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Created August 16, 2012 22:53
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  • Save allenluce-zz/3374329 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save allenluce-zz/3374329 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
On the project view:
+ Can you confirm that these are new, additional data that we will
collect from the user, keep associated with a project, and allow the
owning user to edit?
- Project Title
- Project photo
- Project location
- Project description
- Focus area association
- Twitter hash tags associated with this project
+ If the project photo isn't new data, and is instead derived from a story:
- Does it come from the first story?
- Does it come from a random story?
+ Focus areas:
- Should we just take these to be a union of what story focus areas?
+ Project likes, views, and comments count:
- Are these specific to the project, or a summary of what's on the
- If they are a summary, are they to be unique among users (i.e. one
user liking two stories translates to a single project like), or
just a straight total?
+ Project participants:
- Are these just the story creators?
- If not, can people add themselves to a project?
- Or ask the project owner to add them?
- Can a project owner add anyone to a project?
- Or maybe instead request that someone be added to it, and that
person then confirms?
[maybe these will be handled like Facebook friend requests?]
+ Does "last updated" mean:
+ The last time a story was added (this is the easiest to implement)?
+ The last time any story within the project got an update?
+ The last time the project was edited (title, participants, stories
added/removed, etc)?
+ Story questions:
+ Are these specific to the project, or from the stories themselves?
+ Twitter Hash Tags
+ Allow the project owner to pick them?
+ Force it to be something based on the name?
+ On the "Stories" page:
+ Are we going to have a separate "All Stories" (and "All Projects")
+ Shouldn't we instead have this page allow you to see all stories
and all projects via pagination?
+ Should we convert pagination to in-place AJAX pagination?
Other views/partials we'll need to create:
+ List of all projects
+ What projects am I following?
+ What projects do I own?
+ Who is on my projects?
+ Adding/dropping stories on my projects
+ Editing project static info,
+ Modify the existing "More stories from this project" partial on the
story view to include more project info (link to the project page,
project title, etc.)
+ Modify map to include story locations
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