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Last active June 7, 2021 12:01
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Disassemble::X86;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::Piece;
my $opt = {
recvpackets => 'recvpackets.txt',
sync => 'sync.txt',
shuffle => 'shuffle.txt',
servers => 'servers.txt',
server => 'International - iRO: Re:Start',
GetOptions( #
my ( $ragexe ) = @ARGV;
my $cryptkeys = extract_cryptkeys( $ragexe );
my $recvpackets = extract_recvpackets( $ragexe );
my $old_recvpackets = load_recvpackets( $opt->{old_recvpackets} );
my $old_shuffle = load_shuffle( $opt->{old_shuffle} );
update_cryptkeys( $opt->{servers}, $opt->{server}, $cryptkeys );
write_recvpackets( $opt->{recvpackets}, $recvpackets );
write_sync( $opt->{sync}, $recvpackets );
write_shuffle( $opt->{shuffle}, generate_shuffle( $recvpackets, $old_recvpackets, $old_shuffle ) ) if $old_recvpackets && @$old_recvpackets;
# Load the old recvpackets.txt.
# If a shuffle.txt was given, unshuffle the old recvpackets.txt with it.
# Generate a new shuffle.txt from the old and new recvpackets.txt.
sub generate_shuffle {
my ( $new_recvpackets, $old_recvpackets, $old_shuffle ) = @_;
# Unshuffle the old recvpackets.
if ( $old_shuffle && @$old_shuffle ) {
my $reverse_map = { map { $_->{to} => $_->{from} } @$old_shuffle };
my $unshuffled = [];
foreach ( @$old_recvpackets ) {
push @$unshuffled, { %$_, id => $reverse_map->{ $_->{id} } || $_->{id} };
$old_recvpackets = $unshuffled;
# HACK: Add new packets.
my %new_packets = map { $_ => $_ } qw( 0AE0 );
delete $new_packets{ $_->{id} } foreach @$old_recvpackets;
foreach ( 0 .. $#$new_recvpackets ) {
my $id = $new_recvpackets->[$_]->{id};
next if !$new_packets{ $id };
splice @$old_recvpackets, $_, 0, { id => $id };
if (@$old_recvpackets != @$new_recvpackets) {
die sprintf "ERROR: Size of recvpackets changed [%d != %d], shuffle will be wrong. Indicate new packets.\n", scalar @$old_recvpackets, scalar @$new_recvpackets;
# Generate the shuffle!
my $shuffle = [];
foreach ( 0 .. $#$new_recvpackets ) {
my $old = $old_recvpackets->[$_]->{id};
my $new = $new_recvpackets->[$_]->{id};
next if $old eq $new;
push @$shuffle, { from => $old, to => $new };
sub write_shuffle {
my ( $file, $shuffle ) = @_;
open FP, '>', $file;
print FP sprintf "# Generated: %sZ\n", gmtime()->datetime;
foreach ( @$shuffle ) {
print FP sprintf "%s %s\n", $_->{from}, $_->{to};
close FP;
sub load_recvpackets {
my ( $file ) = @_;
return [] if !$file || !-r $file;
open FP, '<', $file;
my $recvpackets = [];
while ( <FP> ) {
next if !/^([0-9A-F]{4}) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+)/os;
push @$recvpackets, { id => $1, length => $2, min_length => $3, repeat => $4 };
close FP;
sub load_shuffle {
my ( $file ) = @_;
return [] if !$file || !-r $file;
open FP, '<', $file;
my $shuffle = [];
while ( <FP> ) {
next if !/^([0-9A-F]{4}) ([0-9A-F]{4})/os;
push @$shuffle, { from => $1, to => $2 };
close FP;
sub update_cryptkeys {
my ( $file, $block, $cryptkeys ) = @_;
return if !-f $file;
open FP, '<', $file;
my @lines = <FP>;
close FP;
