selectedFile) {
this.$mi_loading_toast(Object(u["a"])("Uploading file...", "ga-premium"));
var e = new FormData;
e.append("import_file", this.selectedFile), e.append("action", "monsterinsights_handle_settings_import"), e.append("nonce", this.$mi.nonce),$mi.ajax, e, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
}).then(function(e) { && ? (t.$store.commit("$_settings/SETTINGS_UPDATED",, t.$swal({
type: "success",
title: Object(u["a"])("File imported", "ga-premium"),
text: Object(u["a"])("Settings successfully updated!", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
})) : t.$swal({
type: "error",
title: Object(u["a"])("Error importing settings", "ga-premium"),
text: Object(u["a"])("Please choose a .json file generated by a MonsterInsights settings export.", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
} else this.has_error = !0
Os = ys,
js = (s("6e6e"), Object(x["a"])(Os, xs, vs, !1, null, "7dd26406", null));
js.options.__file = "ToolsTabImportExport.vue";
var Cs = js.exports,
As = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-content monsterinsights-tools-url-builder"
}, [s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_block_label
}, [s("p", [s("span", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_url_builder_description)
}), t._v(" "), s("settings-info-tooltip", {
attrs: {
content: t.text_url_builder_tooltip
})], 1), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-input-text"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "monsterinsights-tools-website-url"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_website_url_label)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_website_url_description)
})]), s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.website_url,
expression: "website_url"
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-tools-website-url",
type: "text"
domProps: {
value: t.website_url
on: {
input: function(e) { || (t.website_url =
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-input-text"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "monsterinsights-tools-campaign-source"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_campaign_source_label)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_campaign_source_description)
})]), s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.campaign_source,
expression: "campaign_source"
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-tools-campaign-source",
type: "text"
domProps: {
value: t.campaign_source
on: {
input: function(e) { || (t.campaign_source =
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-input-text"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "monsterinsights-tools-campaign-medium"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_campaign_medium_label)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_campaign_medium_description)
})]), s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.campaign_medium,
expression: "campaign_medium"
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-tools-campaign-medium",
type: "text"
domProps: {
value: t.campaign_medium
on: {
input: function(e) { || (t.campaign_medium =
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-input-text"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "monsterinsights-tools-campaign-name"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_campaign_name_label)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_campaign_name_description)
})]), s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.campaign_name,
expression: "campaign_name"
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-tools-campaign-name",
type: "text"
domProps: {
value: t.campaign_name
on: {
input: function(e) { || (t.campaign_name =
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-input-text"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "monsterinsights-tools-campaign-term"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_campaign_term_label)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_campaign_term_description)
})]), s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.campaign_term,
expression: "campaign_term"
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-tools-campaign-term",
type: "text"
domProps: {
value: t.campaign_term
on: {
input: function(e) { || (t.campaign_term =
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-input-text"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "monsterinsights-tools-campaign-content"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_campaign_content_label)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_campaign_content_description)
})]), s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.campaign_content,
expression: "campaign_content"
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-tools-campaign-content",
type: "text"
domProps: {
value: t.campaign_content
on: {
input: function(e) { || (t.campaign_content =
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-input-text"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "monsterinsights-tools-use-fragment"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_use_fragment_label)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_use_fragment_description)
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-input-checkbox"
}, [s("label", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
return e.preventDefault(), t.stopClick(e)
keyup: [function(e) {
return "button" in e || !t._k(e.keyCode, "enter", 13, e.key, "Enter") ? t.stopClick(e) : null
}, function(e) {
return "button" in e || !t._k(e.keyCode, "space", 32, e.key, [" ", "Spacebar"]) ? t.stopClick(e) : null
}, [s("span", {
class: t.checkboxClass,
attrs: {
tabindex: "0"
}), s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.use_fragment,
expression: "use_fragment"
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-tools-use-fragment",
type: "checkbox"
domProps: {
checked: Array.isArray(t.use_fragment) ? t._i(t.use_fragment, null) > -1 : t.use_fragment
on: {
change: function(e) {
var s = t.use_fragment,
i =,
a = !!i.checked;
if (Array.isArray(s)) {
var n = null,
o = t._i(s, n);
i.checked ? o < 0 && (t.use_fragment = s.concat([n])) : o > -1 && (t.use_fragment = s.slice(0, o).concat(s.slice(o + 1)))
} else t.use_fragment = a
}), s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-checkbox-label",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_use_fragment_label)
})])])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-input-text"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "monsterinsights-tools-url-to-use"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_url_to_use_label)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_url_to_use_description)
})]), s("textarea", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.url_to_use,
expression: "url_to_use"
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-tools-url-to-use",
readonly: ""
domProps: {
value: t.url_to_use
on: {
input: function(e) { || (t.url_to_use =
})]), s("div", [s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_copy)
on: {
click: t.copyToClipboard
})])]), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_block_info_label
}, [s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_block_info_description)
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-row"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-label"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_row_1_label)
