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Making the Wand

Alexander Kozin alkozin

Making the Wand
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extension CLLocation: Asking, Expectable {
static func ask<E>(with: Any?, in pipe: Pipe, expect: Expect<E>) {
let source = with as? CLLocationManager ?? pipe.get()
let handler = { (status: CLAuthorizationStatus) -> Bool in
guard status != .notDetermined else {
return true
|{ (permission: CLAuthorizationStatus) in
| .every { T in
} | .one { U in
} | .any { some in
} | .all { last in
| .every { T in
} | .one { U in
} | .while { E in
//Look to geolocation permissions request to illustrate.
//Request is constructed according to `with` object
//Ask always permissions only if `ask` `with` `CLAuthorizationStatus.authorizedAlways` input argument
//Otherwise `ask` only in use permissions
extension CLAuthorizationStatus: Asking {
static func ask<E>(with: Any?, in pipe: Pipe, expect: Expect<E>) {
let source = with as? CLLocationManager ?? pipe.get()
|.every { T in
|.one { T in
|.while { T in
Expect.every { T in
Expect.while { T in
let expect = { T in
//Put any
func put<T>(_ object: T) -> T
//Get any
func get<T>() -> T?
//Anything from Something
let anything: Anything = something|
let i: Int = float|
let string: String = data|
let front: UIColor = 0x554292|
let back: UIColor? = "#554292"|
//Recognize 4 hands on input
let pipe = |{ (hands: [VNHumanHandPoseObservation]) in
let request: VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest = pipe.get()
request.maximumHandCount = 4
let preview: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer? = pipe.get()