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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Coursera IIPP Mini-project number 4
import simplegui
my_number = int(0)
n_stops = int(0)
n_stops_on_zero = int(0)
is_running = False
def timer_handler():
global my_number
my_number += 1
print my_number
def draw_handler(canvas):
canvas.draw_text(format(my_number), (20, 20), 20, 'White')
canvas.draw_text(str(n_stops_on_zero) + '/' + str(n_stops), (100, 20), 20, 'White')
def start_handler():
global is_running
is_running = True
def stop_handler():
global n_stops
global is_running
if is_running:
n_stops += 1
is_running = False
if my_number % 10 == 0:
global n_stops_on_zero
n_stops_on_zero += 1
def reset_handler():
global my_number
global n_stops
global n_stops_on_zero
my_number = 0
n_stops = int(0)
n_stops_on_zero = int(0)
def format(t):
"""From t tenths of a second, return time in 0:00.0 format as a string"""
A, B, C, D = 0, 0, 0, 0
t = t / 10.0 # Puts t into seconds, not tenths
if t > 59: # Figure the minutes
A = int(t // 60)
t = t - (A * 60) # Subtract, now t is in seconds
t = str(t) # Change t to a string
t = t.replace('.', '') # And get rid of the decimal in it
l = len(t)
D = t[l-1] # The last element in t is the tenths
C = t[l - 2] # Second to last is the ones
if l == 3: # And third to last, if it exists, is the tens
B = t[l - 3]
return str(A) + ':' + str(B) + str(C) + '.' + str(int(D))
timer = simplegui.create_timer(100, timer_handler)
frame = simplegui.create_frame('Stopwatch', 150, 150)
start_button = frame.add_button('Start', start_handler)
stop_button = frame.add_button('Stop', stop_handler)
reset_button = frame.add_button('Reset', reset_handler)
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