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Created March 1, 2021 19:57
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stacktrace for probe-rs NXP LPC54608 CMSIS fw
../cargo-flash/target/debug/cargo-flash --release --example blinky --chip-description-path ../probe-rs/probe-rs/targets/LPC546xx\ Series.yaml --chip LPC54608J512ET180 --features="rt mcu-lpc54608j512et180" --log trace
DEBUG cargo_flash > Changed working directory to .
DEBUG probe_rs_cli_util > Running 'cargo' in directory /Users/allexoll/Desktop/lpc546xx-hal
Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s
warning: lint `legacy_directory_ownership` has been removed: converted into hard error, see issue #37872 <> for more information
--> /Users/allexoll/Desktop/lpc-pac/lpc546xx/src/
5 | #![deny(legacy_directory_ownership)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(renamed_and_removed_lints)]` on by default
warning: lint `plugin_as_library` has been removed: plugins have been deprecated and retired
--> /Users/allexoll/Desktop/lpc-pac/lpc546xx/src/
12 | #![deny(plugin_as_library)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: lint `safe_extern_statics` has been removed: converted into hard error, see issue #36247 <> for more information
--> /Users/allexoll/Desktop/lpc-pac/lpc546xx/src/
14 | #![deny(safe_extern_statics)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unknown lint: `unions_with_drop_fields`
--> /Users/allexoll/Desktop/lpc-pac/lpc546xx/src/
16 | #![deny(unions_with_drop_fields)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unknown_lints)]` on by default
warning: 4 warnings emitted
Flashing /Users/allexoll/Desktop/lpc546xx-hal/target/thumbv7em-none-eabi/release/examples/blinky
DEBUG probe_rs::config::registry > Searching registry for chip with name LPC54608J512ET180
INFO probe_rs::flashing::download > Found loadable segment, physical address: 0x00000000, virtual address: 0x00000000, flags: 0x4
INFO probe_rs::flashing::download > Matching section: ".vector_table"
INFO probe_rs::flashing::download > Found loadable segment, physical address: 0x00000124, virtual address: 0x00000124, flags: 0x5
INFO probe_rs::flashing::download > Matching section: ".text"
INFO probe_rs::flashing::loader > Found 2 loadable sections:
INFO probe_rs::flashing::loader > .vector_table at 00000000 (292 bytes)
INFO probe_rs::flashing::loader > .text at 00000124 (488 bytes)
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::loader > Adding data: ExtractedFlashData { name: [".vector_table"], address: 0, data: "[..] (292 bytes)" }
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::loader > Adding data at address 0x00000000 with size 292 bytes
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::loader > Adding data: ExtractedFlashData { name: [".text"], address: 124, data: "[..] (488 bytes)" }
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::loader > Adding data at address 0x00000124 with size 488 bytes
DEBUG jaylink > libusb
DEBUG jaylink > libusb has capability API: true
DEBUG jaylink > libusb has HID access: false
DEBUG jaylink > libusb has hotplug support: true
DEBUG jaylink > libusb can detach kernel driver: false
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink::tools > Device Bus 020 Device 009: ID 1fc9:0090
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink::tools > Could not open 1fc9:0090 in CMSIS-DAP v2 mode
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink::tools > No device returned from open_v2_device
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink::tools > Attempting to open 1fc9:0090 in CMSIS-DAP v1 mode
INFO cargo_flash > Protocol speed 1000 kHz
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 00, FE, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [00, 01, 04, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 00, FF, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [00, 02, 00, 04, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 00, F0, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [00, 01, 13, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Detected probe capabilities: Capabilities { swd_implemented: true, jtag_implemented: true, swo_uart_implemented: false, swo_manchester_implemented: false, atomic_commands_implemented: true, test_domain_timer_implemented: false, swo_streaming_trace_implemented: false }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attaching to target system (clock = 1000kHz)
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 02, 01, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [02, 01, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 11, 40, 42, 0F, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [11, 00, 04, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 04, 00, 50, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [04, 00, 00, 04, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 13, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [13, 00, 13, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 12, 38, FF, FF, FF, FF, FF, FF, FF, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [12, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 12, 10, 9E, E7, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [12, 00, 04, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 12, 38, FF, FF, FF, FF, FF, FF, FF, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [12, 00, 00, 04, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 12, 08, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [12, 00, 13, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Successfully changed to SWD.
