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Created November 17, 2017 21:26
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Plugin to ignore zeny sellers.
package OpenKore::Plugins::Ignore;
use strict;
use Plugins;
use Globals;
use Utils;
use Misc;
use Log;
use AI;
use Time::HiRes qw( time );
our $recent = {};
our $ignore = {};
Plugins::register( 'ignore', 'ignore messages', \&Unload, \&Unload );
my $hooks = Plugins::addHooks( #
[ 'packet_pre/public_chat' => \&onPublicChat ],
[ 'packet_pre/private_message' => \&onPrivateMessage ],
[ 'spread_pm' => \&onSpreadPM ],
[ 'Commands::run/post' => \&onCommandsRunPost ],
sub Unload {
Plugins::delHooks( $hooks );
Log::message( "ignore unloaded.\n" );
sub onCommandsRunPost {
my ( undef, $args ) = @_;
return if $args->{switch} ne 'ignore';
return if $args->{args} !~ /^test (.*)/;
handle_message( 'test', 'self', "$1" );
sub onSpreadPM {
my ( undef, $param ) = @_;
return if $param->{privMsg} !~ /^test (.*)$/;
$param->{return} = handle_message( 'private', $param->{privMsgUser}, "$1" );
$param->{privMsg} = '' if $param->{return};
return $param->{return};
sub onPrivateMessage {
my ( undef, $param ) = @_;
$param->{return} = handle_message( 'private', $param->{privMsgUser}, $param->{privMsg} );
$param->{privMsg} = '' if $param->{return};
return $param->{return};
sub onPublicChat {
my ( undef, $param ) = @_;
my ( $from, $msg ) = $param->{message} =~ /^([^:]+?)\s*:\s*(.*)$/os;
$param->{return} = handle_message( 'public', $from, $msg );
$param->{message} = '' if $param->{return};
return $param->{return};
sub handle_message {
my ( $type, $from, $msg ) = @_;
if ( $msg eq 'Congratulation on Ragnarok 12th anniversary!' || $msg eq 'Enjoy the 12th anniversary event in Comodo island!' ) {
Log::debug( "[ignore] ignored: $msg\n", 'ignore' );
return 1;
return if $from =~ /bearr/i;
Log::debug( "[ignore] message: $msg\n", 'ignore' );
my $now = time;
push @{ $recent->{$from} ||= [] }, { time => $now, msg => $msg };
@{ $recent->{$from} } = grep { $_->{time} > $now - 7 } @{ $recent->{$from} };
$msg = join '', map { $_->{msg} } @{ $recent->{$from} };
# NOTE: "V" is converted to "W" before these tokens are looked at.
my $tokens = [ qw(
cgold 4shop eabcde seagm goldnba z=golds mmook goldcentral
gridgold irozenyshop mmook buyrozeny gameygg zenyragial goldceo
fkgold ggatm thepowerlevel wgolds helper coupon coupons org com
bonus usd www web skype wechat
) ];
# Convert inverted space/underscore.
$msg =~ tr/ _/_ / if $msg =~ /^_.*_$/o;
# Eat question marks.
$msg =~ s/[?]//gos;
# Strip }and{
$msg =~ s/\Q}and{\E//gos;
# < => C
# [ => C
# ( => C
# 0 => O
# () => O
# /\/\ => M
# rn => m
# /Y\ => M
$msg =~ s/[l|]V[l|]/M/gios;
$msg =~ s/!Y!/M/gios;
$msg =~ s/\/\\\/\\/M/gios;
$msg =~ s/\(\)|0/O/gios;
$msg =~ s/<|\[|\(/C/gios;
$msg =~ s/rn/m/gios;
$msg =~ s/[`~\[\]_\/]//gios;
$msg =~ s/V/W/gios;
$msg =~ s/[3W][.,:;]?W+/ www /gios;
# Eat punctuation. This seems risky, but let's give it a try. The
# regexes below could just match whitespace, since the punctuation is
# already gone.
$msg =~ s/["'.,:;#@*+-]+//gos;
@$tokens = reverse sort { length $a <=> length $b } @$tokens;
foreach ( @$tokens ) {
my $pat = join '[\s.,:;#@-]*', split //;
$msg =~ s{$pat}{ $_ }gis;
my $pat = '\b(?:' . join( '|', @$tokens ) . '|[\dO]*\s*usd?|(?:[uas]|rm|eur)\$?[\dO]+|[\dO]+[m$]|safe|zeny|quick|skype|gift)\b|[-\s]+\d+$';
my @matches = grep {$_} $msg =~ /($pat)/gi;
# Check for MMOOK, who seems to be pretty aggressive, and is unlikely to get matched in normal conversation.
my @aggressives = $msg =~ /(m.*m.*o.*o.*k)/gi;
push @matches, @aggressives;
Log::debug( "[ignore] modify: $msg\n", 'ignore' );
Log::debug( "[ignore] pattern: $pat\n", 'ignore' );
Log::debug( "[ignore] matches: " . @matches . ": " . join( ' ', map {"[$_]"} @matches ) . "\n", 'ignore' );
return if @matches < 3;
# The server only ignores a certain number of characters.
# Silently ignore offenders that the server isn't ignoring for us.
if ( !$ignore->{$from} || timeOut( $ignore->{$from} ) ) {
Log::warning( "[ignore] Auto-ignoring character [$from] due to offensive $type message.\n" );
$messageSender->sendIgnore( $from );
$ignore->{$from} = { time => time, timeout => 60 };
Log::debug( "[ignore] ignored: $msg\n", 'ignore' );
return 1;
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