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Created January 25, 2022 06:35
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import SwiftUI
struct StartView: View {
@State var monthlySaving: String = ""
@State var yearlyReturn: String = ""
@State var savings: String = ""
@State var amountToReach: String = ""
@State var yearsSaving: String = ""
@State private var tapped = false
@State private var savingsChoice = 0
var yearsSavingCalculation: String {
// guard monthlySaving.isEmpty == false, yearlyReturn.isEmpty == false, savings.isEmpty == false else { return "Please fill in all fields" } do I even need this code? the app works the same without it, for now.
guard let mS = Double(monthlySaving), let yR = Double(yearlyReturn), let sav = Double(savings), let yS = Double(yearsSaving) else { return "Error" }
let interest = (yR/100.0)
let interestOnExistingCapital = 1 + (yR/100.0)
let monthlyInterest = 1 + (interest/12.0)
let monthlyInterestDecimal = interest/12.0
let totalMonthsSaving = yS * 12.0
let yearlyInterestMonthCompound = (pow(monthlyInterest, totalMonthsSaving) - 1.0)
let yearlyInterestCapital = pow(interestOnExistingCapital, yS) // I think that calculating the existing capital on a yearly basis is more fair. See monthly compunding in the comment code below
// let yearlyInterestCapital = pow(monthlyInterest, totalMonthsSaving) // compunded monthly
let finalCalculation = (sav * yearlyInterestCapital) + (mS * yearlyInterestMonthCompound/monthlyInterestDecimal)
return String(format: "%.2f", finalCalculation)
// var reachAmountCalculation: String {
// guard monthlySaving.isEmpty == false, yearlyReturn.isEmpty == false, savings.isEmpty == false else { return "" } same comment as above, do I need this code?
// guard let mS = Double(monthlySaving), let yR = Double(yearlyReturn), let sav = Double(savings), let yS = Double(yearsSaving), let amount = Double(amountToReach) else { return "Error" }
// let interest = (yR/100.0)
// let interestOnExistingCapital = 1 + interest
// let amountDivided = amount/sav
// let amountFinalCalc = (log(amountDivided)) / (log(interestOnExistingCapital))
// return String(format: "%.2f", amountFinalCalc)
// } This calculation is still ongoing for calculating the amount to reach, havent figured out the math yet :)
let gradientColors = Gradient(colors: [,])
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ZStack {
LinearGradient(gradient: gradientColors, startPoint: .top, endPoint: .bottom)
ScrollView {
VStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Monthly savings:")
.padding(.top, 30)
TextField("Enter value", text: $monthlySaving)
Text("Yearly return:")
TextField("Enter return", text: $yearlyReturn)
Text("Current savings:")
TextField("Enter savings", text: $savings)
Picker("Savings", selection: $savingsChoice) {
GeometryReader { proxy in
ZStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
HStack {
Text("Number of years saving:")
Image(systemName: "")
TextField("Number of years", text: $yearsSaving)
HStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Text("Get Result")
.frame(width: 200, height: 50)
.shadow(color: .black.opacity(0.3), radius: 5, x: 5, y: 5)
if tapped == true {
Text("After \(yearsSaving) years you will have saved a total of \(yearsSavingCalculation)")
.background(LinearGradient(gradient: gradientColors, startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))
.offset(x: savingsChoice == 0 ? 0 : -proxy.size.width, y: 0)
.animation(.default, value: savingsChoice)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
HStack {
Text("Amount to reach:")
Image(systemName: "")
.foregroundColor(yearsSaving.isEmpty == false ? .gray : .black)
TextField("Enter amount", text: $amountToReach)
// .disabled(yearsSaving.isEmpty == false ? true : false)
HStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Text("Get Result")
.frame(width: 200, height: 50)
.shadow(color: .black.opacity(0.3), radius: 5, x: 5, y: 5)
if tapped == true {
Text("After \(yearsSaving) years you will have saved a total of \(yearsSavingCalculation)")
.offset(x: savingsChoice == 1 ? 0 : proxy.size.width, y: 0)
.animation(.default, value: savingsChoice)
.navigationTitle("Return Calculator")
struct StartView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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