}), s("p", [t._v("utm_source")])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-description"
}, [s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_row_1_description)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.sprintf(t.text_example, "google"))
})])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-row"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-label"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_row_2_label)
}), s("p", [t._v("utm_medium")])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-description"
}, [s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_row_2_description)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.sprintf(t.text_example, "cpc"))
})])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-row"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-label"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_row_3_label)
}), s("p", [t._v("utm_name")])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-description"
}, [s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_row_3_description)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.sprintf(t.text_example, "utm_campaign=spring_sale"))
})])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-row"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-label"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_row_4_label)
}), s("p", [t._v("utm_term")])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-description"
}, [s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_row_4_description)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.sprintf(t.text_example, "running+shoes"))
})])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-row"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-label"
}, [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_row_5_label)
}), s("p", [t._v("utm_content")])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-info-description"
}, [s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_row_5_description)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.sprintf(t.text_examples, "logolink or textlink"))
})])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("p", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_additional_title)
})]), t._l(t.additional_information, function(e, i) {
return s("p", {
key: i,
staticClass: "monsterinsights-toolsadditional-info"
}, [s("i", {
staticClass: "monstericon-files"
}), s("a", {
attrs: {
href: e.url,
target: "_blank"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(e.text)
})], 2)], 1)
Ps = [],
Ts = {
name: "ToolsTabUrlBuilder",
components: {
SettingsInfoTooltip: yt["a"],
SettingsBlock: w
data: function() {
return {
text_block_label: Object(u["a"])("Custom Campaign Parameters", "ga-premium"),
text_url_builder_description: Object(u["a"])("The URL builder helps you add parameters to your URLs you use in custom web or email ad campaigns.", "ga-premium"),
text_url_builder_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("A custom campaign is any ad campaign not using the AdWords auto-tagging feature. When users click one of the custom links, the unique parameters are sent to your Analytics account, so you can identify the urls that are the most effective in attracting users to your content.", "ga-premium"),
text_website_url_label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Website URL %s", "ga-premium"), '<span class="monsterinsights-required">*</span>'),
text_website_url_description: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("The full website URL (e.g. %s %s%s)", "ga-premium"), "<em>", window.location.origin, "</em>"),
text_campaign_source_label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Campaign Source %s", "ga-premium"), '<span class="monsterinsights-required">*</span>'),
text_campaign_source_description: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Enter a referrer (e.g. %sfacebook, newsletter, google%s)", "ga-premium"), "<em>", "</em>"),
text_campaign_medium_label: Object(u["a"])("Campaign Medium", "ga-premium"),
text_campaign_medium_description: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Enter a marketing medium (e.g. %scpc, banner, email%s)", "ga-premium"), "<em>", "</em>"),
text_campaign_name_label: Object(u["a"])("Campaign Name", "ga-premium"),
text_campaign_name_description: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Enter a name to easily identify (e.g. %sspring_sale%s)", "ga-premium"), "<em>", "</em>"),
text_campaign_term_label: Object(u["a"])("Campaign Term", "ga-premium"),
text_campaign_term_description: Object(u["a"])("Enter the paid keyword", "ga-premium"),
text_campaign_content_label: Object(u["a"])("Campaign Content", "ga-premium"),
text_campaign_content_description: Object(u["a"])("Enter something to differentiate ads", "ga-premium"),
text_use_fragment_label: Object(u["a"])("Use Fragment", "ga-premium"),
text_use_fragment_description: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Set the parameters in the fragment portion of the URL %s(not recommended)%s", "ga-premium"), "<strong>", "</strong>"),
text_url_to_use_label: Object(u["a"])("URL to use", "ga-premium"),
text_url_to_use_description: Object(u["a"])("Updates automatically", "ga-premium"),
text_copy: Object(u["a"])("Copy to clipboard", "ga-premium"),
text_block_info_label: Object(u["a"])("More Information & Examples", "ga-premium"),
text_block_info_description: Object(u["a"])("The following table gives a detailed explanation and example of each of the campaign parameters.", "ga-premium"),
website_url: window.location.origin,
campaign_source: "",
campaign_medium: "",
campaign_name: "",
campaign_term: "",
campaign_content: "",
use_fragment: !1,
text_row_1_label: Object(u["a"])("Campaign Source", "ga-premium"),
text_row_1_description: Object(u["a"])("Required. Use utm_source to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source.", "ga-premium"),
text_row_2_label: Object(u["a"])("Campaign Medium", "ga-premium"),
text_row_2_description: Object(u["a"])("Use utm_medium to identify a medium such as email or cost-per-click.", "ga-premium"),
text_row_3_label: Object(u["a"])("Campaign Name", "ga-premium"),
text_row_3_description: Object(u["a"])("Used for keyword analysis. Use utm_campaign to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.", "ga-premium"),
text_row_4_label: Object(u["a"])("Campaign Term", "ga-premium"),
text_row_4_description: Object(u["a"])("Used for paid search. Use utm_term to note the keywords for this ad.", "ga-premium"),
text_row_5_label: Object(u["a"])("Campaign Content", "ga-premium"),
text_row_5_description: Object(u["a"])("Used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Use utm_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.", "ga-premium"),
text_example: Object(u["a"])("Example: %s", "ga-premium"),
text_examples: Object(u["a"])("Examples: %s", "ga-premium"),
additional_information: [{
text: Object(u["a"])("About Campaigns", "ga-premium"),
url: ""
}, {
text: Object(u["a"])("About Custom Campaigns", "ga-premium"),
url: ""
}, {
text: Object(u["a"])("Best practices for creating Custom Campaigns", "ga-premium"),
url: ""
}, {
text: Object(u["a"])("About the Referral Traffic report", "ga-premium"),
url: ""
}, {
text: Object(u["a"])("About traffic source dimensions", "ga-premium"),
url: ""
}, {
text: Object(u["a"])("AdWords Auto-Tagging", "ga-premium"),
url: ""
text_additional_title: Object(u["a"])("Additional Information", "ga-premium")
computed: {
url_to_use: function() {
var t = "";
