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Created November 29, 2015 18:13
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Thin an input point layer (e.g., animal telemetry locations) based on a user-specified grid for output to a SDM routine. Set up to use ESRI shapefiles, this can be modified.
# Allen Aven November 2015
# Function to thin a point input layer according to an input raster
pt_thin <- function(infile, grid=grid, n_points=5) {
layer_name=str_replace(basename(infile), '.shp', '')
output_layer_name = paste0(layer_name, '_thinned')
# Read the input shapefile
in_pt <- readOGR(dsn=dsn, layer=layer_name)
# Check for projection agreement between points and grid. If not, transform points.
if(!identical(showEPSG(proj4string(grid)), showEPSG(proj4string(in_pt)))) {
in_pt <- spTransform(in_pt, CRS(proj4string(grid)))
# Thin the points
thinned_coords <- dismo::gridSample(xy=in_pt, r=grid, n=n_points)
# Handle the output
out_sp <- data.frame(x=thinned_coords[,1], y=thinned_coords[,2], dataset=output_layer_name)
coordinates(out_sp) <- data.frame(x=out_sp$x, y=out_sp$y)
crs(out_sp) <- CRS(proj4string(grid))
# Finally write the resulting shapefile to disk, same directory as input files
writeOGR(out_sp, dsn=dsn, layer=output_layer_name,
driver='ESRI Shapefile', overwrite_layer=TRUE)
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