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 01, 00, 01, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [01, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=DebugPort, addr=0)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 1 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 1 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 01, 02, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 01, 01, 77, 14, A0, 2B, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 1 of batch of 1 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Debug Port version: DPv1
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading DP register DPIDR
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=DebugPort, addr=0)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 1 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 1 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 01, 02, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 01, 01, 77, 14, A0, 2B, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 1 of batch of 1 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Read DP register DPIDR, value=0xDPIDR { .0: 2ba01477, revision: 2, part_no: ba, min: false, version: 1, designer: 23b, jep_cc: 4, jep_id: 3b }
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > DebugPort ID: DebugPortId {
revision: 0x2,
part_no: 0xba,
version: DPv1,
min_dp_support: NotImplemented,
designer: JEP106Code({ cc: 0x04, id: 0x3b } => Some("ARM Ltd")),
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing DP register ABORT, value=0xAbort { .0: 1e }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=0, data=0x0000001e
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing DP register SELECT, value=0xSelect { .0: 0, ap_sel: 0, ap_bank_sel: 0, dp_bank_sel: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x00000000
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Requesting debug power
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing DP register CTRL/STAT, value=0xCtrl { .0: 50000000, csyspwrupack: false, csyspwrupreq: true, cdbgpwrupack: false, cdbgpwrupreq: true, cdbgrstack: false, c_dbg_rst_req: false, trn_cnt: 0, mask_lane: 0, w_data_err: false, read_ok: false, sticky_err: false, stick_cmp: false, trn_mode: 0, sticky_orun: false, orun_detect: false }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=4, data=0x50000000
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading DP register CTRL/STAT
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=DebugPort, addr=4)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 4 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 4 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 04, 00, 1E, 00, 00, 00, 08, 00, 00, 00, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 50, 06, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 04, 01, 00, 00, 00, F0, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 4 of batch of 4 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Read DP register CTRL/STAT, value=0xCtrl { .0: f0000000, csyspwrupack: true, csyspwrupreq: true, cdbgpwrupack: true, cdbgpwrupreq: true, cdbgrstack: false, c_dbg_rst_req: false, trn_cnt: 0, mask_lane: 0, w_data_err: false, read_ok: false, sticky_err: false, stick_cmp: false, trn_mode: 0, sticky_orun: false, orun_detect: false }
TRACE probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Searching valid APs
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading register IDR
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Changing AP to 0, AP_BANK_SEL to 15
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing DP register SELECT, value=0xSelect { .0: f0, ap_sel: 0, ap_bank_sel: f, dp_bank_sel: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x000000f0
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort(0), addr=252)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 2 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 2 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 02, 08, F0, 00, 00, 00, 0F, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 02, 01, 11, 00, 77, 24, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Read register IDR, value=0xIDR { REVISION: 2, DESIGNER: 23b, CLASS: MEMAP, _RES0: 0, VARIANT: 1, TYPE: AMBA_AHB3 }
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading register IDR
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Changing AP to 1, AP_BANK_SEL to 15
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing DP register SELECT, value=0xSelect { .0: 10000f0, ap_sel: 1, ap_bank_sel: f, dp_bank_sel: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x010000f0
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort(1), addr=252)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 2 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 2 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 02, 08, F0, 00, 00, 01, 0F, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 02, 01, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Read register IDR, value=0xIDR { REVISION: 0, DESIGNER: 0, CLASS: Undefined, _RES0: 0, VARIANT: 0, TYPE: JTAG_COM_AP }
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading register IDR
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Changing AP to 0, AP_BANK_SEL to 15
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing DP register SELECT, value=0xSelect { .0: f0, ap_sel: 0, ap_bank_sel: f, dp_bank_sel: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x000000f0
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort(0), addr=252)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 2 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 2 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 02, 08, F0, 00, 00, 00, 0F, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 02, 01, 11, 00, 77, 24, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Read register IDR, value=0xIDR { REVISION: 2, DESIGNER: 23b, CLASS: MEMAP, _RES0: 0, VARIANT: 1, TYPE: AMBA_AHB3 }
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading register BASE