return this.website_url && this.campaign_source && (t = this.website_url, t = this.$addQueryArg(t, "utm_source", this.campaign_source), this.campaign_medium && (t = this.$addQueryArg(t, "utm_medium", this.campaign_medium)), this.campaign_name && (t = this.$addQueryArg(t, "utm_campaign", this.campaign_name)), this.campaign_term && (t = this.$addQueryArg(t, "utm_term", this.campaign_term)), this.campaign_content && (t = this.$addQueryArg(t, "utm_content", this.campaign_content)), this.use_fragment && (t = t.replace("?", "#"))), t
checkboxClass: function() {
var t = "monsterinsights-styled-checkbox";
return this.use_fragment && (t += " monsterinsights-styled-checkbox-checked"), t
methods: {
copyToClipboard: function() {
document.querySelector("#monsterinsights-tools-url-to-use").select(), document.execCommand("copy")
stopClick: function() {
this.use_fragment = !this.use_fragment
sprintf: u["d"]
$s = Ts,
Ss = Object(x["a"])($s, As, Ps, !1, null, null, null);
Ss.options.__file = "ToolsTabUrlBuilder.vue";
var Is = Ss.exports,
Ms = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-container"
}, [s("about-block", [s("figure", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-about-page-right-image"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-bg-img monsterinsights-about-team"
}), s("figcaption", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_team_members)
})]), s("h3", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_about_title)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_about_p1)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_about_p2)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_about_p3)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_about_p4)
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addons-list"
}, t._l(t.addonsList(), function(t, e) {
return s("addon-block", {
key: e,
attrs: {
addon: t,
"is-addon": !1
}), 1)], 1)
Es = [],
Ls = s("4aa6"),
Us = s.n(Ls),
Ds = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-about-block"
}, [t._t("default")], 2)
Hs = [],
Bs = {
name: "AboutBlock"
Ns = Bs,
Gs = Object(x["a"])(Ns, Ds, Hs, !1, null, null, null);
Gs.options.__file = "AboutBlock.vue";
var Fs = Gs.exports,
zs = {
name: "AboutTabAboutUs",
components: {
AddonBlock: Ve,
AboutBlock: Fs
data: function() {
return {
text_about_title: Object(u["a"])("Hello and welcome to MonsterInsights, the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. MonsterInsights shows you exactly which content gets the most visit, so you can analyze and optimize it for higher conversions.", "ga-premium"),
text_about_p1: Object(u["a"])("Over the years, we found that in order to get the most out of Google Analytics, you needed a full time developer who could implement custom tracking, so that Google Analytics would integrate with things like WooCommerce, and track things which Google doesn't by default, like outbound links.", "ga-premium"),
text_about_p2: Object(u["a"])('Our goal is to take the pain out of analytics, making it simple and easy, by eliminating the need to have to worry about code, putting the best reports directly into the area you already go to (your WordPress dashboard), and adding the most advanced insights and features without complicating our plugin with tons of settings. Quite simply, it should "just work".', "ga-premium"),
text_about_p3: Object(u["a"])("MonsterInsights is brought to you by the same team that's behind the largest WordPress resource site, WPBeginner, the most popular lead-generation software, OptinMonster, and the best WordPress forms plugin, WPForms.", "ga-premium"),
text_about_p4: Object(u["a"])("Yup, we know a thing or two about building awesome products that customer love.", "ga-premium"),
text_team_members: Object(u["a"])("The MonsterInsights Team: Syed, Chris, Jay, Mircea, Sunita and Basanta", "ga-premium")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
addons: "$_addons/addons"
methods: {
addonsList: function() {
var t = this,
e = ["wpforms", "optinmonster", "wp-mail-smtp"],
s = [];
return e.forEach(function(e) {
if (t.addons[e]) {
var i = Us()(t.addons[e]);
i.type = "licensed", s.push(i)
}), s
Rs = zs,
Ws = Object(x["a"])(Rs, Ms, Es, !1, null, null, null);
Ws.options.__file = "AboutTabAboutUs.vue";
var qs = Ws.exports,
Ys = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-container"
}, [s("about-block", [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-about-page-right-image"
}, [s("iframe", {
attrs: {
width: "560",
height: "315",
src: "",
frameborder: "0",
allow: "accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture",
allowfullscreen: ""
})]), s("h3", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_getting_started_title)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_getting_started_p1)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_getting_started_p2)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_getting_started_p3)
}), s("p", [s("a", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
attrs: {
href: t.wizard_url
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_getting_started_link1)
})])]), t.showLitePro ? s("about-block", [s("h3", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_get_pro)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_get_pro_text)
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-two-column"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-list-check"
}, [s("ul", t._l(t.check_list, function(e, i) {
return s("li", {
key: i,
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(e)
}), 0)]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-list-check"
}, [s("ul", t._l(t.check_list_2, function(e, i) {
return s("li", {
key: i,
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(e)
}), 0)])]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-lite-vs-pro-footer monsterinsights-small"
}, [s("h3", [s("a", {
attrs: {
href: t.$getUpgradeUrl("about-page", "lite-vs-pro")
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_get_upgrade)
})]), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_upgrade_subtitle)
})])]) : t._e(), s("about-block", t._l(t.docs_rows, function(e, i) {
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-about-docs-row"
}, [i > 0 ? s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-separator"
}) : t._e(), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-about-docs-image"
}, [s("div", {
class: e.image
})]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-about-docs-text"
}, [s("h3", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(e.title)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(e.text)
}), s("a", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button monsterinsights-button-green",
attrs: {
target: "_blank"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_documentation)
}), 0)], 1)
Ks = [],
Xs = {
name: "AboutTabGettingStarted",
components: {
AboutBlock: Fs
data: function() {
return {
text_getting_started_title: Object(u["a"])("Getting Started with MonsterInsights", "ga-premium"),
text_getting_started_p1: Object(u["a"])("MonsterInsights is the easiest analytics solution on the market to get started with, as we walk you through exactly what you need to do, in plain english, using our 3 minute setup wizard.", "ga-premium"),
text_getting_started_p2: Object(u["a"])("To begin with, we’ll get your site authorized with Google Analytics, so we can start tracking and generating reports for you right away.", "ga-premium"),
