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Internet slang, abbreviations, and emoticons

Internet slang and abbreviations

Slang Variations In use? Meaning
|  ||
|| |_
| || || |_ Yes Loss
/s Yes Sarcasm (suffix)
3cool5u 3cool5me Yes "Too cool for you"; from "2cool4u"
420 Yes "Marijuana"
afaik Yes "As far as I know"
afk Yes "Away from keyboard"
asl a/s/l Yes "Age/sex/location?"; sexual context
atm Yes "At the moment"
atw Rare "All the way"; expresses approval
ayy ayy lmao Yes "Yeah"; often accompanies humor/thanks
bae Yes Informal/sarcastic form of "baby"
bb Yes "Baby" / "Be back"
bbiab Rare "Be back in a bit"
bbl Yes "Be back later"
bbs Yes "Be back soon"
bc b/c, cuz Yes "Because"
bf Yes "Boyfriend"
bff Yes "Best friend forever"
bork borked Yes "Break" / "Broken"
brb Yes "Be right back"
btw Yes "By the way"
cba Yes "Can't be arsed"
convo Yes "Conversation"
cp Yes "Child porn" (internet taboo)
cya Yes "See ya [later]"
cya cu Yes "See you [later]"
dank Yes Similar to "cool"
dc d/c, dc'd Yes "Disconnect(ed)" / "Don't care"
dem feels No Reaction to emotional text
dw Yes "Don't worry"
e2e e2ee Yes "End-to-end [encryption]"
fml Yes "Fuck my life" (jokingly)
FOMO Yes "Fear of missing out"
FTFY Yes "Fixed that for you" (sarcastic)
ftl Yes "For the lose"; expresses dislike
ftw Yes "For the win"; expresses approval
fwiw Yes "For what it's worth"
fyi Yes "For your information"
g2g gtg Yes "Got to go"
g4u Yes "Good for you"; often sarcastic
gf Yes "Girlfriend"
gg Yes "Good game"; occasionally "got to go"
goml Yes "Get on my level"
gr8 No "Great"
gratz congratz Yes "Congratulations"
gtfo Yes "Get the fuck out"
guiz Yes "Guys"; meant to sound stupid
hbu Yes "How 'bout you?"
hru Yes "How are you?"
ianadb Yes "I am not a doctor, but..."
ianalb Yes "I am not a lawyer, but..."
ianap Yes "I am not a photographer"
idc Yes "I don't care"
idgaf Yes "I don't give a fuck"
idk idfk, idek Yes "I don't (fucking/even) know"
iirc Yes "If I recall correctly"
ik Yes "I know"
ikr inorite Yes "I know, right?"
ily ilu Yes "I love you"
inb4 Yes "In before"; prefixes a prediction
irl Yes "In real life"
jfc Yes "Jesus fucking Christ"
jk Yes "Just kidding"
John Cena Yes Similar use to "Chuck Norris"
JOHN CENA Yes Comonly used spam phrase
js Yes "Just sayin'"
k kk Yes "Okay"
kappa keepo Yes Sarcasm
kek kekekek Yes Translates to "lol"; laughter
kms Yes "Kill myself" (jokingly)
kthx kthxbai Yes "'kay-thanks(-bye)"; implies firmness
l8r No "Later"
leet l33t, 1337 Yes Slang for "elite"
lmao lmfao Yes "Laughing my (fucking) ass off"
lmk Rare "Let me know"
lol lulz, lel, lawl Yes "Laugh out loud"
LPT Yes "Life Pro Tip"
lrl Rare "Laughing really loudly"
lrn2 Yes "Learn to ..."; e.g. "lrn2read"
m8 m9 Yes "Mate"
maga Yes "Make America Great Again" (Trump)
mfw Yes "My feeling when"
mrw Yes "My reaction when"
nerf Yes "Weaken"; e.g. "ak47 is op, plz nerf"
ngl Yes "Not gonna lie"
nm Rare "Not much"; occasionally "never mind"
nmu Rare "Not much, you?"
noob nub Rare Slang for "newbie"
nu Yes Cute "no"
nvm Yes "Never mind"
ofc Yes "Of course"
omf Rare "Oh my fuck"
omg omfg Yes "Oh my (fucking) god"
omw Yes "On my way"
ooc Yes "Out-of-context"
op Yes "Overpowered"
OP Yes "Original post(er)"
orly Yes "Oh really?"
pepe Yes Poorly-drawn frog from 4chan
pleb plebs Yes "Plebian(s)"; conformist; "noob"
pleb tier Yes Of "noob"/conformist quality
plz pls, pl0x Yes Please
pron pr0n, pr0nz Yes "Pornography"
pwned pwn Rare "Powned"; like "owned"
REEEEEEEE Yes Onomatopoeia; very angry
rekt Yes "Wrecked"; like "owned"
rickroll Yes Common prank involving Rick Astley
rip Yes Laughter in response to failure
rly Yes "Really"
rms Rare Richard Stallman
rofl Rare "Rolling on floor laughing"
rotflol No "Rolling on floor laughing out loud"
rtfm Yes "Read the fucking manual"
rude rood Yes Response to insult/taunt
shank Yes Stab
smd Yes "Suck my dick"
smh Yes "Shake my head"
soz sry Yes "Sorry"
swag swagger Yes Coolness (sarcastic)
tbf Yes "To be fair"
tbh Yes "To be honest"
tbt Yes "Throwback to"
TIFU Yes "Today I fucked up" (e.g., "TIFU by...")
tf Yes "... the fuck?" / "That feeling"
tfw Yes "That feeling when"
thx Yes "Thanks"
tide Yes What angsty teens claim to eat
TIL Yes "Today I learned"
tl;dr tl;dw Yes "Too long; didn't read" / "... watch"
tmw Yes "That moment when"
tolo Rare "Tits out legs open"
topkek toplel Yes Neologism of "kek"; laughter
ty Yes "Thank you"
uwotm8 Yes "You what mate?!"
w00t woot No Exclamation of joy
wb Yes "Welcome back"
wot wat Yes "What"; meant to sound stupid
wtb Yes "Want-to-buy"; looking to buy
wtf Yes "What the fuck"
wtg w2g Rare "Way to go"; sarcastic
wts Yes "Want-to-sell"; looking to sell
wuu2 Rare "What [are] you up to?"
yarly Yes "Yeah, really"
ymmv Yes "Your mileage may vary"
yolo yoloswag Yes "You only live once"
yw Yes "You're welcome"


