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Last active February 15, 2020 13:23
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네이버 지도 v3, 장고 위젯 예시

네이버 지도 v3 지도, 장고 Point 위젯

from django import forms
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator
from .widgets import NaverMapPointWidget
class PostForm(forms.Form):
point = forms.CharField(validators=[RegexValidator(r'^[+-]?[\d\.]+,[+-]?[\d\.]+$')], widget=NaverMapPointWidget)
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ naver_client_id }}"></script>
#naver_map_point_{{ id }} {
width: {{ width }};
height: {{ height }};
<div id="naver_map_point_{{ id }}"></div>
(function() {
var base_point = new naver.maps.LatLng({{ base_lat }}, {{ base_lng }});
var map = new naver.maps.Map(document.getElementById('naver_map_point_{{ id }}'), {
center: base_point
var marker = new naver.maps.Marker({
position: base_point,
map: map
naver.maps.Event.addListener(map, 'click', function(e) {
document.getElementById('{{ id }}').value = e.coord.lng() + ',' +;
# 중략
NAVER_CLIENT_ID = '' # FIXME: 를 통해 발급
import re
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
class NaverMapPointWidget(forms.TextInput):
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
if not attrs: attrs = {}
attrs['readonly'] = 'readonly'
width = str(self.attrs.get('width', 800))
height = str(self.attrs.get('height', 600))
if width.isdigit():
width += 'px'
if height.isdigit():
height += 'px'
context = dict(attrs, **self.attrs)
# default point : 강남역
context['base_lat'] = '37.497921'
context['base_lng'] = '127.027636'
context['naver_client_id'] = settings.NAVER_CLIENT_ID
context['width'] = width
context['height'] = height
if value:
lng, lat = re.findall(r'[+-]?[\d\.]+', value)
context['base_lat'] = lat
context['base_lng'] = lng
except (IndexError, ValueError):
rendered = super(NaverMapPointWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs)
html = render_to_string('naver_map_point_widget.html', context)
return rendered + html
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