text_getting_started_p3: Object(u["a"])("In no time at all, and after just a few clicks, you'll have setup the most powerful Google Analytics tracking available for WordPress. It's easy to double your traffic and sales when you know exactly how people find and use your website. Let's get started!.", "ga-premium"),
text_getting_started_link1: Object(u["a"])("Launch the wizard!", "ga-premium"),
text_get_pro: Object(u["a"])("Get MonsterInsights Pro and Unlock all the Powerful Features", "ga-premium"),
text_get_pro_text: sprintf(Object(u["a"])("Thanks for being a loyal MonsterInsights Lite user. %sUpgrade to MonsterInsights Pro%s to unlock all the awesome features and experience why MonsterInsights is consistently rated the best Google Analytics solution for WordPress.", "ga-premium"), "<strong>", "</strong>"),
check_list: [Object(u["a"])("Universal Tracking across devices and campaigns with just a few clicks.", "ga-premium"), Object(u["a"])("See your website analytics reports inside the WordPress dashboard", "ga-premium"), Object(u["a"])("Get real-time stats right inside WordPress", "ga-premium"), Object(u["a"])("1-click Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce tracking", "ga-premium"), Object(u["a"])("Get detailed stats for each post and page.", "ga-premium")],
check_list_2: [Object(u["a"])("Automatically track clicks on your affiliate links and ads.", "ga-premium"), Object(u["a"])("Make Google Analytics GDPR compliant automatically", "ga-premium"), Object(u["a"])("Setup tracking for authors, categories, tags, custom post types, users and more", "ga-premium"), Object(u["a"])("Enable Google Optimize for A/B testing, adjust sample speed & sample rate.", "ga-premium"), Object(u["a"])("More advanced features", "ga-premium")],
text_get_upgrade: Object(u["a"])("Get MonsterInsights Pro Today and Unlock all the Powerful Features", "ga-premium"),
text_upgrade_subtitle: sprintf(Object(u["a"])("Bonus: MonsterInsights Lite users get %s50%% off regular price%s, automatically applied at checkout.", "ga-premium"), '<span class="monsterinsights-green-text">', "</span>"),
docs_rows: [{
image: "monsterinsights-bg-img monsterinsights-about-docs-1",
title: Object(u["a"])("How to Connect to Google Analytics", "ga-premium"),
text: Object(u["a"])("After you install MonsterInsights, you’ll need to connect your WordPress site with your Google Analytics account. MonsterInsights makes the process easy, with no coding required.", "ga-premium"),
link: this.$getUrl("about-page", "documentation", "")
}, {
image: "monsterinsights-bg-img monsterinsights-about-docs-2",
title: Object(u["a"])("Guide and Checklist for Advanced Insights", "ga-premium"),
text: Object(u["a"])("Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to measure and track your stats so you can grow your business. This easy-to-follow guide and checklist will get you set up with MonsterInsights’ advanced tracking.", "ga-premium"),
link: this.$getUrl("about-page", "documentation", "")
}, {
image: "monsterinsights-bg-img monsterinsights-about-docs-3",
title: Object(u["a"])("GDPR Guide", "ga-premium"),
text: Object(u["a"])("Compliance with European data laws including GDPR can be confusing and time-consuming. In order to help MonsterInsights users comply with these laws, we’ve created an addon that automates a lot of the necessary configuration changes for you. ", "ga-premium"),
link: this.$getUrl("about-page", "documentation", "")
}, {
image: "monsterinsights-bg-img monsterinsights-about-docs-4",
title: Object(u["a"])("How to install and activate MonsterInsights addons", "ga-premium"),
text: Object(u["a"])("The process for installing and activating addons is quick and easy after you install the MonsterInsights plugin. In this guide we’ll walk you through the process, step by step.", "ga-premium"),
link: this.$getUrl("about-page", "documentation", "")
}, {
image: "monsterinsights-bg-img monsterinsights-about-docs-5",
title: Object(u["a"])("Enabling eCommerce Tracking and Reports", "ga-premium"),
text: Object(u["a"])("Want to track your eCommerce sales data for your WooCommerce, MemberPress, or Easy Digital Downloads store with MonsterInsights? In this guide, we’ll show you how to enable eCommerce tracking in Google Analytics in just a few clicks.", "ga-premium"),
link: this.$getUrl("about-page", "documentation", "")
text_documentation: Object(u["a"])("Read Documentation", "ga-premium"),
wizard_url: this.$mi.wizard_url
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
license: "$_license/license",
license_network: "$_license/license_network"
}), {
showLitePro: function() {
var t = this.$ ? this.license_network.type : this.license.type;
return !(this.$isPro() && "" !== t)
Vs = Xs,
Qs = Object(x["a"])(Vs, Ys, Ks, !1, null, null, null);
Qs.options.__file = "AboutTabGettingStarted.vue";
var Js = Qs.exports,
Zs = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-container"
}, [s("about-block", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-lite-vs-pro-table"
}, [s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-lite-vs-pro-header"
}, [s("h1", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_lite_vs_pro)
}), s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_subtitle)
})]), s("table", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-features-table"
}, [s("thead", [s("tr", [s("th", [s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_feature)
})]), s("th", [s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_lite)
})]), s("th", [s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_pro)
})])])]), s("tbody", t._l(t.features, function(e, i) {
return s("tr", {
key: i
}, [s("td", [s("p", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(e.title)
})]), s("td", [s("p", {
class: t.check_class(e.lite)
}, [e.lite_text ? s("strong", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(e.lite_text)
}) : t._e(), e.lite_subtitle ? s("span", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(e.lite_subtitle)
}) : t._e()])]), s("td", [s("p", {
class: t.check_class(
}, [e.pro_text ? s("strong", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(e.pro_text)
}) : t._e(), e.pro_subtitle ? s("span", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(e.pro_subtitle)
}) : t._e()])])])
}), 0)]), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-lite-vs-pro-footer"
}, [s("h3", [s("a", {
attrs: {
href: t.$getUpgradeUrl("about-page", "lite-vs-pro")
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_get_upgrade)
})]), s("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_upgrade_subtitle)
})])])], 1)
ti = [],
ei = {
name: "AboutTabLiteVsPro",
components: {
AboutBlock: Fs
data: function() {
return {
text_lite_vs_pro: Object(u["a"])("Lite vs Pro", "ga-premium"),
text_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("Get the most out of MonsterInsights by upgrading to Pro and unlocking all of the powerful features.", "ga-premium"),
text_feature: Object(u["a"])("Feature", "ga-premium"),
text_lite: Object(u["a"])("Lite", "ga-premium"),
text_pro: Object(u["a"])("Pro", "ga-premium"),
text_get_upgrade: Object(u["a"])("Get MonsterInsights Pro Today and Unlock all the Powerful Features", "ga-premium"),
text_upgrade_subtitle: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Bonus: MonsterInsights Lite users get %s50%% off regular price%s, automatically applied at checkout.", "ga-premium"), '<span class="monsterinsights-green-text">', "</span>"),
features: [{
title: Object(u["a"])("Universal Tracking", "ga-premium"),
