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Created August 4, 2012 16:03
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FFT utilities from stackoverflow user nico in this community wiki:
# Gets the frequencies returned by the FFT function
getFFTFreqs <- function(Nyq.Freq, data)
if ((length(data) %% 2) == 1) # Odd number of samples
FFTFreqs <- c(seq(0, Nyq.Freq, length.out=(length(data)+1)/2),
seq(-Nyq.Freq, 0, length.out=(length(data)-1)/2))
else # Even number
FFTFreqs <- c(seq(0, Nyq.Freq, length.out=length(data)/2),
seq(-Nyq.Freq, 0, length.out=length(data)/2))
return (FFTFreqs)
# FFT plot
# Params:
# x,y -> the data for which we want to plot the FFT
# samplingFreq -> the sampling frequency
# shadeNyq -> if true the region in [0;Nyquist frequency] will be shaded
# showPeriod -> if true the period will be shown on the top
# Returns a list with:
# freq -> the frequencies
# FFT -> the FFT values
# modFFT -> the modulus of the FFT
plotFFT <- function(x, y, samplingFreq, shadeNyq=TRUE, showPeriod = TRUE)
Nyq.Freq <- samplingFreq/2
FFTFreqs <- getFFTFreqs(Nyq.Freq, y)
FFT <- fft(y)
modFFT <- Mod(FFT)
FFTdata <- cbind(FFTFreqs, modFFT)
plot(FFTdata[1:nrow(FFTdata)/2,], t="l", pch=20, lwd=2, cex=0.8, main="",
xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="Power")
if (showPeriod == TRUE)
# Period axis on top
a <- axis(3, lty=0, labels=FALSE)
axis(3, cex.axis=0.6, labels=format(1/a, digits=2), at=a)
if (shadeNyq == TRUE)
# Gray out lower frequencies
rect(0, 0, 2/max(x), max(FFTdata[,2])*2, col="gray", density=30)
ret <- list("freq"=FFTFreqs, "FFT"=FFT, "modFFT"=modFFT)
return (ret)
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