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Last active July 13, 2016 02:04
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#There are some useful batch files.

#There are some useful batch files.

ECHO Which PROJECT do you want to sign?
ECHO 1. D17
ECHO 2. D15
ECHO 3. E15
Set /p PROJECT=Please type the number:
if "%PROJECT%" == "1" goto D17
if "%PROJECT%" == "2" goto D15
if "%PROJECT%" == "3" goto E15
set SKU=D17
goto exec
set SKU=D15
goto exec
set SKU=E15
goto exec
xcopy /y Unsigned\*.efi %SKU%\*.efi
for /f "eol= tokens=1" %%i in ('dir /b %SKU%\*.efi') do (
cd SignTool\X64\
IF "%%i"=="H2OFFT-Sx64.efi" (
echo ==================
echo Use Insyde Sign tool.
echo ==================
iEFIFlashSigner.exe signefi -n Pegatron_%SKU%_SecureFlash -in ..\..\%SKU%\%%i
) ELSE (
echo ==================
echo Use MS Sign tool.
echo ==================
signtool.exe sign /n Pegatron_%SKU%_SecureFlash ..\..\%SKU%\%%i
cd ..\..
goto end
echo ==================
echo end of sign tool
echo ==================
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