lite_text: Object(u["a"])("Included", "ga-premium"),
pro_text: Object(u["a"])("Included", "ga-premium"),
lite: !0,
pro: !0
}, {
title: Object(u["a"])("Custom Google Analytics Link Tracking", "ga-premium"),
lite: "partial",
pro: !0,
lite_text: Object(u["a"])("Standard Tracking", "ga-premium"),
pro_text: Object(u["a"])("Advanced Tracking", "ga-premium"),
lite_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("Automatic tracking of outbound/external, file download, affiliate, email and telephone links and our simple Custom Link Attribution markup for custom link tracking", "ga-premium"),
pro_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("Scroll tracking as well as tracking on Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and Facebook Instant Articles for Publishers", "ga-premium")
}, {
title: Object(u["a"])("No-Code-Needed Tracking Features", "ga-premium"),
lite: "partial",
pro: !0,
lite_text: Object(u["a"])("Basic Tracking Options", "ga-premium"),
lite_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("Cross-domain tracking, anonymization of IP addresses, and automatic exclusion of administrators from tracking", "ga-premium"),
pro_text: Object(u["a"])("Advanced Tracking Options", "ga-premium"),
pro_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("Easily integrate Google Optimize as well as adjust recordings of site speed and the sample rate of visitors", "ga-premium")
}, {
title: Object(u["a"])("eCommerce Tracking", "ga-premium"),
lite: !1,
pro: !0,
lite_text: Object(u["a"])("Not Available", "ga-premium"),
pro_text: Object(u["a"])("One-click Complete eCommerce tracking", "ga-premium"),
pro_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("Complete eCommerce tracking for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads and MemberPress stores with no code or settings required", "ga-premium")
}, {
title: Object(u["a"])("Forms Tracking", "ga-premium"),
lite: !1,
pro: !0,
lite_text: Object(u["a"])("Not Available", "ga-premium"),
pro_text: Object(u["a"])("One-click Form Events Tracking", "ga-premium"),
pro_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("WPForms, Ninja Forms, Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms and any other WordPress form plugin", "ga-premium")
}, {
title: Object(u["a"])("WordPress Admin Area Reports", "ga-premium"),
lite: "partial",
pro: !0,
lite_text: Object(u["a"])("Standard Reports", "ga-premium"),
lite_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("Overview Reports for the last 30 days.", "ga-premium"),
pro_text: Object(u["a"])("Advanced Reports", "ga-premium"),
pro_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("Publisher, eCommerce, Search Console, Custom Dimensions, Forms and Real-Time with custom date period selection", "ga-premium")
}, {
title: Object(u["a"])("Dashboard Widget", "ga-premium"),
lite: "partial",
pro: !0,
lite_text: Object(u["a"])("Basic Widget", "ga-premium"),
lite_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("Overview Report Synopsis", "ga-premium"),
pro_text: Object(u["a"])("Advanced Dashboard Widget", "ga-premium"),
pro_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("Includes the complete Overview report, Publisher reports and 6 different eCommerce reports", "ga-premium")
}, {
title: Object(u["a"])("Publisher Reports", "ga-premium"),
lite: !1,
pro: !0,
lite_text: Object(u["a"])("Not Available", "ga-premium"),
pro_text: Object(u["a"])("Advanced Publisher Reports & Tracking", "ga-premium"),
pro_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("View Top Landing/Exit Pages, Top Links, Demographics & Interests data and more", "ga-premium")
}, {
title: Object(u["a"])("Custom Dimensions", "ga-premium"),
lite: !1,
pro: !0,
lite_text: Object(u["a"])("Not Available", "ga-premium"),
pro_text: Object(u["a"])("Complete Custom Dimensions Tracking", "ga-premium"),
pro_subtitle: Object(u["a"])("Track and measure by the Author, Post Type, Category, Tags, SEO Score, Focus Keyword, Logged-in User, User ID and Published Time of each post and page", "ga-premium")
}, {
title: Object(u["a"])("Support", "ga-premium"),
lite: "partial",
pro: !0,
lite_text: Object(u["a"])("Limited support", "ga-premium"),
pro_text: Object(u["a"])("Priority Support", "ga-premium")
methods: {
check_class: function(t) {
var e = "monsterinsights-features-none";
return !0 === t && (e = "monsterinsights-features-full"), "partial" === t && (e = "monsterinsights-features-partial"), e
si = ei,
ii = Object(x["a"])(si, Zs, ti, !1, null, null, null);
ii.options.__file = "AboutTabLiteVsPro.vue";
var ai = ii.exports,
ni = new a["a"]({
routes: [{
path: "*",
redirect: "/"
}, {
path: "/",
name: "general",
component: G,
meta: {
title: Object(u["a"])("General", "ga-premium")
}, {
path: "/engagement",
name: "engagement",
component: _t,
meta: {
title: Object(u["a"])("Engagement", "ga-premium")
}, {
path: "/ecommerce",
name: "ecommerce",
component: vt,
meta: {
title: Object(u["a"])("eCommerce", "ga-premium")
}, {
path: "/publisher",
name: "publisher",
component: Wt,
meta: {
title: Object(u["a"])("Publisher", "ga-premium")
}, {
path: "/conversions",
name: "conversions",
component: ce,
meta: {
title: Object(u["a"])("Conversions", "ga-premium")
}, {
path: "/advanced",
name: "advanced",
component: Fe,
meta: {
title: Object(u["a"])("Advanced", "ga-premium")
}, {
path: "/addons",
name: "addons",
component: os
}, {
path: "/tools",
component: ds,
children: [{
name: "tools-url-builder",
path: "",
component: Is,
meta: {
title: Object(u["a"])("URL Builder", "ga-premium")
}, {
name: "tools-import-export",
path: "import-export",
component: Cs,
meta: {
title: Object(u["a"])("Import Export", "ga-premium")
}, {
path: "/about",
component: fs,
children: [{
name: "about-us",
path: "",
component: qs,
meta: {
title: Object(u["a"])("About Us", "ga-premium")
}, {
name: "about-getting-started",
path: "getting-started",
component: Js,
meta: {
title: Object(u["a"])("Getting Started", "ga-premium")
}, {
name: "about-lite-vs-pro",
path: "lite-vs-pro",
component: ai,
meta: {
title: Object(u["a"])("Lite vs Pro", "ga-premium")
oi = s("a158"),
ri = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", ["addons" !== t.route ? s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-mobile-nav-trigger",
on: {
click: function(e) {
t.nav_open = !t.nav_open
}, [s("span", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.routeTitle)
}), s("i", {
class: t.buttonIconClass
})]) : t._e(), s("nav", {
class: t.navClass
}, ["addons" === t.route ? [s("addons-navigation")] : "tools-import-export" === t.route || "tools-url-builder" === t.route ? [s("tools-navigation")] : 0 === t.route.indexOf("about") ? [s("about-navigation")] : [s("router-link", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-navigation-tab-link",
attrs: {
to: "/"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_settings)
}), s("router-link", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-navigation-tab-link",
attrs: {
to: "engagement"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_engagement)
}), s("router-link", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-navigation-tab-link",
attrs: {
to: "ecommerce"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_ecommerce)
}), s("router-link", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-navigation-tab-link",
attrs: {
to: "publisher"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_publisher)
}), s("router-link", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-navigation-tab-link",
attrs: {
