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Last active March 14, 2018 14:01
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Coin Flip Conundrum
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
# 0 = Head, 1 = Tail
def start_flipping_coin(target, saved):
return flip_until(target, 0, 0, saved)
def flip_coin():
return random.randint(0, 1)
# This is curcial part, doesn't mean you just go back one step.
# Because it assumes you are tossing the coin consecutively.
# So, if the your target is {H,T} or {T,H}, then
# If the second toss is not correct, you will still continue with the 2nd toss.
# If the target size is 3, it will be totally different
def step_back(target, step, coin):
if target[0] != target[1]:
if step == 1 and target[0] == coin:
return 1
return 0
if step == 0 or target[step] == coin:
return step
return step_back(target, step - 1, coin)
def flip_until(target, step, count, saved):
if step >= len(target):
return count
coin = flip_coin()
count += 1
if saved is not None:
if target[step] == coin:
step += 1
step = step_back(target, step, coin)
return flip_until(target, step, count, saved)
def main():
target1 = [0, 1]
target2 = [0, 0]
total_turns = 10000
tossed1 = 0
coins1 = []
for i in range(total_turns):
tossed1 += start_flipping_coin(target1, coins1)
if coins1[-2:] != target1:
print("Error1!") # This is a check to make sure the coin set is correct
coins1 = []
tossed2 = 0
coins2 = []
for i in range(total_turns):
tossed2 += start_flipping_coin(target2, coins2)
if coins2[-2:] != target2:
coins2 = []
print("Target: {} average steps = {}".format(target1, tossed1 / total_turns))
print("Target: {} average steps = {}".format(target2, tossed2 / total_turns))
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