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Last active April 6, 2021 03:44
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python ariadne usage

python ariadne usage

query = QueryType()
type_defs = gql("""
type Query {
hello: String!
# ...and assign our resolver function to its "hello" field.
def resolve_hello(_, info):
# print(info)
# print(info.context)
# return "oops"
request = info.context["request"]
user_agent = request.headers.get("user-agent", "guest")
return "Hello, %s!" % user_agent
schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query)
type_defs = gql("""
schema {
query: Query
scalar Datetime
type User {
id: String!
email: String!
age: Int!
size: Size!
type Size {
width: Int!
height: Int!
type Query {
hello: String!
sum(x: Int, y: Int): Int!
now: Datetime
user(email: String): User
query = QueryType() # ObjectType("Query")
user = ObjectType("User")
def resolve_hello(*_):
return "Hello!"
def resolve_sum(obj: Any, info:GraphQLResolveInfo, x: int, y: int):
# obj: Any, info: GraphQLResolveInfo
return x + y
def resolve_user(obj: Any, info:GraphQLResolveInfo, email: str):
return {
'email': "email",
'age': 0,
'size': {
'width': 10,
'height': 20,
def resolve_user_id(obj: Any, info: GraphQLResolveInfo):
email = obj['email']
_id = email.split("@")[0]
return _id
datetime_scalar = ScalarType("Datetime")
def datetime_serializer(value):
print("QQ", value)
return value.isoformat()
def resolve_now(obj: Any, info: GraphQLResolveInfo):
return arrow.get()
schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, [query, user, datetime_scalar])
field_nodes=[FieldNode at 12:27],
return_type=<GraphQLNonNull <GraphQLScalarType 'Int'>>,
parent_type=<GraphQLObjectType 'Query'>,
path=ResponsePath(prev=None, key='sum'),
schema=<graphql.type.schema.GraphQLSchema object at 0x1092b5ac8>,
operation=OperationDefinitionNode at 0:29,
context={'request': <Request '' [POST]>})
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