to: "conversions"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_conversions)
}), s("router-link", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-navigation-tab-link",
attrs: {
to: "advanced"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_advanced)
})]], 2)])
li = [],
ci = (s("ac6a"), function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addons-navbar"
}, [s("h1", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_addons_title)
}), s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-addons-filters"
}, [s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.localSearch,
expression: "localSearch"
attrs: {
type: "text",
placeholder: t.text_addons_search
domProps: {
value: t.localSearch
on: {
input: function(e) { || (t.localSearch =
}), s("i", {
staticClass: "monstericon-search"
mi = [],
ui = {
name: "AddonsNavigation",
data: function() {
return {
text_addons_title: Object(u["a"])("MonsterInsights Addons", "ga-premium"),
text_addons_search: Object(u["a"])("Search Addons", "ga-premium")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
search: "$_addons/search"
}), {
localSearch: {
get: function() {
set: function(t) {
this.$store.commit("$_addons/UPDATE_SEARCH", t)
di = ui,
pi = Object(x["a"])(di, ci, mi, !1, null, null, null);
pi.options.__file = "AddonsNavigation.vue";
var _i = pi.exports,
gi = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-tools-navbar"
}, [s("router-link", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-navigation-tab-link",
attrs: {
to: "/tools"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_url_builder)
}), s("router-link", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-navigation-tab-link",
attrs: {
to: "/tools/import-export"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_import)
})], 1)
hi = [],
bi = {
name: "ToolsNavigation",
data: function() {
return {
text_import: Object(u["a"])("Import Export", "ga-premium"),
text_url_builder: Object(u["a"])("URL Builder", "ga-premium")
fi = bi,
xi = Object(x["a"])(fi, gi, hi, !1, null, null, null);
xi.options.__file = "ToolsNavigation.vue";
var vi = xi.exports,
wi = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-about-navbar"
}, [s("router-link", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-navigation-tab-link",
attrs: {
to: "/about"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_about_us)
}), s("router-link", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-navigation-tab-link",
attrs: {
to: "/about/getting-started"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_getting_started)
}), t.showLitePro ? s("router-link", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-navigation-tab-link",
attrs: {
to: "/about/lite-vs-pro"
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_lite_vs_pro)
}) : t._e()], 1)
ki = [],
yi = {
name: "AboutNavigation",
data: function() {
return {
text_about_us: Object(u["a"])("About Us", "ga-premium"),
text_getting_started: Object(u["a"])("Getting Started", "ga-premium"),
text_lite_vs_pro: Object(u["a"])("Lite vs Pro", "ga-premium")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
license: "$_license/license",
license_network: "$_license/license_network"
}), {
showLitePro: function() {
var t = this.$ ? this.license_network.type : this.license.type;
return !(this.$isPro && "" !== t)
Oi = yi,
ji = Object(x["a"])(Oi, wi, ki, !1, null, null, null);
ji.options.__file = "AboutNavigation-Pro.vue";
var Ci = ji.exports,
Ai = document.querySelectorAll('[href="admin.php?page=monsterinsights_settings"]'),
Pi = document.querySelector('[href*="monsterinsights_settings#/addons"]'),
Ti = document.querySelector('[href*="monsterinsights_settings#/tools"]'),
$i = document.querySelector('[href*="monsterinsights_settings#/about"]'),
Si = {
name: "SettingsTabsNavigation",
components: {
AboutNavigation: Ci,
ToolsNavigation: vi,
AddonsNavigation: _i
data: function() {
return {
text_settings: Object(u["a"])("General", "ga-premium"),
text_engagement: Object(u["a"])("Engagement", "ga-premium"),
text_ecommerce: Object(u["a"])("eCommerce", "ga-premium"),
text_publisher: Object(u["a"])("Publisher", "ga-premium"),
text_conversions: Object(u["a"])("Conversions", "ga-premium"),
text_advanced: Object(u["a"])("Advanced", "ga-premium"),
nav_open: !1
computed: {
route: function() {
return this.$
routeTitle: function() {
return !!this.$route.meta.title && this.$route.meta.title
buttonIconClass: function() {
var t = "monstericon-arrow";
return this.nav_open && (t += " monstericon-down"), t
navClass: function() {
var t = "monsterinsights-main-navigation";
return (this.nav_open || "addons" === this.route) && (t += " monsterinsights-main-navigation-open"), t
methods: {
handleChange: function(t) {
var e = 0;
Ai.length > 1 && (e = 1), "addons" === t ? (this.removeClasses(), Pi && Pi.parentElement.classList.add("current")) : t.indexOf("tools") >= 0 ? (this.removeClasses(), Ti && Ti.parentElement.classList.add("current")) : t.indexOf("about") >= 0 ? (this.removeClasses(), $i && $i.parentElement.classList.add("current")) : (this.removeClasses(), Ai[e].parentElement.classList.add("current"))
removeClasses: function() {
var t = 0;
Ai.length > 1 && (t = 1), Ti && Ti.parentElement.classList.remove("current"), Pi && Pi.parentElement.classList.remove("current"), $i && $i.parentElement.classList.remove("current"), Ai[t].parentElement.classList.remove("current")
maybeCloseMenu: function() {
var t = document.getElementById("wpwrap");
if (t.classList.contains("wp-responsive-open")) {
var e = document.getElementById("wp-admin-bar-menu-toggle");
e &&
watch: {
$route: function(t) {
this.handleChange(, this.nav_open = !1, this.maybeCloseMenu()
created: function() {
this.handleChange(this.route), Ai.forEach(function(t) {
t.href = t.href + "#/"
Ii = Si,
Mi = Object(x["a"])(Ii, ri, li, !1, null, null, null);
Mi.options.__file = "SettingsTabsNavigation.vue";
var Ei = Mi.exports,
Li = s("4bdc"),
Ui = s("9d59"),
Di = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return t.isRouteSettings ? s("button", {
class: t.buttonClass(),
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_save_changes)
on: {
click: t.simulateSave
}) : t._e()
Hi = [],
Bi = {
name: "SettingsButtonSave",
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
settings: "$_settings/settings"
}), {
route: function() {
return this.$
isRouteSettings: function() {
return "addons" !== this.route && ("tools-url-builder" !== this.route && "tools-import-export" !== this.route && 0 !== this.route.indexOf("about"))
data: function() {
return {
text_save_changes: Object(u["a"])("Save Changes", "ga-premium")
methods: {
buttonClass: function() {
var t = "monsterinsights-button";
return this.settings.is_saving && (t += " monsterinsights-button-disabled"), t
simulateSave: function(t) {
if (this.buttonClass().indexOf("monsterinsights-button-disabled") > -1) return !1;
Ni = Bi,
Gi = Object(x["a"])(Ni, Di, Hi, !1, null, null, null);
Gi.options.__file = "SettingsButtonSave.vue";
var Fi = Gi.exports,
zi = {
name: "SettingsModuleSite",
components: {
SettingsButtonSave: Fi,
TheAppNotices: Ui["a"],
TheAppNavigation: Li["a"],
SettingsTabsNavigation: Ei,
TheAppHeader: oi["a"]
router: ni,
created: function() {
var t = "$_settings";
t in this.$store._modules.root._children || this.$store.registerModule(t, d["a"])
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
blocked: "$_app/blocked",
addons: "$_addons/addons"
}), {
routeClass: function() {
return "monsterinsights-admin-page monsterinsights-settings-panel monsterinsights-path-" + this.$
