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Forked from bitfishxyz/complex2.js
Created February 12, 2020 02:54
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const actions = new Map([
['guest_1', ()=>{/*do sth*/}],
['guest_2', ()=>{/*do sth*/}],
['guest_3', ()=>{/*do sth*/}],
['guest_4', ()=>{/*do sth*/}],
['guest_5', ()=>{/*do sth*/}],
['master_1', ()=>{/*do sth*/}],
['master_2', ()=>{/*do sth*/}],
['master_3', ()=>{/*do sth*/}],
['master_4', ()=>{/*do sth*/}],
['master_5', ()=>{/*do sth*/}],
['default', ()=>{/*do sth*/}],
const onButtonClick = (identity,status)=>{
let action = actions.get(`${identity}_${status}`) || actions.get('default')
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