# Find the first and last line of the given block.
my $line1 = -1;
my $line2 = -1;
my $linec = -1;
foreach ( 0 .. $#lines ) {
my $line = $lines[$_];
$line1 = $_ if $line =~ /^\[\Q$block\E\]/;
$line2 = $_;
$linec = $_ if $line1 > -1 && $line =~ /^\s*sendCryptKeys /;
last if $line1 > -1 && $line1 != $_ && substr( $line, 0, 1 ) eq '[';
if ( $line1 != -1 && $linec == -1 ) {
$linec = $line2;
$linec-- while $lines[ $linec - 1 ] =~ /^\s*(#|$)/os;
splice @lines, $linec, 0, '';
if ( $linec ) {
$lines[$linec] = sprintf "sendCryptKeys 0x%08s, 0x%08s, 0x%08s\n", uc $cryptkeys->[0], uc $cryptkeys->[1], uc $cryptkeys->[2];
if ( $linec > -1 ) {
open FP, '>', $file;
print FP $_ foreach @lines;
close FP;
sub write_recvpackets {
my ( $file, $recvpackets ) = @_;
open FP, '>', $file;
print FP sprintf "# Generated: %sZ\n", gmtime()->datetime;
foreach ( @$recvpackets ) {
print FP sprintf "%s %s %s %s\n", @$_{qw( id length min_length repeat )};
close FP;
# Generate sync.txt.
# Find a block of 168 consecutive packets with a "2 2 0" signature. Ideally we'd look for packet IDs (085A-0883, 0917-0940) => (0884-08AD, 0941-096A), but packet shuffling makes that hard.
sub write_sync {
my ( $file, $recvpackets ) = @_;
open FP, '>', $file;
print FP sprintf "# Generated: %sZ\n", gmtime()->datetime;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @$recvpackets ; $i++ ) {
next if $recvpackets->[$i]->{length} != 2;
my $j = $i;
$j++ while $j < @$recvpackets && $recvpackets->[$j]->{length} == 2;
my $len = $j - $i;
next if $len < 168;
if ( $len > 168 ) {
print FP sprintf "# WARNING: There should be exactly 168 sync packets, but %d packets were found. This may be incorrect.\n", $len;
foreach ( 0 .. 83 ) {
print FP sprintf "%s %s\n", $recvpackets->[ $i + $_ ]->{id}, $recvpackets->[ $i + 84 + $_ ]->{id};
close FP;
# Search for e8 3f 70 00 00.
# Load up 100k of code.
# Disassemble.
# Emulate.
sub extract_recvpackets {
my ( $file ) = @_;
# Search for the recvpackets definition function.
my $recvpackets_code = get_recvpackets_code( $file );
if ( !$recvpackets_code ) {
print "Failed to extract recvpackets function.\n";
# Disassemble the function.
my $disasm = Disassemble::X86->new( text => $recvpackets_code );
my $recvpackets = [];
my $stack = [];
while ( my $op = $disasm->disasm ) {
printf "%04x %-14s %s\n", $disasm->op_start, unpack( 'H*', substr $recvpackets_code, $disasm->op_start, $disasm->op_len ), $op if $opt->{verbose};
# There are two ways to add to the stack: "mov dword[ss:ebp+$offset],$val" and "push dword(0x1)".
if ( $op =~ /^mov dword\[ss:ebp\+0x([0-9a-f]+)\],0x([0-9a-f]+)/o ) {
use integer;
my ( $offset, $val ) = ( 0xffffffff - hex( $1 ) + 1, hex( $2 ) );
$val = $val - 0xffffffff - 1 if $val > 0xffff;
# $stack->[ $offset / 4 - 1 ] = $val;
push @$stack, $val;
if ( $op =~ /^push dword\(0x([0-9a-f]+)\)/o ) {
use integer;
my $val = hex $1;
$val = $val - 0xffffffff - 1 if $val > 0xffff;
unshift @$stack, $val;
if ( $op =~ /^call 0x([0-9a-f]+)/o && @$stack ) {
last if @$stack != 1 && @$stack != 4;
if ( @$stack == 4 ) {
push @$recvpackets, { id => sprintf( '%04X', $stack->[0] ), length => $stack->[1], min_length => $stack->[2], repeat => $stack->[3] };
@$stack = ();
if ( $op =~ /^ret$/o ) {
@$stack = ();
sub extract_cryptkeys {
my ( $file ) = @_;
# Search for the cryptKeys definition function.
my $cryptkeys_codes = get_cryptkeys_code( $file );
foreach my $cryptkeys_code ( @$cryptkeys_codes ) {
# Disassemble the function.
my $disasm = Disassemble::X86->new( text => $cryptkeys_code );
my $stack = [];
while ( my $op = $disasm->disasm ) {
printf "%04x %-14s %s\n", $disasm->op_start, unpack( 'H*', substr $cryptkeys_code, $disasm->op_start, $disasm->op_len ), $op if $opt->{verbose};
if ( $op =~ /^mov dword\[ecx\+0x([0-9a-f]+)\],0x([0-9a-f]+)/o ) {
push @$stack, $2;
if ( $op =~ /^call /o && @$stack ) {
@$stack = ();
if ( $op =~ /^ret /o ) {
return [ @$stack[ 0, 2, 1 ] ] if @$stack == 3;
@$stack = ();
sub get_recvpackets_code {
my ( $file ) = @_;