mounted: function() {
this.$store.dispatch("$_settings/getSettings"), this.$mi_loading_toast()
watch: {
addons: function() {
var t = this;
l()(this.addons).length > 0 && "/oneclickupgrade" === this.$route.redirectedFrom && this.$nextTick().then(function() {
type: "success",
customContainerClass: "monsterinsights-swal",
title: Object(u["a"])("Congratulations! ", "ga-premium"),
html: Object(u["a"])("You Successfully Unlocked the most powerful Analytics plugin", "ga-premium")
Ri = zi,
Wi = (s("0e1d"), Object(x["a"])(Ri, n, o, !1, null, "75373009", null));
Wi.options.__file = "site.vue";
var qi = Wi.exports,
Yi = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-admin-page monsterinsights-settings-panel monsterinsights-settings-panel-network"
}, [s("the-app-header", [s("settings-button-save")], 1), "addons" === t.route ? s("the-app-navigation", [s("addons-navigation")], 1) : t._e(), s("the-app-notices"), s("router-view"), t.blocked ? s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-blocked"
}) : t._e()], 1)
Ki = [],
Xi = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-content settings-network"
}, [s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_license_title
}, [s("settings-input-license-network", {
attrs: {
label: t.text_license_label
})], 1), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_auth_title
}, [s("settings-input-authenticate", {
attrs: {
label: t.text_auth_label,
description: t.text_auth_description
})], 1), s("settings-block", {
attrs: {
title: t.text_misc_title
}, [s("p", [s("span", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-dark",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_announcements_title)
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.text_announcements_description)
})]), s("settings-input-checkbox", {
attrs: {
name: "hide_am_notices",
label: t.text_announcements_label
})], 1)], 1)
Vi = [],
Qi = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
s = t._self._c || e;
return s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-settings-license-network"
}, [s("label", {
attrs: {
for: "monsterinsights-license-network-key"
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.label)
}), t.license_network.is_invalid || "" === t.license_network.type ? s("div", [s("input", {
class: {
"monsterinsights-has-error": t.has_error
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-license-network-key",
readonly: t.is_loading,
type: "text",
autocomplete: "off",
placeholder: t.text_license_placeholder
domProps: {
value: t.license_network.key
on: {
input: t.updateLicense
})]) : t._e(), !t.license_network.is_invalid && t.license_network.type ? s("div", {
staticClass: "inline-field"
}, [s("input", {
directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.license_key,
expression: "license_key"
class: {
"monsterinsights-has-error": t.has_error
attrs: {
id: "monsterinsights-license-key-valid",
type: "text",
autocomplete: "off",
placeholder: t.text_license_placeholder
domProps: {
value: t.license_key
on: {
input: [function(e) { || (t.license_key =
}, t.fieldInput]
}), s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_license_verify)
on: {
click: t.verifyLicense
}), s("button", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-button monsterinsights-button-secondary",
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_license_deactivate)
on: {
click: t.deactivateLicense
})]) : t._e(), t.has_error ? s("label", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-error license-key-error"
}, [s("i", {
staticClass: "monstericon-warning-triangle"
}), s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.has_error)
})]) : t._e(), t.license_network.type && t.license_network.key ? s("div", {
staticClass: "monsterinsights-license-type-text"
}, [s("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.sprintf(t.text_license_type, t.license_network.type))
}), s("a", {
attrs: {
href: "#"
on: {
click: function(e) {
return e.preventDefault(), t.refreshLicense(e)
}, [s("span", {
domProps: {
textContent: t._s(t.text_license_refresh)
}), s("settings-info-tooltip", {
attrs: {
content: t.text_license_refresh_tooltip
})], 1)]) : t._e()])
Ji = [],
Zi = s("f7fe"),
ta = s.n(Zi),
ea = {
name: "SettingsInputLicenseNetwork",
components: {
SettingsInfoTooltip: yt["a"]
props: {
label: String
data: function() {
return {
is_loading: !1,
has_error: !1,
text_license_type: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Your license key type for this site is %s. ", "ga-premium"), '<span class="monsterinsights-dark">%s</span>'),
text_license_refresh: Object(u["a"])("Refresh Key.", "ga-premium"),
text_license_verify: Object(u["a"])("Verify", "ga-premium"),
text_license_deactivate: Object(u["a"])("Deactivate", "ga-premium"),
text_license_placeholder: Object(u["a"])("Paste your license key here", "ga-premium"),
text_license_refresh_tooltip: Object(u["a"])("Click refresh if your license has been upgraded or the type is incorrect.", "ga-premium")
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
license_network: "$_license/license_network"
}), {
license_key: {
get: function() {
return this.updated_license ? this.updated_license : this.license_network.key
set: function(t) {
this.updated_license = t
methods: {
sprintf: u["d"],
fieldInput: ta()(function(t) {
}, 500),
updateLicense: function(t) {
if ("" === return !1;
this.is_loading = !0;
var e = this;
title: Object(u["a"])("Verifying License", "ga-premium")
}), e.has_error = !1, this.$store.dispatch("$_license/updateNetworkLicense", {
e.is_loading = !1, !1 === ? (e.has_error =, e.$mi_error_toast({})) : (e.has_error = !1, e.$mi_success_toast({}))
verifyLicense: function() {
var t = this;
type: "info",
title: Object(u["a"])("Verifying License", "ga-premium"),
allowOutsideClick: !1,
allowEscapeKey: !1,
allowEnterKey: !1,
onOpen: function() {
}), this.$store.dispatch("$_license/verifyLicense", t.license_key).then(function(e) {
t.$swal.close(), ? t.$swal({
type: "info",
title: Object(u["a"])("Success", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
}) : t.$swal({
type: "error",
title: Object(u["a"])("There was an error verifying your license", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
refreshLicense: function(t) {
var e = this;
type: "info",
title: Object(u["a"])("Refreshing License", "ga-premium"),
allowOutsideClick: !1,
allowEscapeKey: !1,
allowEnterKey: !1,
onOpen: function() {
}), this.$store.dispatch("$_license/validateLicense", !0).then(function(t) {
e.$swal.close(), ? e.$swal({
type: "info",
title: Object(u["a"])("Success", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
}) : e.$swal({
type: "error",
title: Object(u["a"])("There was an error refreshing your license", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
deactivateLicense: function(t) {
var e = this;
type: "info",
title: Object(u["a"])("Deactivating License", "ga-premium"),
allowOutsideClick: !1,
allowEscapeKey: !1,
allowEnterKey: !1,
onOpen: function() {
}), this.$store.dispatch("$_license/deactivateLicense", !0).then(function(t) {
e.$swal.close(), ? e.$swal({
type: "info",
title: Object(u["a"])("Success", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
}) : e.$swal({
type: "error",
title: Object(u["a"])("There was an error deactivating your license", "ga-premium"),
confirmButtonText: Object(u["a"])("Ok", "ga-premium")
sa = ea,
ia = Object(x["a"])(sa, Qi, Ji, !1, null, null, null);
ia.options.__file = "SettingsInputLicenseNetwork-Pro.vue";