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort(0), addr=248)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 1 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 1 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 01, 0B, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 01, 01, 03, F0, 0F, E0, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 1 of batch of 1 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Read register BASE, value=0xBASE { BASEADDR: e00ff, _RES0: 0, Format: ADIv5, present: true }
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading register BASE2
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort(0), addr=240)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 1 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 1 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 01, 03, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 01, 01, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 1 of batch of 1 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Read register BASE2, value=0xBASE2 { BASEADDR: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register CSW, value=CSW { DbgSwEnable: 1, HNONSEC: 1, PROT: 6, CACHE: 3, SPIDEN: 0, _RES0: 0, MTE: 0, Type: 0, Mode: 0, TrinProg: 0, DeviceEn: 0, AddrInc: Single, _RES1: 0, SIZE: U8 }
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Changing AP to 0, AP_BANK_SEL to 0
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing DP register SELECT, value=0xSelect { .0: 0, ap_sel: 0, ap_bank_sel: 0, dp_bank_sel: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x00000000
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=0, data=0xe3000010
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading register CSW
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort(0), addr=0)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 3 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 3 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 03, 08, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 10, 00, 00, E3, 03, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 03, 01, 50, 00, 00, 23, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 3 of batch of 3 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Read register CSW, value=0xCSW { DbgSwEnable: 0, HNONSEC: 0, PROT: 2, CACHE: 3, SPIDEN: 0, _RES0: 0, MTE: 0, Type: 0, Mode: 0, TrinProg: 0, DeviceEn: 1, AddrInc: Single, _RES1: 0, SIZE: U8 }
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > HNONSEC supported: false
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > AP 0: MemoryAp(MemoryApInformation { port_number: 0, only_32bit_data_size: false, debug_base_address: 3759140864, supports_hnonsec: false })
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register CSW, value=CSW { DbgSwEnable: 0, HNONSEC: 1, PROT: 2, CACHE: 3, SPIDEN: 0, _RES0: 0, MTE: 0, Type: 0, Mode: 0, TrinProg: 0, DeviceEn: 0, AddrInc: Single, _RES1: 0, SIZE: U32 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=0, data=0x63000012
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading register DRW
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 3 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 3 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 03, 01, 12, 00, 00, 63, 05, F0, ED, 00, E0, 0F, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 03, 01, 00, 00, 01, 03, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 3 of batch of 3 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Read register DRW, value=0xDRW { data: 3010000 }
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000ed30 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe000ed30
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: 1f }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12, data=0x0000001f
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: a05f0001 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12, data=0xa05f0001
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register CSW, value=CSW { DbgSwEnable: 0, HNONSEC: 1, PROT: 2, CACHE: 3, SPIDEN: 0, _RES0: 0, MTE: 0, Type: 0, Mode: 0, TrinProg: 0, DeviceEn: 0, AddrInc: Single, _RES1: 0, SIZE: U32 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=0, data=0x63000012
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002000 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe0002000
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading register DRW
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 7 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 7 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 07, 05, 30, ED, 00, E0, 0D, 1F, 00, 00, 00, 05, F0, ED, 00, E0, 0D, 01, 00, 5F, A0, 01, 12, 00, 00, 63, 05, 00, 20, 00, E0, 0F, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 07, 01, 60, 02, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 7 of batch of 7 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Read register DRW, value=0xDRW { data: 260 }
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002008 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe0002008
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12, data=0x00000000
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000200c }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe000200c
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12, data=0x00000000
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002010 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe0002010
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12, data=0x00000000
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002014 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe0002014
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12, data=0x00000000
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002018 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe0002018
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12, data=0x00000000
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000201c }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe000201c
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12, data=0x00000000
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::loader > Using builder for region (0x00000000..0x00080000)
