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Last active July 25, 2016 21:56
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Little Shop DTR - Ryan, Lane, Angela

Setting Group Expectations

Group Member Names: Ryan, Lane, Angela

  1. When are group members available to work together? What hours can each group member work individually? Are there any personal time commitments that need to be discussed?
  • Angela - tentative - mostly can alternate between staying late (8 or 9ish), and staying around 6 or 6:30. Cannot stay late on Thursdays but will be available online around 8:30pm. Can come at 8am to work on stuff. Does work late into the night until a good stopping point is reached.
  • Lane - flexible, generally don't like to stay super late - max of 8pm. Can be here early in mornings. Will generally close down for the night around 9:30.
  • Ryan - Don't want to stay later than 8pm working together at school. Can be at school at 8pm to work on stuff. Will generally close down for the night around 9:30pm.
  1. How will group members communicate? How often will communication happen, and how will open lines of communication be maintained?
  • Checking in in person every day, communicating via slack. If we all agree to do something and you cannot for some reason, post it in the slack channel or come to each of us and let us know.
  • Personal issues - we are all comfortable communicating individually if this happens.
  1. Which feature(s) does each group member want to work on? Which feature(s) does each group member not want to work on?
  • Angela - have no preference - don't really want to drive the styling
  • Lane - everything - feeling not so strong in all areas generally so would like a chance to build confidence in all areas.
  • Ryan - have no preference - pushing for TDD
  1. What does each group member hope to get out of the project?
  • Angela - Fun! Good group dynamic and workflow. Good TDDing. Really solid understanding of the cart process. Waffle.
  • Lane - Really want to work on TDD, git workflow, time management.
  • Ryan - Git workflow, good group experience, come out of it more comfortable in Rails, to the point where I can go into more than a few steps without looking it up.
  1. What is the agreed upon Git workflow? What project management tool will be used? What is the agreed upon procedure for conducting code reviews before merging into master: who will review pull requests, and when?
  • Management tool: waffle
  • Conducting code reviews: rebasing..
  • No pushing our own pull requests, never push to master, always work on a branch, make meaningful and syntactically correct commit messages("This commit will...."
  1. What is expected of group members when they run into problems implementing a feature?
  • Do due diligience. Try to figure it out on your own - google, mentors, etc. Then reach out to the group.
  • Timebox: 15 minutes - 20 minutes if you feel close.
  1. How does each group member want feedback (both positive and constructive) to be delivered?
  • Angela - however you feel most comfortable delivering it to me
  • Lane - same as Angela, and would love feedback throughout the process
  • Ryan - same, directly, time sensitively
  1. Is there anything else the group should know about personal work/communication styles?
  • Angela - hardheaded to understand a different approach - stop me and show me what you mean
  • Lane - Sometimes when I don't understand something, I will back off of driving, when I should be digging in and doing the driving. Please don't let me back off if you see me doing this.
  • Ryan - I gravitate to working individually, but sometimes I work at too rapid of a pace that isn't beneficial to others. Please just say something so that we can all keep on the same page if this happens.
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