# Stopped working 2017-09-20.
# find_code( $file, "\xe8\x3f\x70\x00\x00", 100 * 1024 )->[0];
# find_code( $file, "\xe8\x0f\x71\x00\x00", 100 * 1024 )->[0];
# find_code( $file, "\xe8\x1f\x71\x00\x00", 100 * 1024 )->[0];
# Search for a "mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x??],0x187" instruction.
# NOTE: This is roughly at offset 0x4fa440 in the file.
my ( $part1, $part2 ) = ( "\xc7\x45", "\x87\x01\x00\x00" );
my $locs = find_code_locations( $ragexe, $part2, 3, 0 );
$locs = [ grep { substr( $_->{bytes}, 0, 2 ) eq $part1 } @$locs ];
if ( @$locs != 1 ) {
print "Unable to determine start of recvpackets definition function. @{[scalar @$locs]} possible locations found.\n";
exit 1;
# TODO: If we ever have to search for a packet which isn't the first
# one, we'll need to back up a bit. Maybe search for 0xcc ("int3", used
# as padding between functions) or 0xc3 ("ret")?
# Get 100k of data starting from the location we found.
open FP, '<', $file;
seek FP, $locs->[0]->{offset} - 3, 0;
my $buf;
read FP, $buf, 100 * 1024;
close FP;
sub get_cryptkeys_code {
my ( $file ) = @_;
find_code( $file, "\x83\xf8\x01\x75\x1b", 40, 1 );
sub find_code_locations {
my ( $file, $pat, $bytes_before, $bytes_after ) = @_;
my $result = [];
my $len = length $pat;
open FP, '<', $file;
my $buf = '';
my $off = 0;
while ( read FP, $buf, 8192, length $buf ) {
my $buflen = length $buf;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $buflen - $len - $bytes_after ; $i++ ) {
next if $pat ne substr $buf, $i, $len;
push @$result, { offset => $off + $i, bytes => substr $buf, $i - $bytes_before, $bytes_before + $len + $bytes_after };
$buf = substr $buf, $buflen - ( $len + $bytes_before );
$off += $buflen - ( $len + $bytes_before );
close FP;
# Search for a pattern and load $bytes bytes worth of code after it. Return.
sub find_code {
my ( $file, $pat, $bytes, $all ) = @_;
my $result = [];
my $len = length $pat;
open FP, '<', $file;
my $buf = '';
while ( read FP, $buf, 8192, length $buf ) {
my $buflen = length $buf;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $buflen - $len ; $i++ ) {
next if $pat ne substr $buf, $i, $len;
my $tmp = substr $buf, $i, $bytes;
read FP, $tmp, $bytes - length $tmp, length $tmp if $bytes > length $tmp;
push @$result, $tmp;
last if !$all;
$buf = substr $buf, -$len + 1;
close FP;
0064 c745fc81000000 mov dword[ss:ebp+0xfffffffc],0x81
006b c745f003000000 mov dword[ss:ebp+0xfffffff0],0x3
0072 c745f403000000 mov dword[ss:ebp+0xfffffff4],0x3
0079 c745f800000000 mov dword[ss:ebp+0xfffffff8],0x0
0080 e8fff7ffff call 0xfffff884
297c 6a01 push dword(0x1)
297e 6a03 push dword(0x3)
2980 6a03 push dword(0x3)
2982 6881010000 push dword(0x181)
2987 8bce mov ecx,esi
2989 e8b6d5ffff call 0xffffff44
0000 83f801 cmp eax,0x1
0003 751b jne 0x20
0005 c74104c00c7842 mov dword[ecx+0x4],0x42780cc0
000c c74108dc0aeb1c mov dword[ecx+0x8],0x1ceb0adc
0013 c7410c286df867 mov dword[ecx+0xc],0x67f86d28
001a 33c0 xor eax,eax
001c 5d pop ebp
001d c20400 ret 0x4
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dcyxxt commented Apr 9, 2019

because when i use peek, it will appear dllgen:reference location not found
so i can't get the PacketLengths file

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Will nProtect GameGuard or a patcher-like exe client prevents us to extract packets this way?

With private servers I have been able to extract recvpackets this way, but with this new official server it doesnt show any errors nor successfully extract any recvpackets. This Ragnarok.exe file doesnt go straight into the game but through a patcher-like window, where I have to key in login ID & pw before proceeding to the game.

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