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::loader > Algorithm lpc5460x_512 - start: 0x000000 - size: 0x080000
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::loader > Algorithm lpc5460x_mt25ql128 - start: 0x10000000 - size: 0x1000000
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::loader > Algorithms: [RawFlashAlgorithm { name: "lpc5460x_512", description: "LPC5460x IAP 512kB Flash", default: true, instructions: [192, 11, 112, 71, 71, 73, 70, 72, 73, 68, 8, 96, 70, 73, 0, 32, 8, 96, 72, 96, 69, 73, 8, 96, 2, 32, 65, 7, 8, 112, 0, 32, 112, 71, 0, 32, 112, 71, 248, 181, 65, 76, 50, 32, 76, 68, 33, 70, 0, 37, 15, 38, 97, 196, 20, 49, 61, 72, 62, 79, 72, 68, 12, 60, 0, 145, 184, 71, 96, 105, 0, 40, 13, 209, 52, 32, 97, 196, 53, 72, 72, 68, 0, 104, 32, 96, 54, 72, 12, 60, 72, 68, 0, 153, 184, 71, 96, 105, 0, 40, 0, 208, 1, 32, 248, 189, 248, 181, 48, 77, 196, 11, 50, 32, 77, 68, 17, 197, 41, 70, 12, 49, 45, 72, 45, 78, 44, 96, 15, 70, 72, 68, 8, 61, 176, 71, 104, 105, 0, 40, 14, 209, 52, 32, 17, 197, 36, 72, 44, 96, 72, 68, 0, 104, 104, 96, 36, 72, 57, 70, 72, 68, 8, 61, 176, 71, 104, 105, 0, 40, 0, 208, 1, 32, 248, 189, 248, 181, 20, 70, 6, 0, 14, 209, 3, 204, 98, 104, 64, 24, 33, 104, 137, 24, 64, 24, 161, 104, 64, 24, 225, 104, 64, 24, 33, 105, 64, 24, 64, 66, 96, 97, 8, 60, 22, 77, 240, 11, 77, 68, 50, 33, 104, 96, 41, 96, 168, 96, 41, 70, 20, 49, 18, 79, 40, 70, 0, 145, 184, 71, 104, 105, 0, 40, 17, 209, 51, 32, 172, 96, 65, 197, 1, 32, 128, 2, 104, 96, 8, 72, 72, 68, 0, 104, 168, 96, 9, 72, 8, 61, 72, 68, 0, 153, 184, 71, 104, 105, 0, 40, 0, 208, 1, 32, 248, 189, 0, 0, 224, 46, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 128, 2, 0, 64, 128, 3, 0, 64, 8, 0, 0, 0, 5, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], pc_init: Some(5), pc_uninit: Some(35), pc_program_page: 177, pc_erase_sector: 107, pc_erase_all: Some(39), data_section_offset: 312, flash_properties: FlashProperties { address_range: 0..524288, page_size: 1024, erased_byte_value: 255, program_page_timeout: 300, erase_sector_timeout: 3000, sectors: [SectorDescription { size: 32768, address: 0 }] } }]
TRACE probe_rs::flashing::builder > Added Sector (0x00000000..0x00008000)
TRACE probe_rs::flashing::builder > Added Page (0x00000000..0x00000400)
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::flasher > Full Chip Erase enabled: false
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::flasher > Double Buffering enabled: true
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::flasher > Initializing the flash algorithm.
DEBUG probe_rs::flashing::flasher > Halting core.
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register CSW, value=CSW { DbgSwEnable: 0, HNONSEC: 1, PROT: 2, CACHE: 3, SPIDEN: 0, _RES0: 0, MTE: 0, Type: 0, Mode: 0, TrinProg: 0, DeviceEn: 0, AddrInc: Single, _RES1: 0, SIZE: U32 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=0, data=0x63000012
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: a05f0003 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12, data=0xa05f0003
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading register DRW
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 17 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 17 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 11, 05, 08, 20, 00, E0, 0D, 00, 00, 00, 00, 05, 0C, 20, 00, E0, 0D, 00, 00, 00, 00, 05, 10, 20, 00, E0, 0D, 00, 00, 00, 00, 05, 14, 20, 00, E0, 0D, 00, 00, 00, 00, 05, 18, 20, 00, E0, 0D, 00, 00, 00, 00, 05, 1C, 20, 00, E0, 0D, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 11, 01, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 17 of batch of 17 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Read register DRW, value=0xDRW { data: 0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort(0), addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface > Reading register DRW
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort(0), addr=12)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 2 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 2 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 02, 05, F0, ED, 00, E0, 0F, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 02, 04, 50, 00, 00, 23, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > fault
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Read(port=DebugPort, addr=4)
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 1 items in batch
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 1 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00, 01, 06, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 01, 01, 20, 00, 00, F0, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 1 of batch of 1 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > ack
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > Ctrl/Stat register value is: Ctrl { .0: 4026531872, csyspwrupack: true, csyspwrupreq: true, cdbgpwrupack: true, cdbgpwrupreq: true, cdbgrstack: false, c_dbg_rst_req: false, trn_cnt: 0, mask_lane: 0, w_data_err: false, read_ok: false, sticky_err: true, stick_cmp: false, trn_mode: 0, sticky_orun: false, orun_detect: false }
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=0, data=0x00000004
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > draining 2 and retries left 4
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > Attempting batch of 0 items
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Transmit buffer: [00, 05, 00]...
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink::commands > Receive buffer: [05, 00, 00, 60, 02, 00]...
DEBUG probe_rs::probe::daplink > 0 of batch of 0 items suceeded
TRACE probe_rs::probe::daplink > nack
Erasing sectors ✔ [00:00:00] [-------------------------------------------------------------] 0B/ 32.00KB @ 0B/s (eta 0s )
Programming pages ✔ [00:00:00] [-------------------------------------------------------------] 0B/ 1.00KB @ 0B/s (eta 0s )
Error 0: Something during the interaction with the core went wrong
1: A core architecture specific error occured
2: Failed to read register DRW at address 0x0000000c
3: An error specific to the selected architecture occured
4: Target device did not respond to request.
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