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Created May 18, 2017 04:44
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multiply the stat ctime value of a directory of files
use strict;
use Time::HiRes;
my $rat = shift @ARGV;
my $dir = shift @ARGV;
$rat ||= 1;
-d $dir or die "$0 <ratio> <dir>";
my @files = `find $dir -type f`;
my %f = ();
my $min_time = 999_999_999_999;
my $max_time = -1;
foreach my $file ( @files ) {
chomp $file;
my @stat = Time::HiRes::stat( $file );
my $ctime = $stat[10];
$f{ $file } = $ctime;
$min_time = $min_time < $ctime ? $min_time : $ctime;
$max_time = $max_time > $ctime ? $max_time : $ctime;
my $dur_time = $max_time - $min_time;
foreach my $file ( sort {$f{$a}<=>$f{$b}} keys %f ) {
my $rel_time = $f{ $file } - $min_time;
my $new_time = $rel_time * $rat;
print $new_time, "\t", $file, "\n";
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