var aa = ia.exports,
na = {
name: "SettingsNetwork",
components: {
SettingsInputCheckbox: R["a"],
SettingsInputAuthenticate: D,
SettingsInputLicenseNetwork: aa,
SettingsBlock: w
data: function() {
return {
text_license_title: Object(u["a"])("License Key", "ga-premium"),
text_license_label: Object(u["d"])(Object(u["a"])("Add your MonsterInsights license key from the email receipt or account area. %sRetrieve your license key%s.", "ga-premium"), '<a href="#">', "</a>"),
text_auth_title: Object(u["a"])("Google Authentication", "ga-premium"),
text_auth_label: Object(u["a"])("Connect Google Analytics + WordPress", "ga-premium"),
text_auth_description: Object(u["a"])("You will be taken to the MonsterInsights website where you'll need to connect your Analytics account.", "ga-premium"),
text_misc_title: Object(u["a"])("Miscellaneous", "ga-premium"),
text_announcements_title: Object(u["a"])("Hide Announcements", "ga-premium"),
text_announcements_description: Object(u["a"])("Hides plugin announcements and update details. This includes critical notices we use to inform about deprecations and important required configuration changes.", "ga-premium"),
text_announcements_label: Object(u["a"])("Hide Announcements", "ga-premium")
oa = na,
ra = (s("419a"), Object(x["a"])(oa, Xi, Vi, !1, null, "33024a0a", null));
ra.options.__file = "SettingsNetwork.vue";
var la = ra.exports,
ca = new a["a"]({
routes: [{
path: "*",
redirect: "/"
}, {
path: "/",
name: "general",
component: la
}, {
path: "/addons",
name: "addons",
component: os
ma = document.querySelectorAll('[href="admin.php?page=monsterinsights_network"]'),
ua = document.querySelector('[href*="monsterinsights_network#/addons"]'),
da = {
name: "SettingsModuleSite",
components: {
AddonsNavigation: _i,
TheAppNavigation: Li["a"],
TheAppNotices: Ui["a"],
SettingsButtonSave: Fi,
TheAppHeader: oi["a"]
router: ca,
created: function() {
var t = "$_settings";
t in this.$store._modules.root._children || this.$store.registerModule(t, d["a"]), this.handleChange(this.route), ma.forEach(function(t) {
t.href = t.href + "#/"
mounted: function() {
this.$store.dispatch("$_settings/getSettings"), this.$mi_loading_toast()
computed: Object(c["a"])({}, Object(m["b"])({
blocked: "$_app/blocked"
}), {
route: function() {
return this.$
watch: {
$route: function(t) {
methods: {
handleChange: function(t) {
var e = 0;
ma.length > 1 && (e = 1), "addons" === t ? (ma[e].parentElement.classList.remove("current"), ua && ua.parentElement.classList.add("current")) : (ma[e].parentElement.classList.add("current"), ua && ua.parentElement.classList.remove("current"))
pa = da,
_a = Object(x["a"])(pa, Yi, Ki, !1, null, null, null);
_a.options.__file = "network.vue";
var ga = _a.exports,
ha = s("4360"),
ba = s("619c"),
fa = s("e37d"),
xa = s("7460"),
va = {
install: function(t) {
if (t.prototype.$swal) {
var e = 0;
t.prototype.$mi_saving_toast = function(s) {
var i = s.animation,
a = void 0 !== i && i,
n = s.toast,
o = void 0 === n || n,
r = s.position,
l = void 0 === r ? "top-end" : r,
c = s.showConfirmButton,
m = void 0 !== c && c,
d = s.type,
p = void 0 === d ? "info" : d,
_ = s.customClass,
g = void 0 === _ ? "mi-info" : _,
h = s.showCloseButton,
b = void 0 === h || h,
f = s.title,
x = void 0 === f ? Object(u["a"])("Saving Changes...", "ga-premium") : f;
return t.prototype.$swal({
customContainerClass: "monsterinsights-swal",
animation: a,
toast: o,
position: l,
showConfirmButton: m,
type: p,
customClass: g,
showCloseButton: b,
title: x
}, t.prototype.$mi_success_toast = function(s) {
if (e--, e > 0) return !1;
var i = s.animation,
a = void 0 !== i && i,
n = s.toast,
o = void 0 === n || n,
r = s.position,
l = void 0 === r ? "top-end" : r,
c = s.showConfirmButton,
m = void 0 !== c && c,
d = s.type,
p = void 0 === d ? "success" : d,
_ = s.timer,
g = void 0 === _ ? 3e3 : _,
h = s.customClass,
b = void 0 === h ? "mi-success" : h,
f = s.showCloseButton,
x = void 0 === f || f,
v = s.title,
w = void 0 === v ? Object(u["a"])("Settings Updated", "ga-premium") : v,
k = s.showCancelButton,
y = void 0 !== k && k,
O = s.confirmButtonText,
j = void 0 === O ? "" : O,
C = s.cancelButtonText,
A = void 0 === C ? "" : C,
P = s.text,
T = void 0 === P ? "" : P;
return t.prototype.$swal({
customContainerClass: "monsterinsights-swal",
animation: a,
toast: o,
position: l,
showConfirmButton: m,
type: p,
customClass: b,
showCloseButton: x,
title: w,
timer: g,
showCancelButton: y,
confirmButtonText: j,
cancelButtonText: A,
text: T
}, t.prototype.$mi_error_toast = function(s) {
var i = s.animation,
a = void 0 !== i && i,
n = s.toast,
o = void 0 === n || n,
r = s.position,
l = void 0 === r ? "top-end" : r,
c = s.showConfirmButton,
m = void 0 !== c && c,
d = s.type,
p = void 0 === d ? "error" : d,
_ = s.customClass,
g = void 0 === _ ? "mi-error" : _,
h = s.showCloseButton,
b = void 0 === h || h,
f = s.title,
x = void 0 === f ? Object(u["a"])("Could Not Save Changes", "ga-premium") : f,
v = s.text,
w = void 0 === v ? "" : v;
return t.prototype.$swal({
customContainerClass: "monsterinsights-swal",
animation: a,
toast: o,
position: l,
showConfirmButton: m,
type: p,
customClass: g,
showCloseButton: b,
title: x,
text: w
}, t.prototype.$mi_loading_toast = function(e) {
customContainerClass: "monsterinsights-swal",
type: "info",
title: e || Object(u["a"])("Loading Settings", "ga-premium"),
allowOutsideClick: !1,
allowEscapeKey: !1,
allowEnterKey: !1,
onOpen: function() {
wa = va,
ka = s("6c6b");
s("5eda"), s("ec61"), s("9efe");
i["a"].config.productionTip = !1, i["a"].use(a["a"]), i["a"].use(ba["a"]), i["a"].use(fa["a"], {
defaultTemplate: '<div class="monsterinsights-tooltip" role="tooltip"><div class="monsterinsights-tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="monsterinsights-tooltip-inner"></div></div>',
defaultArrowSelector: ".monsterinsights-tooltip-arrow, .monsterinsights-tooltip__arrow",
defaultInnerSelector: ".monsterinsights-tooltip-inner, .monsterinsights-tooltip__inner"
}), i["a"].use(xa["a"]), Object(u["c"])(window.monsterinsights.translations, "ga-premium");
var ya = document.getElementById("monsterinsights-vue-site-settings");
ctrl: !0
}), ya && (i["a"].use(wa), new i["a"]({
store: ha["a"],
mounted: function() {
ha["a"].dispatch("$_app/init"), ha["a"].dispatch("$_license/getLicense"), ha["a"].dispatch("$_auth/getAuth"), ha["a"].dispatch("$_addons/getAddons")
render: function(t) {
return t(qi)
var Oa = document.getElementById("monsterinsights-vue-network-settings");
Oa && (i["a"].use(wa), new i["a"]({
store: ha["a"],
mounted: function() {
ha["a"].dispatch("$_app/init"), ha["a"].dispatch("$_license/getLicense"), ha["a"].dispatch("$_auth/getAuth"), ha["a"].dispatch("$_addons/getAddons")
render: function(t) {
return t(ga)
"5e10": function(t, e, s) {},
6605: function(t, e, s) {},
"6d96": function(t, e, s) {},
"6e6e": function(t, e, s) {
"use strict";
var i = s("7c99"),
a = s.n(i);
"7ad9": function(t, e, s) {
"use strict";
var i = s("0b48"),
a = s.n(i);
"7c99": function(t, e, s) {},
8028: function(t, e, s) {},
"803d": function(t, e, s) {
"use strict";
var i = s("6d96"),
a = s.n(i);
8913: function(t, e, s) {
"use strict";
var i = s("5e10"),
a = s.n(i);
9024: function(t, e, s) {},
"961a": function(t, e, s) {
"use strict";
var i = s("f1f3"),
a = s.n(i);
"9efe": function(t, e, s) {},
d533: function(t, e, s) {},
ec61: function(t, e, s) {},
f1f3: function(t, e, s) {},
f604: function(t, e, s) {
"use strict";
var i = s("46ff"),
a = s.n(i);
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