Slang Variations Meaning
dump Sell, often in panic
hodl "Hold!" (as opposed to "sell")
moon Where the value of cryptocurrency is headed
pump Buy, often to deliberately inflate price
pumpdump What whales do
segwit Segregated Witness (controversial update to BTC)
segwit2x Segregated Witness v2 (controversial update to BTC)
altcoin shitcoin Anything other than bitcoin
tether A coin meant to be equal to 1 unit of fiat currency; used for regulation evasion
whale Rich person

Ticker symbols

ID Currency Notes
BTC Bitcoin The original cryptocurrency
BCH Bitcoin Cash Userbase is largely Chinese
BTG Bitcoin Gold
DOGE Dogecoin Early joke altcoin
ETH Ethereum Popular
LTC Litecoin The original altcoin
USDT Tether: USD
XBT Bitcoin Less common than BTC
XRP Ripple



Emoticon Description
:) Smile
:( Frown
:P Raspberry (tongue sticking out)
:c Cute frown
:< Cute frown
c: Cute smile
<: Devious smile
:L Uneasy; can also be drooling
:l Uneasy; can also be drooling
:/ Uneasy or disapproving
:\ Uneasy or disapproving
^_^ Cartoon smile
^.^ Cartoon smile
>_< Cartoon grimace
>.< Cartoon grimace
>_> Looking sideways; avoiding eye contact
<_< Looking sideways; avoiding eye contact
>.> Looking sideways; avoiding eye contact
<.< Looking sideways; avoiding eye contact
-.- Angry stare ("not amused")
-_- Angry stare ("not amused")
o_o Small eyes; aghast
o.o Small eyes; aghast
._. Small eyes; aghast
owo Small eyes; aghast
OwO Wide eyes; aghast
;_; Crying
>:) Evil grin
:] Robot smile
:} Devious smile
:| Serious face
>:( Angry
>:| Angry
-.^ Raised eyebrow
-_^ Raised eyebrow
8) Nerdy/geeky face
B) Cool face with shades
<3 Heart
xD Cringe-smile
:3 Cute, innocent kitty face
x3 Combination of xD and :3
o/ Waving
\o Waving
\o/ Cheering; arms in the air
;_; Crying
OwO Cute, similar to :3 but newer, eyes open
uwu Cute, similar to :3 but newer, eyes closed
O:) Innocent; person with halo over head
:# Mouth zippered shut
:* Kiss (puckered lips)


Proper emoji use non-Latin characters to create complex, detailed faces. There are a lot of combinations; I'll only list emoji that I see often.

Emoji Description
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Shrug ("idk")
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) Flip table
┬──┬ ¯\_(ツ) Restore flipped table
(╯°□°)╯ Gasp, hands in the air
ಠ_ಠ Skeptical/not-amused stare
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Trollface/"Lenny" (doesn't print properly in some browsers)
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